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Messages - Marrik Broom

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Necromancy and those that practice it
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:17:54 AM »
i don't want this thread to die so i am bumping it.

so for those who do have necromancers (good or bad) what kind of abilities do you give them.

Wel Marrik's someone I've tried setting up as one goingagainst hte dark and dreary stereotype, which is tough since the spells that are geared to working with taken energy rather than innate/elemental magic tends to have the skulls and shadow motif.

However as he has grown up a farmer one of the earliest bits of research he did netted a way to draw from weeds, insects, and even the body's own dying cells. Doesn't provide the raw power as a human (killed by your own hands is even more energy. Highest amount of power gained is from a willing sacrifice... on the idea that there's no resistance or struggle to take.)

Doesn't help the world's outlook on necromancy that his great grandfather tried becoming a god... and more or less broke the world in the process.

He's not an investigator or anything, though he does help local guards with cases. He sells stuff, researches when he can... he just keeps getting drawn into different problems and can't find a way out without being involved.

Author Craft / Wanting feedback on Necromancer Protaganist
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:50:57 PM »
Story started as an evercrack fanfic that was my first NaNoWriMo story. Chucked it because it as a fanfic and after rereading months later it felt... bleh. However the concept I liked so have decided to go my own way.

World Concept: World is a few generations removed from what amounts to a dark-hollow event that pretty much depopulated most of the human centers. Entirely killed the true elves, blighted whole swaths of land, and more often than not the dead come back to life on their own, so tend to have to be burned for public safty reasons. Necromancy, as the result of one man, goes from a respected... though creepy... school of magic to something banned the world over and anyone caught dabbling punished harshly. Anyone caught actually consorting with undead or directly harming indaviduals. Dead.

Hero Concept: Great-Grandson of the man who ended up succeeding in becoming a God (albeit one with a bottomless hunger). Followed in the family tradition by getting involved with a local cult, at first out of curiosity since one ruinous fruit can't spoil the whole tree can it? Ends up finding out the local group has a strong belief based on the Pantheon's absense that because of what has happened they feel their best action is to let the old creation destroy itself so they can rebuild on a cleen slate. Decides to work with local law enforcement in the guise of a bookworm going into boarderline legal/shady books to cover for his apparent depth of knowledge above and beyond typical 'see zombie, burn it after cutting off it's head'.

Plot: Main character gets challanged to a duel by one of the more... traditional members of the coven/cult he's part of due to his being suspected of undermining coven activities. From there it snowballs into globe trotting as a wider set of problems are uncovered all as a backlash/rebalancing from his still imprisoned great-grandsire trying to break free.

Oh and he also has to convince friends and co-workers that he isn't some goth-wannabe necrophiliac whiel he's at it.

Fun note: In bigger cities, such as the one where the first bits take place, pixies tend to handle mail service.

Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo 2010
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:18:27 PM »
Doing it this year as I've done several years past.

Like last year I'm doing several short stories... actually most of this years efforts are going up on my blog.

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