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Messages - Guardianw007

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DFRPG / Would You Like to Play a Game? (And help me with mine)
« on: June 05, 2024, 09:00:52 PM »
Hullo Paranet!

How is everyone feeling tonight? 

Longtime lurker, very, very infrequent poster to the old BB.  Huge Dresden fan. 

Years back I pre-ordered the first two RPG books and promptly took 14ish years to get a group willing to play with me.

Set my campaign and started a reread of all the books (Honestly, more of a re-listen).  I got through enough (Pre-*Changes* but not *Small Favor*) to hear Harry describe a soul gaze as being a variable experience, unique to each wizard, with some wizards experiencing a soul gaze as music.  That struck a cord [Ba dum tss] with me, cause my group would get a kick out of weaving in music into the campaign, and my brother is playing a warden of the White Council.

So my idea (and the game):

What if every time young Warden B soul gazes he gets a (musical) tour of someone's psyche in the form of a song?  So, I'm looking for songs I can use to sum up a psyche, and a brief description of the person so described.  I've got a few, but it'd be nice to have a list of go to songs in case he decides to gaze minor villian #4, or NPC grocery store clerk.  The rules:

1. It should be fairly well accessible,
2. If it has lyrics (and it probably ought to, instrumental is probably too subjective), the vast majority should be in English (We don't speak anything else, outside of some Medical Espanol),
3. It should be no more than 5 minutes long.

Lyrics can be metaphorical (I.E. Love need not be romantic love, but camaraderie, obsession [Side note: Have you ever thought about how twisted the average love song, sung to someone you just met is?  Chilling], familial affection, etc.), or on the nose.  Here's some of what I got for inspiration:

A. One of my players is playing a very hard luck thief who thinks everyone is out to get her, except maybe her lone friend, so I will pair her with Hide U from Kosheen.
B. One is an ex-combat veteran who watched his platoon die, and is spiraling so he'll get Hurt by NIN.
C. One a possibly mentally ill man who hears a voice he believes to be from God, so he gets God's Gonna Cut You Down by Johnny Cash.
D. One a paramedic who views herself, un-apologetically, as a sidekick will get Hero by Skillet (Particularly proud of this one.  My brother is like to think it refers to him, but it refers to her own need to step up).
E. One a young woman who lived her entire life alienated from her "spooky" side mother and thus from the rest of humanity as well gets Wonderful by Everclear.
F. My brother will give a DIFFERENT song based upon which one of his allies he gazes and what aspect that character is like to resonate with thus, Kiss With a Fist by Florence + The Machine, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, Save Tonight by Eagle-Eye Cherry, Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight, and Pain by Three Days Grace,
G. An NPC politician that imagines herself a "woman of the people" will give, Poor Unfortunate Souls by Lollia,
H. An NPC who has been climbing the ranks of a pack of animal shifters running a crime ring for his sister and others like him will give, If I Killed Someone for You by Alec Benjamin.

As I said, I'd like to bank a few songs for randos, but if you have a villain aria, feel free to get as specific as you like (With the understanding I will 100% steal it and let others attribute it to, "MY GENIUS!").  Thanks!

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 04, 2018, 07:13:11 PM »
I could see where there'd be a "Lady Robert" and Harry would ask how that's supposed to work, and Molly would whisper something about not assuming genders, and Harry would say something embarrassing (as us Gen-Xers do about such things), and then things would fall apart.   ;D

As long as Bob was there so he could recount the story later.
 Bob: "And then Harry punched the Lady in the face."
 Murphy: "Dresden!"
 Harry: "It wasn't like that!  It wasn't a woman!"
 Murphy: "The Lady wasn't a woman?"
 Harry: "Not a real woman."
 <offended stares all around>
 Harry: "No, I don't mean-- he could be a woman if he-- I mean--"
 Toe-moss: "Harr-eee.  How could you?!"
 Harry: "Don't you start!"
 Murphy: "So much for that chivalrous streak."
 Harry: "He looked like a man!"
 Molly: "Alright, Ms. Swan, let it go."
 Harry: "..."
 Molly: "I will say this about the Lady, though.  He could take a punch."

*sigh*  You just get me.

You should probably have a doctor look at that.  :D

Also, for the record, as a Chicano I should apologize to my ancestors for referring to Ramirez as "Martinez".

"ˇMucho mal, mijo!  ˇ No somos todos intercambiables!"

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 04, 2018, 06:23:25 PM »
Might I recommend Brasil?  (No, that's not a typo)

It's more Irish than British/Arthurian (for that, you'd want Avalon, the isle of apples), but a mist-shrouded island that only appears for one day every seven years seems good for a secret society.  As long as they have ways of getting off and on the island (Ways?) the rest of the time.


The original Avalon was described as being a boat ride away, "Across a vast sea".  So Brasil would work, though I'd have them on a smaller island adjacent to where Brasil appears.

Really, the whole thing would simply be an excuse for Harry to refer to the current (Male) "Lady" as, a "Watery Tart" and/or a "moistened bint" (to the laughter of no one save, possibly, Martinez who falls out of his chair with suppressed laughter) just before we saw the violence inherent in the system.

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 04, 2018, 04:44:46 PM »
Ooh, Ooh!  I wanna play, I wanna play!

The Council of Arcturus, a small nation about the size of a medium sized clan, living on their own sovereign territory, New Camelot (I'm thinking either a large-ish plot of land in the middle of either Canada or the Outback [miles and miles of miles and miles] or an unassuming island in an archipelago, like the Solomon Islands or the Seychelles).  Traditionally ruled by an oversight committee ("The knights") and head by a chairperson, The Lady of the Lake,("Lady") a title that was liberalized in the 80's to accommodate the first male recipient ("Lord") to collect enough political power to rule the council.

Politically, they are rabidly pro-human, and messianic to the nth degree, believing that one day the star will rise again and save the world from evil.  Until such time, theirs is to shine, the brightest light in the dark until this time.  Thus, seeing themselves as the true guardian's and protectors of mankind against all its predators, they get on imperfectly with the other pro-human factions, who they view as, at best, helpful amateurs including the White Council with whom they have an EPIC historic mistrust because of ancient blame for the absence of the star being shifted to Merlin (OG flavor).

Currently, strange rumors have begun to circulate in the clued in world of knights, seeming to be acting in ways contrary to humanities' interests, again allegedly because, "If humanity is to be saved, it must first be in some form of danger."

I was at Emerald City Comic Con this weekend.  In his panel, Mr. Butcher stated he still had another six weeks of work, before he turned the manuscript over to his editors.

If I recall, he's had a bad time in the past when he had a deadline and couldn't make it, so he swore off giving a deadline. . .Right(I seem to remember him saying he'd never take an advance again. . .)? 

All of which is to say, there is no release date.

So, having decided to de-lurk, and having lurked here enough, I know that (given the high number of "first ever posts" in this thread) it is positively an unwritten rule one must post here first. :)  Thus, I begin:

Do Harry's force rings take away kinetic energy when it is transferred (Thus, when Harry punches something, slightly less force is transferred into the object), or does it work by taking a small portion of the kinetic energy from his arm and storing it in the ring (Thus Harry reaching to make a last second catch has to fight his own rings which will slow his reaction).  I'm assuming the DV doesn't take the position that Isaac Newton was a punk Re: conservation of energy.  Thanks.

Now to go play in the other threads.

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