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Messages - jyn8462

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DF Spoilers / Re: Black Council named in Fist full of warlocks? *Spoilers*
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:54:14 AM »
The circle is all about have power will use. About challenging the status quo and seizing that power for themselves. The actual name is a play on the pentacle, the circle in it representing being bound under human will(probably better translated as mortal will, the ability to choose) So the circle by calling themselves that are declaring their intention to grasp and hold power under their own wills. Makes some sense, yes?
He knows the secret, he must be purged!

I don't think MS is Death, not really she might be part of the aspect of death for mortals, or she could be a goddess (or as near as a pure force of nature can be) of death like the Fate was, but I'm not convinced she's Death. I mean if she was wouldn't she have to move around a lot? She lost her walking stick but that hasn't harmed her purpose at all, nor limited her from it.

Though a fun fact the stories (IIRC) of the fates in Norse Myth were they were all blind and the three of them shared one eye given/taken/bargained from Odin. Which would be another link to winter for Odin. He and MS could have had a fight and well....cleaver...though you'd think it would be on display somewhere in the cottage...

I hear what you are saying, but the notion of MW switching using her false teeth as the different mantles sounds soooo awesome.   ;)
I agree that does sound awesome, and the idea of her as some aspect of death, or at least some how the inspiration for mortals to create this avitar of death does sound awesome. However while the name of Death does fit for MW, it's not even close for MS and she did say 'our' so the name has to fit both, and just saying life and death are two different things is both a cop out, and two DIFFERENT names.

Kringle did make a comment that lots of immortals run around wearing other masks or mantles on Halloween night if that's what you're after (and Bob made a comment about how masks on Halloween for mortals mean that immortals can't be sure that it's not another immortal under the mask).
I'm still not convinced that the mask of kringle isn't just that, a mask that Odin wears sometimes. Maybe he oly ever interacts with Fae as kringle so as to be involved, but not intruding, that would fit with the WoJ about how the King of Winter being a wlyd fae that just interacts without staking territory. He has a certain power that he brings to it (thus granting him respect from the fae), he doesn't get involved with their power struggles (cuz he's mostly retired god, so he don't give a ****), he is undeniably related some how to winter in one way or another, hell for all we know waaaaaaaaaaaay back when he and Mab were actually related back before he and she both became what they are now. I mean hell maybe he's her Daddy or something (think about it, can you imagine the man who would survive getting down with Mother Iron Teeth?).

Or really scarey thought, maybe all the old immortals, are family in one way or another. Like the old gods and such creatures are all related some how. I mean I know the red king was only the way he was because of a powerful spirit from the nevernever that had like infected him or something, but still godly powerful and such.

Ahah! So the question of whether or not Kringle suffers from contact with Bane is still unanswered.

Thanks for the quote and clarification. :)
I just want to ask his, but is Kringle a mantle, like the Knight of Winter/Summer, or is it just a mask for Odin when he feels like it?

I mean it makes some sense for Kringle to be Odin's invention, Odin was the "father" of the Norse Gods IIRC and they were a very cold group, and I think I can recall stories that Odin rewarded those who were good and punished the wicked (naughty) so there could be some room there for dumbing down the idea for children and to make it seem nicer, but there are some old stories that say Father Christmas wasn't associated with either gift giving or children until recently (we're talking hundred or more years), so that could mean the mask/persona that Odin made has been reinterpreted by people and co-opted into the christmas mythos.

But again I'm not really clear on the distinction between the mantle of Kringle as a idea vs the idea that Odin was just wearing an illusion (probably a very good one if he could do it around fae and have them at least play along with it) hat he created sometime in the past for some reason.

I don't have my copy handy, so I don't remember if Kringle got smacked with the stock or the barrel. (The stock would be wood, the barrel steel--and the stock may or may not have a steel butt-plate on it as well, depending upon the model.)
He never actually gets hit with the gun, Harry uses it to block he sword and when he is on top of him holds it like a club, but he doesn't hit him with it. [Cold Days, 404]

Odin was not transformed into a fae (his entire office is in stainless steel...). That's because he was a god in the first place. If Mother Winter is Death, there is no reason she became a faerie.
but is he an actual member of the fae court the way Mab and Mother Winter are?

You do present a good argument for MW not being Fae in some sense, or for the office of Winter's Eldest being like the office of Knight (in that Harry can handle iron, he only has problems if it penetrates his skin).
I feel it should be said that the knights have to be mortals, that's the point, that is why Harry can handle Iron. If the mantle of Mother Winter had been passed to a mortal, say to a changeling then that person would have gotten transformed into a fey
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And at a certain moment they get used to it and ask fewer and fewer questions and everyone hoards all information they can get. Not only superiors telling nothing to their people but also the other way round. It has become a mindset. It is like Harry's joke in dead beat. But the joke was a way of telling the truth.
Still there would have to be a certain amount of sharing of information or there wouldn't be any information to put into reports.

I just find it hard to believe the counsel would have found out about Mab meddling with his mind (which had no witnesses to the identity of said meddler, and it's also unlikely given the aforementioned reluctance of wizards with sharing information that Harry would have told anyone), but they would have no information at all in a report on the character of a potentially dangerous wizard about the fight said wizard had with a Naagloshii (which is a rather powerfully dangerous creature). It just feels inconsistent.

The point is there are strong indications they are that way to each other as well especially with important information.
Yea I can see that. Might just be a personal thing, I would have trouble with not getting a straight answer to something like that incident, especially if I was one of those wardens and had concerns about Harry. Though I suppose if on of my bosses essentially told me to shove my badgering questions where the sun don't shine I'd have to settle for quietly stalking Harry to try to find out.

Might have asked and got some vague or cryptic answer. Wizards are terrible in sharing information. The number of times Harry should have told things to his friends and did not. Ebenezar is even worse. Remember Harry's reaction when Molly in changes explained about the speaking stone. Thomas and the donut in smal Favor.

It is not just Harry and Eb. They are all like that. That makes it so difficult to tell what the council knows about Harry. Each fact or each lie (or combination of those) can have a different spreading among the wizards of the white council.
Each of those instances is sharing information with non-wizards, I'm not saying that wizards tell each other everything, but you have to admit they are more likely to discuss topics like the speaking stones with another wizard rather than a vanilla mortal.

Both Listen to Wind and Ebenezar are friendly to Harry. They might not even tell that much about it to other wizards. They are wizards after all.
I do agree that they may not have told the counsel of the fight or at least not the details of it, but you would think this is the sort of thing the wardens would want to know about, I mean this possibly dark wizard time-bomb runs off in the middle of an all out assault on three members of the senior counsel and then when Listens to Wind is found later after having gone to find him they find Harry out cold with injuries and Listen to Wind has a broken arm. You'd think some one would have asked what happened.

Does anyone besides Harry ever comment on it, though?
Yes Nicodemus mentioned it "There are rumors that a certain Warden has been flinging Hellfire at his foes." [Small Favor, 242]. Though given the source it is entirely possible that no one in the counsel would have this information, at least if they are actually loyal to the counsel.

Report of multiple sorcerer confrontation (Age 30)
       •   Appointed Regional Warden Commander by  Captain Anastasia Luccio
       •   Initiated multi-warden combat  with Class 1 Sorcerers (Necromancers)
               o   Grevane (deceased)
               o   Capriocorpus (deceased)
               o   Cowl (Reported at large by Dresden)
       •   All Wardens present except Dresden and Ramirez were disabled or killed
       •   Initiated Necromansic animation of 65 million year old T-Rex (Sue) and
                used zombie to kill Necromancers and disrupt “Darkhallow” ritual.
Maybe a mention that some time during these events he gained/started a quarrel of some kind through unknown means with the Erlking.

Notice of confrontation with magical being (Age 32)
       •   Warden training camp attaqcked by Ghouls
               o       2 trainees were kidnapped and killed
               o      Dresden shows conversational skill in Ghoul language
               o      Upon death of trainees Dresden demonstrates unstable emotional state
                          Extreme torture of Ghoul as method of execution
I feel like there was a mention in White Night that since that event Ghouls haven't attacked Wizards as often or something like that and this might be reflected in the report.

Report of exposure to psychic manipulation (Age 33)
       •   Queen Mab removed all knowledge and memory of fire magic from Dresden's conscious mind
               o   Spell reversed by Knight of the Cross (Michael Carpenter)
               o   Shortly after this incident Dresden lost almost all contact with Thomas Raith.
Would the counsel have this information? How would they have gotten it? It's unlikely that Harry told them and as far as I can remember he never told anyone who actually did the manipulation.

Official notification to Council that Dresden was harboring fugitive Warden (Age 35)
       •   Negotiated peaceful transfer of prisoner to senior council
       •   Assignation attempt on Senior Council Members
               o   While negotiating transfer of Donald Morgan Senior Council members were attacked
                         by a large army of beings from the never never as well as a Naagloshii.
Should there be mention that Dresden was able to survive, at least for a time, direct and single combat with the Naagloshii prior to Listens to Wind's arrival? Maybe another mention of the assessments of his skills being inadequate.

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