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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« on: July 30, 2013, 02:50:22 AM »
Seeing as how i'm using this in EtA, i figured i'd post it.

Description: You wield power over the physical and mythological aspects of the Sun and the Moon. This power is generally wielded by priests, witches, and druids.
Sponsor: This power is often self sponsored, gained by heliomancers and menemancers who learn to blend the two arts. However, gods of Day and Night will often grant this power to their followers. If so, it is sponsored by them. Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto, Apollo, Selune, Helios, Artemis, Horus, Ra, Quetzalcoatl, Svarog, Nut, Sekhmet, Hecate, and Chang’e are all gods or goddesses whose portfolios include the sun or the moon, and thus are capable of granting this power.
Agenda: The preservation of the balance between Day and Night. Protection of both the Sun and the Moon against creatures who would do harm to either, such as vampires who want the sun to go out, Summerfae who would love daylight everlasting, and so on. If granted by a god, that god’s agenda.
Evocation:You can manipulate aspects of the sun and the moon. From the moon, you gain power over darkness, cold, gravity, earth, oceans, blood, time, trickery, and madness. From the sun, you gain power over light, fire, electromagnetism, nuclear forces, radiation, space, growth, battle, and plants.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with Astromancy make use of the same themes as Evocation cast with it, but their applications lean towards the abilities of deities of the day, the night, and the sun and the moon.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with Astromancy can be cast with evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: The power granted by the sun and the moon changes depending on which one of those is in the sky at the moment. During the day, you gain the Sight. During the night, you gain Cloak of Shadows. 

The extremely broad evocation elements are where people might take issue, but that's honestly a flavor thing. Trapping someone in a recursive space loop (Block vs Conviction/Alertness/Lore) isn't much different than imposing your will on someone's motor centers via Spirit evocation (Block vs Conviction/Discipline/Might). They're also fairly accurate representations of the portfolios of the gods mentioned above.

I remember WoJ that magic doesn't really work when you're beyond the Earth or something. I can imagine the Pro-Nightists using magic smoke or whatever to obscure the sky, but how would the Pro-Sunners reach the moon?

DFRPG / Re: New Original Villains
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:43:59 PM »
Not intentionally. I was trying to come up with an idea for a 3rd/4th law breaker who wasn't just a crazy raving villain but somebody with a Big Plan to make the world better via black magic, so...

Ah. I actually like the idea of her being a bad future version of someone else, but the well intentioned extremist thing works too. Come to think of it, an older Gruff brother gone rogue would be terrifying...

DFRPG / Re: New Original Villains
« on: May 27, 2013, 11:00:45 AM »
Power Level: Chest Deep
High Concept: Mind-bender/Police Officer
Trouble: Hiding from the White Council
Other Aspects: I Can Fix Crime; Item Dependent; Skill Over Brute Force; Petty Power Trips; Outwardly A Good Cop

Superb – Discipline
Great – Conviction, Lore
Good – Deceit, Fists
Fair – Alertness, Contacts, Resources
Average – Athletics, Driving, Empathy, Guns, Presence

Armed Arts (Fists): use baton, knife with Fists
Takes One to Know One (Deceit): defend against lies in social conflict using Deceit

Lawbreaker (Third) [-2]
Lawbreaker (Fourth) [-2]
Refinement [-2]
Thaumaturgy [-3]


Thaumaturgy – Complexity: Psychomancy +1.

Focus Items
Earring: +2 Complexity with Psychomancy

Enchanted Items

Mindreader's Ring (3 slots) – Fantastic/Complexity 6 mind-reading (surface thoughts) effect, 3 uses/session
Defensive Ring (3 slots) – Fantastic block (or Armor:3), 3 uses/session
2 potion slots


Mental OOOO
Physical OO
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -11
Remaining Refresh: -3

Carries a Weapon:1 baton and a Weapon:2 handgun. In dangerous areas, may wear an Armor:1 vest.

Complexity 7 with Psychomancy when she has her focus item (which is pretty much always), plus she gets a +2 bonus from Lawbreaker on nearly all psychomancy rolls.

Huh. Is that, like, an evil mashup of Molly and Murphy?

DFRPG / Re: Ladder after Legendary
« on: May 13, 2013, 05:48:57 PM »
Pretty much everything to do with NPCs and FP will vary from group to group.

A character focused on strength can easily go beyond Legendary with their lifting & breaking Might. There are other ways to get numbers that big, including rolling +4 with a Superb skill, but that's the easiest one.

Also: there are some above-Submerged games on the PbP board. My own Enduring the Apocalypse is one of them, and you are of course welcome to read it. (As if you need my permission...)

Depends on the skill. Her Rapport probably isn't Legendary, given how she does socially against Harry Dresden.

Just finished skimming it, and STARS AND STONES that dark path sorceress is what I'd imagine one of the minibosses for the Apocalyptic Trilogy/Black Council bigwigs would look like. The others seem scary-but-vaguely-on-Harry's-level, though.

DFRPG / Re: Ladder after Legendary
« on: May 11, 2013, 01:33:46 PM »
Heroic is above Godlike?

Anyway, if you have a pure mortal, are really good at Evocation, or are using Thaumaturgy, getting that high is quite easy.

Out of interest, are you planning to do something with these tiers? From what I understand Legendary is where folks like Mab and Ferro are at. I'd imagine anything run with this stuff would have to be called something like "Second War on Heaven: The Warmongering" or "Let's Blow Up All The Outsiders"

DFRPG / Re: Ladder after Legendary
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:30:48 PM »
(I actually know so little about whatever this "dfrpg" is that I thought it was a video game for several months. I am under the impression that these are basically ways of expressing "Over 9000" in increasingly convoluted ways)

(+9): Stupendous
(+10): Breathtaking
(+11): Overwhelming
(+12): Majestic
(+13): Wondrous
(+14): Unbelievable
(+15): Magnificent
(+16): Exalted

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