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Messages - skaoi

Pages: [1] 2
Author Craft / Re: Do you fear being influenced?
« on: August 27, 2007, 01:04:38 AM »
what a relief to come across this...i know i am influenced and it drives me nuts.  nice to see others are as well.

the fact of the matter is that none of us lives in a vacuum and, as already mentioned, a polite nod is one thing and outright plagiarism another.

i was scribbling along and wrote something that seemed so familiar...but i couldn't put my finger on it.  co-writer read it and pointed it out, 'um, yeah...that thing we just read...they did that.' 

OH.  phooey. 

<erase, erase, erase> 

Author Craft / Re: Attachment to characters.
« on: July 22, 2007, 01:54:53 AM »
are you a parent in the real world, sameth? 

be at peace. 

part of the process...the joy...and the letting go and allowing them to choose their path.  she made the decision that lead to the damage to her throat.  that she made the decision based on the idea it would benefit someone else shows that you have been a good parent and raised her to know compassion.

ultimately, everything will work out.  perhaps not as you expect...but it will work out just the same.

Author Craft / Re: Attachment to characters.
« on: July 19, 2007, 01:35:12 AM »
i've tried directing what happens and it just doesn't work for me.  i'll sketch up some notes or i'll talk about it...then what actually happens is something completely different.  i even had a bad dream that my beloved character stopped talking to me.  i realized that i was trying too hard to control the story, so i backed off.  after a couple of days, i couldn't get him to be quiet.

growth does not happen without overcoming one crappy thing or another.  this holds true for everyone - real or imagined.  if you never present your 'people' with obstacles, they won't grow and develop.  they'll be stagnant...and we don't want that for anyone.

bottom line is that it's ay-okay to (1) stick a figurative sword in your character's gut and (2) feel awful about it even as you continue to twist that sword and gaze with morbid fascination as the blood falls to the ground.

*chuckle*  you know...i almost ranted in mcnally's about this very topic and realized something.  i won't kill one of my people.  i'll get them close (just did, actually), but i refuse to drop the curtain on them.  they are a part of me.  it would be like cutting off my arm or something.

Author Craft / Re: Attachment to characters.
« on: July 18, 2007, 12:52:08 AM »
i do.  i've done...horrible, horrible things to a beloved character.  i've even decided his history is wretched as well.  i don't think of it in terms that 'i have done this to my character.'  i think more like 'this happened to them and i am simply reporting it.

the sentient spirit is a resilient thing and my character is moving forward and finally finding happiness.  he's able to laugh at some things and enjoy his new friends.  he's even found someone to love, who loves him in return.

and in spite of what my 12yr old calls him, he is NOT my torture dummy.   :P

Author Craft / Re: What genre are you currently writing in?
« on: July 16, 2007, 01:47:15 AM »
Fantasy. I have 2 stories going and am working on edits to another.  I can't stick too many irons in the fire or I get discombobulated.

Author Craft / Re: Question for authors: Have you written lately?
« on: July 16, 2007, 01:45:06 AM »
For the past few months, I've been writing a story, in form of blog posts, on another website that I am a member of.

My co-writer and I are doing the same thing.  We actually created our site because we didn't want to play by someone else's rules...censorship.  Are we allowed to exchange addresses here?  I'm curious how other folks are doing it.

Author Craft / Re: Wish me luck! *Literary Agent submissions*
« on: July 12, 2007, 02:39:05 AM »

Author Craft / Re: Women, start, I mean...question....
« on: July 08, 2007, 02:40:42 AM »
another vote for 'clasp.'

Author Craft / Re: God I suck at Dialogue
« on: July 07, 2007, 01:22:04 PM »
i agree with king-nile.  get out and listen to people.  hang at a coffee shop, ride the bus, visit a hospital, go to a bar or hang at the student center of a local college. be a voyeur.  become a student of body language.

i'm sort of at the opposite end of the spectrum.  i love dialogue and i'm pompous enough to think i'm pretty fair at it.  i enjoy describing a character's posture, their facial expression, or the exasperated sighs when they become frustrated that they aren't getting their point across.

thankfully, i have a co-writer who keeps me in line with generally directing the big picture.  i love details and frequently get bogged down in the little stuff - like conversations.

i'm not good with people, either, but i've found that as i write dialogue, somehow, i've gotten better with real people.

Author Craft / Re: A question
« on: July 02, 2007, 01:28:07 AM »
while i can't answer as to how 'okay' it would be, what you are talking about is called "fanfiction."  there's a whole thread on it and whether it is evil or not.  kinda split down the middle...

Author Craft / Re: Question for authors: Have you written lately?
« on: June 25, 2007, 01:36:16 AM »
((hugs & chocolate to richelle))

to answer the question - yep!  i've been writing.  collaborative effort with the cowriter is about six main characters - three are mine, three are hers.  we've got the c.e. on hold at the moment while we each work on 'prequels.'  she's got over 40 chapters and, so far, i have...four.  did i mention i'm editing the c.e. as well?  does that count as writing?  <hopeful grin>

Author Craft / Re: Names help
« on: June 25, 2007, 01:29:17 AM »
i am wretched at coming up with names.  i frequently hit my 12yr old daughter up for help in that department.  she seems to be a bottomless well of the things.

Author Craft / Re: Convincing Your SO....
« on: June 13, 2007, 01:58:50 AM »
my hubby ROCKS.  he is so understanding.  if anything, i abuse his good will.  we had about a month or so where i was completely ignoring my fair share of the domestic chores and he finally stepped up, politely cleared his throat and looked around before looking back at me.

communication is important.  he knows i would rather be writing and editing more than almost anything else, and he makes sure i get as much time as he and our daughters can spare.  he's so awesome.


Author Craft / Re: Creativelly dead inside
« on: May 16, 2007, 12:32:11 AM »
Usually, when I'm struggling, I back off the writing.  Sometimes, I back off the whole creative thing and do other stuff like playing with my kids or housework.  If it's really bad, I'll hop on the bike for an especially long or hard ride.  Strangely, the saddle is the only place I ever write poetry.

Usually, if I relax my brain and pull back, the machine reboots and all is right with the world in a few days.

If it gets really bad, I tell my co-writer and she threatens me until I comply.   ;)

I have also noticed, eviladam, that some of your recent posts have looked like things are in a rough spot overall for you.  I don't wish to appear rude, but sometimes talking to someone can really help.  Best wishes for sunnier skies.

Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: May 12, 2007, 04:20:11 AM » co-author and i seem to have an issue with verbosity.  We're at chapter 25, passing 120K words with no sign of stopping any time soon.  Lots of editing to do, but, to tell the truth, I only see the editing process adding to the count.

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