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Messages - MZFalconer

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Magic Bullet
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:03:04 AM »
I just mentioned the lawbreaker thing at the start incase this had already been covered in another post. I was only really interested in looking at how you might go about crafting and using magical ammunition XD sorry to have brought it up.

DFRPG / Re: Magic Bullet
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:24:42 PM »
That seems fair enough, and yes I did mean magazine XD
I checked the hexing table again and level 5 states that "older automatic weapons may malfunction" since a Henry Repeating rifle isn't even a semi-automatic I think it should probably be a 7 on the hexing table since it's most advanced mechanical part seems to be a lever not much more complicated than a regular trigger.

As an alternative to the item of power could I enchant the gun as an ordinary enchanted item provided that:
A: The Enchantment's strength did not equal or exceed the power level of the items level on the deliberate hexing table. So it could never exceed power 4 for an old automatic weapon but I could add more uses as normal instead of power.
B: If it ran out of charges then I would have to take a point of mental stress to use the enchantment as per normal enchanted item rules.

DFRPG / Magic Bullet
« on: January 13, 2013, 10:39:13 AM »
I think I saw a thread about whether giving someone an enchanted gun counted as you breaking the first law of magic.
I was wondering how you would go about enhancing standard ammunition magically.

Would you have to expend an enchanted item slot for every bullet? or could you do it by cartridge?

I think the best idea I came up with would be to create a potion in a large vat and coat/dip the bullets in the potion. I think coating several bullets at the same time could be classed as a single use.

Given magics tendency to disrupt technology I'm thinking about using the ammunition with antique weapons such as the Henry Repeating Rifle which should be fine up to level 5 on the deliberate hexing table.

DFRPG / Re: A Question about Catches and Toughness
« on: January 13, 2013, 09:21:46 AM »
I thought the strength of the catch was based on how difficult the weakness was to discover once you knew what enemy you were facing.
If you don't know what you're researching the only way to discover whether you had the right catch would be trial and error.
If it wasn't the case wouldn't any Sidhe under a disguising glamour have a higher catch due to the added difficulty of discerning it's nature?

DFRPG / Re: A Question about Catches and Toughness
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:20:22 PM »
I now see about how the physical would be bypassed by any non physical XD not sure how that would rate discovery level...

I see what you mean, although the Sidhe one could be a +4, all the examples I saw only had 4 points of toughness and since the power has to cost atleast -1 it may just not be shown.
I think the Cold Iron should be a +4 because almost anyone with knowledge of the Sidhe would know it, if someone asked you about them it would be one of the first things you said.
The demons and holy/faith thing has to be atleast as common as knowledge of the Black court and Dracula's weaknesses.

DFRPG / Re: A Question about Catches and Toughness
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:29:00 PM »
Surely anyone who's seen a movie featuring a demon (e.g. The Exorcist), or read a book or been to church would atleast consider the possibility that demons would be vulnerable to symbols of faith. I'd say it was fairly ingrained in popular culture. I agree that not just anyone could come by it though.

I'm also not clear why a physical impact is less acceptable than fire for a +2. Is it not simply swapping heat for force?
It's just a more likely to occur than fire. If the story took place on the planet venus rather than earth would fire no longer be acceptable for a +2 because it's more commonplace there?

DFRPG / Speed vs Strength: your personal preference?
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:36:00 PM »
Just wondering what others would prefer given the choice between Physical Strength and Speed Powers from the building blocks.
Personally I'm leaning more towards the speed side of things, striking first and dodging attacks sounds pretty good. although the ammount of additional damage you can inflict with fist attacks and strength is not to be sniffed at.
I was wondering what it means in the strength powers when saying that when modifying skills with Might you allways roll +1/2/3 depending on the level. Does it mean that you can add a +1/2/3 to any reasonable use of a skill e.g. by modifying athletics to leap over a high wall as shown by the Mighty Leap stunt?

DFRPG / A Question about Catches and Toughness
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:04:13 PM »
Does this look alright for a Demon's Scion?

Inhuman Recovery [-2].
Supernatural Toughness [-4].
The Catch [+5].
The Catch is Holy Items/True Faith
+2 for only protecting against physical impacts.
+2 for being easily found out i.e. from one of any number of films, demons are vulnerable to faith and holy items.
+1 it's not extremely rare, but it's not something anyone could acquire.

Do I understand this correctly?

The Armour (o o) from the toughness will only protect him against physical attacks but the extra four boxes of physical stress capacity can still be used to absorb other attacks.
The Regeneration ability will reduce any consequences not inflicted by holy items or true faith.

Do I understand this correctly?

DFRPG / Re: Echolocation and Heartseeking
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:42:33 PM »
Hmmmm I see what you mean. Echoes of the beast would make more sense, it just didn't occur to me to use it because his father is a demon. I suppose I could remove the heart detection sense and say his inherited hearing ability isn't as potent as his sire. Thanks for your insights.

DFRPG / Re: Echolocation and Heartseeking
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:47:46 PM »
Okay, I didn't model the hearing on the echoes of the beast, I modeled it on Dresdens example stunt in Your Story: Listening [-1] +4 to hear things but your alertness drops to mediocre while listening. I took out the alertness penalty since he wouldn't need to concentrate to use it.
I see what you're saying about it being overpowered though.

I want it to be a bonus to hear things and to avoiding ambush provided that the ambushers could reasonably be making a noise e.g. the sound of footsteps on stone or a rustling in the bushes.
I think that it should be impaired in loud conditions such as an operational factory or a packed room full of frightened and screaming people.
It could and perhaps should also make him more susceptible to sonic weaponry such as flashbangs.

DFRPG / Echolocation and Heartseeking
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:23:48 PM »
I want to develop a scion character who's parent navigated and hunted via echolocation.

I was thinking of modelling it like this:
Strange Senses [-2]
Supernatural Hearing. Due to your supernatural heritage your hearing is exceptional. You recieve +4 to hear things.
Echo Location. Due to your supernatural heritage you are able to "see" via echo location. You can "see" in total darkness in 360 degrees. Loud noises can affect this ability.
Heartbeat Detection. Due to your supernatural heritage you're able to detect and hunt others by the sound of their heartbeat and are aware of how many (creatures with hearts) are around you and their location. You may be able to discern whether someone has an irregular hearbeat which you can recognise later i.e. because they aren't human or have a medical condition. You may roll Lore or Scholarship (medicine) which ever is appropriate, at a difficulty set by the GM to determine what the irregular heartbeat means.

Any criticism or advice would be appreciated, particularly if the last one is overpowered.

DFRPG / Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:05:37 PM »
Now why didn't I think of that XD
Yeah, the trouble aspect sounds like a sound plan, for it getting stronger I suppose the GM could just call in more compells on it...

DFRPG / Re: Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:28:54 PM »
Thanks for all your advice, it's been quite interesting to see how different people would go about it. I never really thought of having fetches use Incite Emotion, I thought they just shifted into something frightening and used a high intimidation skill.
I do like the idea about using the aura of wrongness as a tell. I can see how it could be utilised to help unnerve opponents but how it could be compelled to make it damn hard to convince someone you're trying to help them.

How do you think I should go about showing this tell? a 0 Cost supernatural power?

Fearful Aura/Dread Miasma [-0]
Due to your ancestry you exude an aura of subtle menace making others uncomfortable in your presence. +1 to attempts to frighten or intimidate others. -1 to attempts to get others to trust or confide in you.

As he draws more deeply on his Sidhe Heritage I can see the effects getting stronger and this becoming more of a problem...

To Hick Jr.: I don't think it would be too hard to get the physical immunity with its rather large [+5] Catch.

DFRPG / Fetch-Changeling Advice Please
« on: January 05, 2013, 07:05:56 AM »
Hi, I haven't posted on here before but I was having a go at making a Fetch changeling character as they seem to be among the most physically formidable of the Sidhe and wondered if anyone could give me a few suggestions.

The Example Fetches in OW41 seem to suggest that they can have any Speed/Strength/Recovery/Toughness ability up to at-least Supernatural [-4] as well as Physical Immunity to magic (provided the practitioner is frightened), Shapeshifting and possibly Worldwalking (Via mirrors).
Although the physical powers are listed under each fetches shapeshifted form, so would my character have to take a Shapeshifting ability to access them?

I thought I could start him off with:
Glamours [-2]           
Emotional Vampire [-1] Fear               
The Catch [+3] Is Cold iron and possibly True Courage, governing:     
Inhuman Recovery [-2]           
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
and a couple of stunts related to frightening people

Maybe I could throw in Inhuman Strength or Speed or immunity to magic later. But I'm struggling to find different ways for their appearance to change as they delve into their Sidhe nature. In OW it says that they appear as: "vaguely humanoid, black wavering shadows with ghostly white eyes."
So here's my list of possible changes so far:
Eyes with an unnaturaly white iris
Unnaturally black hair
Unnaturally black skin
Shadow flickering and moving on its own
If anyone could suggest a few more that would be much appreciated  :)

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