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Messages - scarius

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Faerie Court's Soup Kitchen
« on: December 03, 2011, 02:04:43 AM »
i would allow this. but i would make sure that the players knew what was happening, but only indirectly

in my game one of my players got a little bit scared of a couple of fetches and decided to leg it towards a forest, turns out that some elves lived there and they werent happy to see them. Travis spoke to them and after being a bit of a smart ass to one of the elves, he was chalenged to a duel, the elf gave him the choice of duel. Travis has boozer as an aspect, and with out me compelling it, he chose drinking. so the elves set up tables and chairs and then put down horns of elven booze, he had two drinks then passed out, the elf then asked if the second would like to continue the contest, she said yes, then had three drinks and called it. i was thinking of being a jerk and then having them owe the elves some favours, but becuase it was within the confides of a duel i decided against it. but they are going to get a vist from a summer rep to tell them that they owe a favour

DFRPG / Re: item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:14:50 AM »
Form reading through what you have all said I think that I might change it to mean that you don't need to spend the fate point but it can only be done four times in a scene

DFRPG / Re: item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 22, 2011, 09:34:15 PM »
Originally I had it a +6 weapons, but then I was informed that the wardens sword is actually weapon 6, so I changed it. This being the case what should I price it at?

Is there anything that it's missing?

DFRPG / Re: item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:57:06 AM »
thanks for the infomation everyone, i didnt realise that the enchanted items didnt work that way, i think that because the wardens sword is in the book as a focus/enchanted item that i just assumed that it did.

i dont think that it really matters in the end what i can the refinment then, maybe something else, just question i ask though is: is the -1 for the quality cheep or is it an ok price?

DFRPG / Re: item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:43:07 PM »
Thanks for the info becq, I realized that the counter spell did that, but I didn't realize that the sword became a weapon 6 as aposed to replacing your weapon skill with +6 for that action. That is actually very handy to know

DFRPG / Re: item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 21, 2011, 09:36:27 PM »
The refinement is used for the enchanted item slots.

It's to provide a +6 counter spell or +6 weapon, much like the wardens sword, or is there something else that does that?

DFRPG / item of power - sword of Heimdallr
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:40:37 AM »
hey guys and galls,

in my game we have a guy playing a champion of god (knight of Heimdallr), and he decided that the god will be Heimdallr, so we had a bit of a chat and did some research on him, after this we decided that we would use a little bit of marvel and a little bit of norse.

we havent changed any of the champion of god must haves, but we decided that he dosent really warrent a sword of the cross, so we made our own one instead, with out further adue i present it to you for comment and criticism.

sword of Heimdallr - -2

item of power (with all the stuff that comes with being one)
two handed broad sword - weapon 3
one time discount - +2
refinment - -1
used for 4 enchanted slots granting: spend a fate point and recive +6 to weapons or +6 to counter spell, only able to be used 4 times
world walker - -2
hammer blows - -1
we are calling this amazingly sharp edge or something along those lines we havent decided yet, it still gives the +2 to damage

DFRPG / Re: my first game
« on: November 20, 2011, 12:09:42 AM »
i have been looking around the resources board, there is some pretty cool stuff there.
here are the locations that we have made for my game:

James Cook Universtery
university, not just a place for learning
the idea:
fae/minor tallents/what ever, also attend the uni
the aspect:
supernatural boiling pot
the face:
jannet monroe - head of the uni/keen to make the uni netural grounds (scion/clued in mortal???)

the feathers touch
white court brothel
the idea:
best brothel in town
the aspect:
white court foothold
the face:
madam loveridge - white court lady
pimp hand bill - white court enforcer

ross river dam
levithian sleeping at the bottom
the idea:
eons long sleep, now anoyed
the aspect:
recently awoken
the face
levithion - angry "elder god"?

blood bank
red court food source
the idea:
people being ubducted
the aspect:
the face:
gay tonii - red court pawn

magnetic island
safe haven/magical null zone (not sure on how strong yet)
the idea:
moving water around the island stops magic, home to some "bad" guys
the aspect:
"oh no you didn't"
the face:
kenny - were koala

castle hill
castle hidden under hill
the idea:
a hill has been placed on top of a old castle, to keep in a big bad
the aspect:
the face:
castle hill saint - painted gargoyle

7 gate of hell
7 concentric circles made of metel (sliver?)
the idea:
placed by the crossroads deamon/nexus for lay lines
the aspect:
bulk untapped power

mt louiser
creepy mountian
the idea:
limbo mist
the aspect:
dont enter the fog

accorded netural grounds
vine 21: wine house/coffee bar
the idea:
granted netural grounds status
the aspect:
accorded netural grounds
the face:
robert rose - owner/bar man clued in mortal/someting else?

DFRPG / Re: my first game
« on: November 19, 2011, 01:35:57 AM »
thanks for the infomation, the short discription that you have written up on the dresden files will be handy to use, expecialy seens as though its only me and one of my players who have read the books.

i will post up the locations that we have made for the game later on today, as right now i have my 1 year old daughter sitting (read: doing anything but sitting) on my lap...

DFRPG / Re: my first game
« on: November 18, 2011, 06:55:57 AM »
Thanks for the welcome...

I guess that I am kind of looking for a little bit of both, I don't really fully understand how everything works yet, also not to sure if things will make sense or even work...

So any help would be awesome and I would be very greatful

DFRPG / my first game
« on: November 18, 2011, 06:14:51 AM »
hey guys, i have been a huge fan of the dresden-verse for a few years now, i have all the books (execpt ghost story, but thats a sore subject for some other time) and i have had the RPG for some time now just collecting dust on my shelf. but anyway, our normal thursday night shadowrun 4a game kind of wrapped up (as the GM got burnt out due to uni and work and other stuff) while he went on holiday with his misses and just chilled out. so because there is only three of us in the group that GM (one has only GMed 1 game or 2-3 sessions, me, and the above mentiond) we decided that what we would do is ask who was keen to keep going but with something new. i put forward a few different ideas (spycraft, call of cthulhu, dresden) and the concensious came to dresden, so i re-read through the books to get a general idea of how to run it/make characters/make citys/what have you. so last night we got together to get ready for a first game next week, we created citys and characters, this took us about 3 hours. i was a bit stuck trying to explain what an aspect was to the group (none of us had played a FATE game before) but i think that i managed to get the general idea accross after reading it from the book and using the harry dresden character sheet. but with out further adue i give you our "city"


high level:

the idea:
a seat of power for the winter court
the aspect:
bad weather, worse fae
the faces:
winter knight - enforcer
winter lady - mum wants me to keep on eye on this place
summer investigator - too nosey for own good

the idea:
people going missing from hospital, blood banks, streets
the aspect:
no more hobos? (we arent to sure on this aspect)
the faces:
gay tonii - red court pawn
jenny hill - red court queen/counselor
paul dempsey - red court banker/lawyer

the idea:
central hub
the aspect:
cross roads
the faces:
drifter tim - mysterious transient
charles daniels - car salesman deamon (we are using car salesman as a adjective)

the ballence of power:
summer wants to move in on winters power
red court are expanding territory

captian swanson (corrupt cop) incharge of police force for townsville (clued in?)
counselors trying to gain power for upcomming vote

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