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Messages - Krager

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:44:31 AM »
Ditto on North Carolina.  I'm in Charlotte, but would definitely drive a ways for a JB event.

DFRPG / Re: Post Yourself As A DFRPG Character!
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:13:53 AM »
Though you likely have other useful skills as well that you've neglected to list.

hehe, maybe a few, didn't want to list a whole bunch since I knew I was way off from the FATE skill names

DFRPG / Re: Post Yourself As A DFRPG Character!
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:55:54 AM »
I haven't done any FATE gaming(or any at all in a few years) but this seemed like fun.  I probably will be way off on the skills and stunts, feel free to critique.

Name: TJ
Occupation: Technomancer
High Concept: Foot in both worlds - as a Redneck/Geek, my time, hobbies, and efforts are split between both sides:  fishing, drinking, 4 wheeling, basketball, gaming, video games, reading, coding
Trouble: I bet the wall breaks first - I usually consider things through, but once my mind is made up I have a frightening tendency to keep to the path regardless of consequences
Other Aspects:
Behind the throne - I prefer to stay out of the limelight
What the hell was I thinking? - When it comes to women, I've made every wrong choice in the books, leaving me mostly cynical despite having a couple of good female friends
Do you feel lucky punk? - Excessive poker playing has let me become a very good reader of people, so I'm hard to lie to and have no problem calling people out on it
Knight in tarnished armor - A nearly non-existent self-preservation instinct, combined with strong moral beliefs and an overwhelming sense of loyalty has led me to trouble and getting my butt kicked more then once

Good - Athlete(basketball, tennis,football),  Technology
Fair - Outdoorsman(camping, fishing, etc), Iron Jaw, Firearms

Stunts -
Trick Shot - As in basketball, billiards, and beer pong
Sleight of Hand - e.g. Card/Coin magic tricks
Hack This - I can throw together some ugly code extremely quickly when I need to get a program working in a hurry

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