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Messages - The_Pentagram

Pages: [1]
It seems to me, that you should probably talk to your group as well as your GM, about these issues. Adding to your trouble that you don't trust your allies can be an extreme hindrance both to you and your party, and therefore you probably shouldn't do so without at least making sure that your friends are okay with it. The biggest problem, I think your friends might be having is moving from the typical D&D hack 'n Slash environment, to the more complicated game, where all thing aren't necessarily kill.  Remember (and point out to your friends) that this is a role-playing game, and therefore everyone should be having fun.

DFRPG / Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:25:54 PM »
Sounds like your characters will constantly be near death or pissing off some BBEG. Very Dresden.

DFRPG / Re: How many players and how many wizards?
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:07:45 PM »
Although I agree with you for group size, I think it really depends on what your group is interested in for number of wizards, for example I tend to find that less than 2 wizards to tend to get a little boring, as the game gets somewhat repetitve

DFRPG / Re: Show Me What You Got
« on: July 12, 2010, 01:08:45 PM »
the refresh here would be -55

Thanks, it was late at night and apparently my basic math skills were way off, actually wouldn't  it be -73, don't stunts cost 1 each.

DFRPG / Re: Show Me What You Got
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:22:48 AM »
The Order of the Silver Feather
The Order of the Blackened Denarius brought evil to the wold, so to correct this God choose to send three of is most powerful enforcers (Amenadial, Ezekiel, and Seraphiel), to his three greatest believers, in the form of a silver feather. Each of these believers (Malvore, Aaron, and Adam respectfully) took up the token, allowing the Angels to inhabit their bodies, joining completely to their Angels. Being significantly more powerful than the Order of the Blacked Denarius, they believed that they could easily defeat The Fallen, but because they each came from orders of the first sphere of Angelic hierarchy (The Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim respectfully), they quickly fell to bickering, and eventually refused to work together. God, viewing their bickering as petty, demanded the immediate destruction of all knowledge as to their existence. Recognizing the weakness of the Angels without the support of God, the Order of the Blackened Denarius exploited the weakness of their former brethren, and kill Aaron, and Adam. God, seeing the threat that the Fallen now presented, although unwilling to forgive his children, granted his support to Malvore, but allowed no writings to be made of her. Now, the last of her order, Malvore stands against the Fallen, in any way she can.

High Concept: Angel Bound to a feather
Trouble: Blindly Walks the Path
Other Aspects: God's Enforcer, Trapped Among Mortals

Legendary (+8): Conviction, Presence
Epic (+7): Weapons, Alertness, Contacts, Resources
Fantastic (+6): Endurance, Discipline, Rapport
Superb (+5): Guns, Stealth, Empathy, Might, Fists
All other skills default to Great (+4)

Supernatural Sense [-3] (Broad Senses: Can see anything dealing with God [Demons, faith, etc.])
Wings [-1]
Spirit Form [-3]
Incite Emotion [-4] (At Range, Lasting Emotion, Potent Emotion | Emotion: Hope)
Psychometry [-1]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Modular Abilities [-8]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumatgury [-3]
Mythic Strength [-6]
Physical Immunity [-8]
Bless this House [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Holy Touch [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
The Catch [+0] A sword of the Cross wielded against Malvore while she is acting against the wishes of God

Alertness: On My toes, Corner of my Eye,Paranoid? Probably.
Contacts: Ear to the Ground
Conviction: Blessed Words, Person of Conviction, Resilient Self-Image, Tower of Faith
Empathy: Read the Surface
Endurance: No Pain no Gain, Tough Stuff
Fists: Killer Blow
Guns: Fast Reload, Pin Them Down, Target Rich Environment
Presence: Leadership, Personal Magnetism, Teflon Persona

Physical: ○○○○ +1 Mild
Mental: ○○○○ +4 Mild
Social: ○○○○ +2 mild
Armor: 1 Mental, 1 Social, Physical Immunity

Total Refresh Cost: -73

I can't believe no one has done this yet:

Cthulhu :P
High Concept: Oldest of the Old Ones
Other Aspects: Depicition of Madness, Last of the Plane Vhoorl, Made of Foreign Matter,
Skills, Powers, etc.
Pointless to list them, if you absolutely need them assume legendary at worst, although most skills are probably higher. If you go up against Cthulhu, you lose. Period. Cthulhu has no weaknesses and you cannot escape. If Cthulhu wants you dead, you're dead.

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