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Messages - lizstaley

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Please post pics of it with the signature!

If you go back a few pages and check the Photobucket album link, I put the photos in there of Dreden Pony with the autograph. :)

Wanted to chime in and say that I, too, had a fantastic time last night! It was really great to meet Jim and Fred and a bunch of other fans, though it was incredibly briefly. Wish we'd been able to hang out, but our ride had been up since 2 a.m. and we all had to go to work in the morning.

Thank you so much to everyone who talked to me about Dresden Pony and Bob Pony! Seeing the smiles on people's faces when they noticed him was a treat and I felt really good about all the lovely compliments they got. I'm so thankful to Jim, too, for signing the base for me and for seeming to be really tickled by them. (And for not running away! LOL!)

Can't wait to check out some video of the Q&A. I only got to hear half of it and my husband didn't get to hear any of it because of some other things that were going on. What I did hear was awesome and got me salivating to read Ghost Story!

Me and my +2s are at Tyson's, with Dresden Pony! Looking forward to tonight! (thanks for the compliments on him so far, by the way!)

Here's the pony pictures! Looking forward to letting these handsome guys get out of the house tomorrow!

Okay, SOMEONE is getting pics of this, right??  Please??  I wanna see the pony!

I have pictures of the ponies. Is it okay if I post a link to a Photobucket album?

Hi everyone! First time posting, but been lurking here for several weeks. Me, my hubby, and our friend who introduced us to Dresden Files are going to be at this signing, EARLY! I wanted to thank everyone who's called the store and asked questions, this thread has been a big help!

I just called the store myself and asked about me and my husband buying one book and both getting in to the Q&A and signing, and the guy on the phone double-checked and then told me it would be fine so long as we have the receipt.

Also, would love to hang out with some other fans before hand and schmooze! I'm going to be easy to spot- I'll be the tall woman with the Harry Dresden My Little Pony (complete with Bob the Skull!).

No, I'm not joking about that. :)

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