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Messages - redneckwitch18

Pages: [1] 2
Author Craft / Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« on: November 25, 2007, 11:03:07 PM »
Well, I DL'ed spacejock and found it essentially useless. Maybe it's just me, but after trying several different programs I'd rather just hash it all out in outline form in MS Word (which has never, ever given me any kind of problem).
I second this  :)

Author Craft / Re: What do you wish would be done MORE in urban fantasy?
« on: November 25, 2007, 10:50:46 PM »
I like stuff that is more like Anne Rice's old works yet in a modern sense. Hence, I am addicted to David Wellington's online published books. Thirteen Bullets, Monster Island, etc.

Author Craft / Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« on: November 15, 2007, 10:52:18 PM »
I'm sort of electronically challenged, so what's so bad about Micrsoft word? I have to use it for school (double-spacing and all that jazz-when really it should be about what's in the paper not its font or paragraph format)

Why do people hate Microsoft word?  ???

Author Craft / Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« on: November 14, 2007, 01:38:12 AM »
I used to have that "good old Word", but after a serious virus, I had to format my computer. Let's just say I got my microsoft word stuff for free and leave it at that. Now, I have to use that Open Office crap that likes to freeze up on my slightly reatarded computer so I use "ye old Legal Pad and pencil" (and my blog  :) I can't wait until I save up nough money for the new version of a different brand of something-of-the-other Office that can be converted to Microsoft Word documents whenever

Author Craft / Re: Writer's Peeves
« on: November 06, 2007, 02:30:34 AM »
Proper answers to these questions:

Q: How many pages will your book be?
A: Just enough to fit between the covers.

Q: No, really, how long will it be?
A: All the way from the beginning to the end.

Q: GRR. Okay then, when will you be done?
A: That's easy! After I've finished all the writing!

Q: FINE. Why are you wasting all this time writing it?
A: Altruism.

Q: Uhh... what?
A: Altruism. I'm doing it for YOU so that you'd have SOMETHING to ask about when you got nosy.

Utterly off-topic: how many people think there should be a loophole in the violent-crimes laws for you when people insist on talking to you when you're sitting/standing there obviously enjoying reading?

loopholes may save my neck one day. I tend to be very patient one minute and completely pycho crazy lady baable "don't touch me" when it comes to my writing. *strokes legal pad* my precious... ;D

Author Craft / Re: Writer's Peeves
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:10:44 PM »
"What genre is your story in?" People! It's not finished! When it's finished (final draft and everything) I'll tell you. Quit asking questions that I don't know. :-[

"Does it have sex/romance in it?" Are we in high school folks? (well actually i am but thats not the point) this is not hollywood or the OC or the playboy mansion!!!

Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:07:18 PM »
I'm guesstimating my word count seeing as it's on a legal pad  :)

Around 15,000 for me maybe, but the yellow paper seems to keep me from drifting b/c it instantly brings my attention.

Right now though, the stupid legal is sitting on my desk haunting and calling me daily. I've been so stressed with school that I haven't had a spare moment to sit down and write out anything b/c i seem to get interrupted everytime I sit down. I think I'll booby trap my door a couple of times.
(that'll teach them to come barging in-mwahahaha)

Author Craft / Re: Dunno if this has been linked before
« on: October 28, 2007, 09:42:44 PM »
-eyetwitch- Borderline?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? -murders test- >_>
hahahahahahahaha. *wipes eyes and helps with the murdering*

Author Craft / Re: Vampire help needed
« on: May 25, 2007, 07:50:37 PM »
I have the same problem with my story. However, I just made my a stronger version of an everday female. She doesn't know she is as attractive as everyone says. She moves more gracefully and has to act because she doesn't feel emotions as strongly as she used to. Super powers are kinda a must, but if she is struggling with her religious aspects, the thirst must be a main component in her character. Ann Rice's vamps don't have emotion. If she tries to reconnect with her religion and fails, it also tells the reader about her indirectly.

Am I rambling or lecturing? If So, I apologize whole- heartedly ::)

RNW, try Critters.

Thanks for the suggestion. Will take to mind. Might take a while to come back out again but will get there

Thanks. Will do. I just get so frustrated w/ myself for not doing better. Kills the self-confidence, ya know?!

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:28:57 PM »
How do we start?
Getting valuable opinons on my stories is an exciting thing! You can only force your family to read so much!

This is so cool. My friends are thoroughly tired of hearing me read something to them. *whispers* I think they're planning a revolt

A writing group, or test-readers in general, who are about at your level or slightly better in terms of how much they have written and what they read, is the best way to get a solid handle on this.

How would I find out about any of these test readers?

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:11:34 PM »
Hi, I plan to write under the name Caroline Peters.
 I began writing in middle school and haven't stopped since. W/ at least 6 started ( and each one well over 50 pages), I am always carrying around a small notebook to jot down new ideas.

Writing mostly sci-fi and romance dramas, I tend to get pretty attached to mine.
For instance, I am writing about a female vampire named Sage. She is the head of a so-called "association" of vampires, yet she doesn't know her past. Her Werewolf lover was assassinated, so she goes on a international investigation with a native American ("Indian") shifter/ bounty hunter to track down all the things her dead man had been doing. Uncovering gov. secrets, she also digs up her Otherworld past involving a Fae male and lost brothers and sisters.

Eventually, she defeats a supernatural entity who was controlling a fairly influential man and finds happiness with her new life, leaving her destructive lonely one in the past.

I know it kind of reeks of un-originality, but hey, it's the stuff that is packed in my head so much that it oozes out of my ears ;)

Author Craft / Re: Research Blues
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:01:23 PM »
*singing* Ohhh, I got them researching blues... can't find nothing but q's...
Um, sorry bout that. Got a lil' carried away. I have such a hard time with my research because my mind finds something interesting and goes off on a tangent. Which means I don't get back to my original research until hours later when I'm tired and blurry-eyed.

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