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Messages - Sammael

Pages: [1]
I would just go for "Specialized Practioner" as a higher, evolved, form of Focused Practitioner. Iīm guessing their going for something like it in the Paranet Papers.

DFRPG / Re: What's happening in your game then?
« on: July 12, 2014, 10:09:09 AM »

The museum of ethnography has discovered that a number of cultural importance has gone missing. Maria Sjöstrand, a private detective often consulted by the museum for item acquisition, investigation and evaluation, is given a call by the director. She accepts and calls her archeologist friend, and oftentimes strong man Will Dorenius. Together with Simas Kope, Willīs anthropology major Simas Kope does also get dragged along for the ride.

Then as they begin their investigation they run in to The Raven, a fallen nephilim wet-works man, who has often crossed paths with Maria before.

Together they are on the trail of three artifacts just as a branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis has set up shop in town.

DFRPG / Re: How to run a set piece ?
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:19:08 PM »
For me horror is the unknown and being faced with something much tougher than you are. At the same time you canīt  find a easy escape.
For example a insane ghost that materialises behind your characters, grabbs them and separates them (with a block). Think like a movie monster or Batman. How do you split them up and tear them apart?

In my game a big troll-monster grappled a player and set up a wall of deadly wines between the rest of the party. left alone the troll could squeeze the life out of her bit by bit. And just as they came through the wines the monster dragged her away into the forest. The green tentacles rustling the leaves as it melted with the shadows. Naturally they pursued. They arenīt, or should I say werenīt, too bright. . .

Bonus points if they canīt really do anything against you, like physical immunity. And their only hope is banding together, backing away step after step as your nightmare-apparition of pure eyes and darkness creep toward them. The Fluff of World Of Darkness is great for ideas.

So in general itīs more about Tactics.

Then thereīs always mental combat and the consequences that can have on the characters. Who sayīs all murderers and maniacs got there by normal means?
I sometimes ask my players to roll against conviction if they see something traumatic, or a fate-point if they have a good reason.

DFRPG / law question cunundrum! (transformation)
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:19:21 PM »
Hi, iīve been thinking about the "donīt change anothers shape" law. . . . . if there is someone who wants to be changed to a still human form, just different, how would that work, warden-law wise?

Like a Male to female transsexual, for example?

DFRPG / feeding dependency question
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:15:51 PM »
Hi. low-level question:

When a vampire uses his powers at the end of the scene/conflict he/she is supposed to take Hunger damage to his hunger stress track. Is this the sum of the refresh (Inhuman str, though, rec=6) or the number of times the powers are used?.

DFRPG / Re: WCV Questions
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:17:11 PM »
In the books, itīs said that people with enough time can discover their magical talent.

DFRPG / Re: When to Invoke for Effect and when to Tag for a Bonus
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:19:44 PM »
Mine has always been a Tag is just a free Compel without a fate point, so anyone can pay a FP to reject it.

DFRPG / Re: When to Invoke for Effect and when to Tag for a Bonus
« on: December 19, 2013, 11:59:10 PM »
I am abit new to GM:ing but hereīs how Iīve solved it for now:

If someone wants a specific game effect like disarmed, or Rooted to the spot, they make a manouver and invoke for effect.
This means the Disarmed cannot use Guns for X amount of turns (until the maneuver breaks or I deem in plausible). The guy who is Rooted To The Spot canīt change zones for the duration of the spell/maneuver.

I think this can make some tactical gameplay, with "status effects" kind of modifiers for my players. In this way we can launch people of skyscrapers with suitable Difficulty (number to beat) and a tag.
Can also be used to Paralyze, put to sleep and Confuse people. . .

Dresden used Flamethrower!
It was super Effective!

DFRPG / Re: Maneuvers Help
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:57:55 PM »
re: Fire

You don't necessarily need to have them roll against the environment.   Doing this could give the scene more urgency to a scene but sometimes it bogs things down.  Instead, you could use the aspect to compel them to do other things.

"you want to leave because the police are coming, but you don't want to leave innocent people in a burning building" (although, that may be more related to one of their aspects)

"you can't go back out the front door because it's blocked with fire"

"one of the enemies escapes because your view of them is obscured by smoke"

These are all compels using the "building on fire" aspect.

You just compel the aspect when it's important.

He who walks behind puts up silence.  It's a fact.  Certain things are a given:  gun-fire won't be heard therefore other people are not likely to come and investigate etc... You should only compel it when it complicates something.

- If the PC's are trying to over-hear people talk about their evil plan, you compel them to not hear the plan (which leaves them in the dark and makes things harder for them).  If they turn it down, you can allow them to roll (although, the evil-doers probably won't be able to hear each other talk, so turning down the compel allows the PC's to read gestures/lips)

- The PC's are doing maneuvers that require speech (maybe even spellcasting).  Compel them to say those actions don't work.  If they turn it down, you can, if you want, still increase the difficulty but say they do it using gestures.

-Penalize an alertness roll or automatically fail one to be ambushed.

When the silence really Matters that's when you compel.  Those are just examples off the top of my head and, maybe, not great ones.
Thx for the help.
So if a compell "fail", I.E gets bought out, I can increase the difficulty. I am going to re-read HWWB in Our World again but Iīm going to guess that if He success he Declares the Fact or sets up a Block.If all my players buy out I can still increase the roll to a unproboable difficulty.

DFRPG / Re: Maneuvers Help
« on: November 06, 2013, 07:17:47 PM »
Have your player use his tag to Invoke For Effect. The guy loses his weapon rating and has to attack with a skill other than Guns, unless of course he has another gun.

Even if they don't use their tag like that, the guy is still disarmed. His weapon isn't in his hand. Aspects are always true. But they don't do anything, mechanically, unless Invoked or Compelled. So maybe you, as the GM, come up with some excuse for the gunman to keep attacking after being disarmed.

Probably easier just to Compel the guy, though.

What do you find confusing about fire and HHWB?

It's an attack like any other. Mechanically, making rocks fall on someone isn't any different from throwing a grenade at them.

There aren't really any rules that limit invoking for effect. It's all up to the GM and their discretion.

You spend a Fate Point or a tag, something happens.

And that's it.

Itīs in the examples Iīve heard of a "burning house" aspect can be used to give all the players in the affected zones a contest roll, until the aspect goes away. Iīm abit iffy on how it i Done. I get that the GM can "Make it so", iīm just trying to find my grounding, the rules and whatnot.
Similarly if He Who Walks Behind makes his "zone of Silence" attack and Literally takes away all sound, how is it resisted (If the players spend FP). I guess the roll can be weak, or I make something up as to why it doesenīt go off.

So mainly, for the Fire, I can go "As long as "building on fire, not your fault"  is active Iīm calling for a contest roll" and then take it from there?

For the rocks Iīm trying to fit it into my head:
Mook with grenade makes a Maneuver which he tags if successful/Declare with a roll/FP. The roll is made with might+ weapon rating or explosive-related stat+ aspect bonus to represent the crushing weight of the rocks. All in all somewhere in the 10-12/ or just 8-12, because "Rocks Are Heavy" TM, which I could compell.

DFRPG / Maneuvers Help
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:14:33 PM »
Hi. new GM here.

I have read the book YS 5/6 times and I canīt precisely wrap my head around a few things, though I think I get the basics.

For maneuvers the add a factor which you can tag for a +2, that I get. But Iīm wondering how I should apply the "disarmed" aspect on a gunman. If he canīt reach his gun, he canīt attack right?. But as I understand it the aspect only gives a +2 modifier, unless compelled by players or GM.
So if a player wants to "disarm" someone for sure. . .how do I correctly model it?

I guess if the maneuver goes through by Compel or roll I make it a Contest to find the gun/sword again?/remove the aspect. Unless the aspect crumbles on itīs own?
Iīm also confused with Fire Hazards, HWWB Zone of Silence and Indirect attacks. For example, a guy lobs a grenade to collapse the cave roof over the heroes. The roll gets decided by throwing, but how do i deal with the damage from the tonnes of rocks?

Itīs mainly that I donīt really get how to GM aspects for effect, apart from compels and they can always be resisted.

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