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Messages - traycon3

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 11, 2010, 02:26:45 AM »
Our hotel got sold and didn't bother to tell us...>.> So we got to find out when we got there, and we got to stay with my friend and his friend. Three girls, one guy, two beds...

Not fun...

But other than that and my costume effing up, DragonCon was awesome. I hope Butcher comes back next year. DragonCon did say something about him possibly doing that, but ya never know. D:


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:11:04 PM »
XD Why is Butcher so awesome? I got my picture with him too, but I haven't uploaded them yet, and I wasn't exactly cosplaying, lol.

But he was so nice! Even though we didn't get to see him at his signing, he totally signed my and my friend's book after the um..."Evolution of the Female" or whatever panel that was.

Poor guy was the only guy in the group, lol. Also, I meant to tell him I liked the haircut. xDDD Though I didn't recognize him at first because I'm used to the picture in the back of the book. :D


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: April 16, 2010, 02:22:30 PM »
Oh! I think I saw them! ;D

I have a pic of them, but I think my mom already scrap-booked them...>.>

But, yes, they were AWESOME! I loved Bob hanging from the net, lol.

Oooh, that's a good question about meeting up...Hm...No freaking clue. But, if you do see a GIR unit walking around, there's a very good chance that that's me. Assuming I can make the costume. *Crosses fingers*

But, yeah, someone give me a heads up if there is gonna be somethin' like that! :)


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: March 31, 2010, 12:54:29 AM »
This just seals the deal. I will be at Dragon*Con for sure. Whether it be with my Doctor Who friends or my LARP group I don't know yet but I WILL be there!

Doctor Who fans unite! :D

I've been thinkin' of cosplaying Donna, but I need a Doctor. >.>


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:47:57 AM »
Ok, I went to my first Dragon*Con last year and got my tickets again before I knew Butcher was coming, but when I heard that, I think I literally jumped up and down screaming in my kitchen for a full minute.

But that's beside the point.

Does anyone know if he's holding a panel??? Because that would just be AWESOME!!! Just saying. :D Or is he just there for a book signing?


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:48:15 AM »
Hi...I'm t3, who might (if I ever finish anything) be published under the name A. LeIon or Ana Leion or something similar. I am also a worshiper of the great Spell-Check.
I have written a bunch of poetry and short stories this year for classes. Because, yes, I almost need a deadline to be inspired to write. Also, I've written a few fanfiction short stories, which are pretty ok, if I do say so myself.
However, I do co-write with my best friend. We're working on a story involving magical organizations. Um...*Pulls out notebook she has been working in for over three years* Yes, it did sit for over a year in my friend's dorm collecting DUST!!! *Glowers*
...I had a point. Story.
The story is about organizations, particularly one called The Organization of Sword and Sorcery, an organization intent on keeping the peace. Dean-Walter Houdini, Vinny Malone, Sereno Davis, and Dymphna (Dee) Goldman are the prominent members of this organization.
Dee meets a woman named Zalika Aldram, who finds anything that has to do with magic illogical, despite the fact that she is a Magi herself. Dee enjoys dragging Zalika on random missions with no rhyme or reason, except that Zalika is almost a security blanket when Dee is around her partner Sereno Davis.
On one of the missions, Zalika meets Donovan, a "sleezy hit man", to quote Dee's description. hasn't gotten too far into the actual plot, though we do have (had?) a story arch. Somewhere...over the rainbow...with my luck...
Beyond that, I've started a few ideas, but they haven't gotten off the ground. I've been busy, lazy, lazier, reading, lazy again, dealing with writer's block, lazy, and generally just plain lazy. I do hope to actually complete something by the end of college, which doesn't technically start 'till '08. Well, I figure I'd better stop rambling on and on about the fact that I have no social life, let alone a personal life.

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