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Messages - GreenInBlack

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 24, 2010, 07:17:56 PM »
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm gonna have to go with a quick post, too... family and turkey and writing... not always a good combo, but whattya do, right?

Happy Turkey Day, all!

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 23, 2010, 01:13:02 AM »
Evening, folks.

I'm an aspiring writer from Michigan, and I'm in the process of working on a series of books based in ever-notorious city of Detroit.

For my first book, it centers on the life and trials of the hunter (and high-talent wizard) William Ashton as he tries to help people who don't trust the Watchers, a UN-created policing organization, to protect them from the mortals (and para-naturals) that walk the darkened alleys of the world.  Hell, Will doesn't really care for them either, even though he used to be a Watcher himself.

Now a freelance hunter, Will ends up being kidnapped and given an offer he can't refuse.  If he can find and bring to justice an assassin hellbent on killing the vampire Queen, he'll be given enough money to have his comatose sister looked at by the best doctors in the world, to find out what put her in said coma (which he feels personally responsible for, since it happened while he was on a case as a Watcher and hence his leaving the Watchers).

However, there are a lot of different people that seem to be interested in making sure that Will doesn't accomplish this task, ranging from rogue wizards to repentant vampires and even a rock band interested in recruiting him to be their lead guitarist.  What's a wizard/hunter/guitarist to do?

Be the good guy, stop the bad guys.  It's a simple plan.

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