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Messages - Taru

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Didn't scare me off, my roommate's cat died yesterday and I was hanging out with her all day today while she took a sick day. I will be back in the insanity on Sunday night as I have to dress up and play Infomistress at the PA Ren Faire all day tomorrow and then going to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror! Yay! Then another day of Faire, so yeah...

ETA: I see your old spice guy and all your steeds of doomage, and raise you Cthulhu selling Great Old Spice

I am currently plotting for the next con to cosplay Kitai...just working out the logistics of the hair...I am not quite dedicated enough to shave my hair into a mohawk to cosplay lol XD

Hey Ami! Good to see another newbie joining from the fan dinner! It was great chatting with you before we were able to go upstairs!

I am rather proud...the back of my head features prominently in most of the pictures posted lol!

i'm fairly sure no one remembers my real name.
Heh I remember, mostly because it's in my phone now...but yeah lol!

You!  You are awesome!  Glad to put a username with a face.  Welcome to the forum!
Aww thank you! However I will never be able to even come close to your level of awesomeness :)

I was the Jedi...and at the fan dinner I was wearing the blue Star Wars shirt :)

Photo reference XD

ETA: Paynesgrey wins :)

Hey all! Officially de-lurking :) Emy here, I met a lot of you at the dinner, and had such a great time I decided to brave the forums XD So far no plague yet, but I will keep a watch out. *wanders off to explore the boards some more*

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