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Messages - Manifest

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DFRPG / Re: DFA form fillable character sheet
« on: March 30, 2017, 03:08:09 PM »
This doesnt look natively editable, but the computer im on uses non-standard pdf software so it could be me.  Did you build a form, or just add the text boxes individually to each of your sheets?

I added text boxes independently like I said above it was very tedious and not worth the effort really. I mostly did it because I made pregens for a one-shot intro game.


Okay I realized that I posted the wrong thing earlier this is the template with the Text Boxes.

DFRPG / Re: DFA form fillable character sheet
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:07:40 PM »
Care to share the template?

Here is the blank character sheet template:

It hasn't been released by Evil Hat anywhere that I could find so if I'm not supposed to be posting this please somebody let me know. I got it through the Fate Core kickstarter.


The real template is below.

DFRPG / Re: DFA form fillable character sheet
« on: March 29, 2017, 04:13:55 PM »
Thanks for everybody's help, I ultimately just took the DFA character sheet and added Text Boxes using Adobe Reader. It's pretty rough and I could only add a couple of stunts but it worked out okay as some trimmed down pregens for a one-shot intro to couple of Fate newbies. Here is a glimpse of all the character options for them to choose, keep in mind that these are simple pregens with a lot of information not shown.

DFRPG / DFA form fillable character sheet
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:08:41 PM »
Does anyone know where I can get a PDF fillable/editable Dresden Files Accelerated character sheet?

Sorry if this isn't the right forum but I'm not sure on the verdict when it comes to DFA on this site and this is usually where I come for DFRPG stuff.

I'm also very impressed and excited for DFA. I think Ryan_Singer did a great job of explaining some of the great stuff that's in the book but I also wanted to point out some other things.

Most of the mantles work off the Fate System Toolkit - Conditions (

There's a pretty interesting section on creating Monstrous mantles as well as how to customize and make your own mantle.

There is an actual mechanic for being in debt to someone where you have to cross off the Indebted condition and you have to work off the debt.

Scale is a new mechanic and I think is a great tool for the GM and players.  The GM determines when scale applies; usually it’s when you’re using supernatural abilities. If you are supernaturally stronger than someone then you would have a higher scale than them and the same works vice-versa. Scale is ranked highest to lowest - Godlike, Legendary, Otherworldly, Supernatural, and Mundane. For each level of scale you have, you can have one of these benefits: Take +1 on a roll or an action, take an additional two shifts of effect after the roll if you succeed, or add an extra free invoke to an  advantage you create.

These bonuses stack and if someone is two scales higher than you then they would get to take +2 on a roll or an action, take an additional four shifts of effect after the roll if you succeed, or add a two extra free invoke to an  advantage you create.

DFRPG / Re: Quick and Dirty Star Wars Hack
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:49:54 PM »
This sounds really fun, NOW I'm gonna have to run it.  On a side note have you looked at Bulldogs!, it's a Fate Sci-fi  RPG (  I was considering running a Star Wars game by combining Bulldogs! (for the aliens and ship mechanic) and DFRPG (mostly to handle the Force as Spirit). 

I also have a few more questions (sorry to be a bother) but did you give your PCs any Powers to represent their alien heritage or did you handle it with Aspects.  What power levels did you start out as.

I actually just ran an Avatar: The Last Airbender game on Saturday using DFRPG rules.  All the benders took Channeling and a couple of stunts (we started at Feet in the Water).  We played during the 100 year war while Aang was asleep, we had an airbender looking for the Avatar, a firebender guerrilla fighter, an earthbender who was the last survivor of his village, and one Kyoshi warrior who was the airbender's bodyguard.  I pre-made their characters so I balanced all of them out.  We had a blast playing it but I think I essentially made the Fire Nation soldiers into Stormtroopers because they were being slaughter left and right.

Please keep me updated on your game

DFRPG / Re: Anyone playing online?
« on: June 04, 2012, 03:28:49 PM »
We have a group over here that is planning on doing a skype game (and I think we want more players), we have just started so I'm pretty sure if you ask The Werewolf you can probably join:,32108.0.html

« on: May 03, 2012, 02:07:32 PM »
Limited Reserves. At the end of each exchange in which you have exerted your affected powers, you take one hunger stress.  If you have no available boxes on your hunger stress track when you are required to take a hunger stress, then you clear your hunger stress track and take a hunger consequence instead.  A hunger consequences are treated in every way as a normal physical or mental consequence (your choice) except that it can only be recovered from by feeding as described below.

This is actually how I treat the WCV in my group with a minor change.  Every time she uses a power in a fight afterwards she takes a number of stress equaled to the amount of powers she used.  For example, if she used inhuman strength she takes one stress but if she used both inhuman speed and strength she takes two stress.  I let her deny herself access to one of her powers temporarily in order to stop herself from taking one stress and of course if the stress goes over her track she can take consequences.  I do compel her quite a bit whenever her hunger track is full (and let her hunger become an aspect that enemies can tag) but usually she hates taking consequences and goes off for a "miniscene" and comes back fully replenished.

I guess looking back my system wouldn't necessarily work on a RCI or other feeding dependency characters. :-\

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Character Manager v2.0
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:58:36 PM »
I think I encountered a hiccup or might just be me.

When I go to the Equipment tab and select "add item" I get the small window to appear.  Now my problem is that whenever I select "Yes" under the Magic Item? question it wont let me continue.  I select all the appropriate options and enter all the correct information but when I select ok I get a small window that states "This item must have a name" which does not let me continue (and yes I did enter a name for the item)

Now if I just select No under the Magic Item? option with everything else that I entered earlier unchanged it goes through.  This isn't that big of a deal but figured I should let you know and I am really enjoying the program and thank you for all your hard work.

Never mind it was me.

First thing that came to me was Hotel California.

But after thinking it through I imagined a powerful Wyldfae that grants prisoners their freedom in exchange for favors or other unsettling things.

DFRPG / Re: Blind Wizard?
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:04:52 PM »
I have a question would this wizard's blindness give the NPC or PC a refresh point lets say:

[+1] Blind

I was debating this ever since I started listening to the new Fandible Actual Play release where they introduced a blind NPC.

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