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Messages - Cajun Guy

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Author Craft / Re: Questions not for the feint of heart
« on: June 06, 2010, 10:13:26 PM »
Just standard surgery. I work at a VA hospital and we are whacking things off all the time.  If we are dealing with magic, I supposed you could give them some supernatural form of gangrene. If that were the case things could drop off without surgery or risking shock, it would just take a while and smell really nasty. That's a smell you never forget, let me tell you.

 I can't think of a way a non-medically trained person could do something like that without magic. You might get away with fingers and toes and maybe a hand or foot, but chances are the victim would die of shock pretty early on.

DFRPG / Re: What makes a Rote? (official ruling requested)
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:50:16 PM »
You might not be able to make it a split attack, but you could make a rote than is a zonewide attack. I think of somthing like a flash spell.

DFRPG / Re: Items of power with the same abilities
« on: May 17, 2010, 09:03:52 PM »
Not if each one has its own charges and damage. For example, if the guns do weapon 4 damage, fine but if individual gun does weapon for each then you have to pay. Otherwise it is a free way to get extra damages, charges, etc.

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« on: May 17, 2010, 06:31:16 PM »
here is one I am working on. kind of like the man with no name from the spaghetti westerns. Once I get the rules down I may start on online Dresden game for Houston, TX. (used to live there)

Name: Preacher

HIGH CONCEPT ASPECT: When will God let me rest?
Preacher was born in 1790.  He was one of the first Texas Rangers back in 1823.  He agreed to help the city of Cowland, Texas who was under constant attack from a group of bandits. When the time came for the fight the townsfolk decided not to help and he was trapped in the local church and burned alive. That should have been it for him, but it wasn’t. He crawled out of the wreckage and killed the bandits and everyone in town. He now helps those in trouble hoping to atone for whatever sins he committed to cause God to curse him so.

Compel: Will try to help those in need despite the cost

TROUBLE ASPECT: Try pickin’ on someone your own size
Can’t tolerate those that prey on the weak and defenseless
Compel: Can’t stand bullies and will fight them at the drop of a hat

BACKGROUND ASPECT: Don’t mess with Texas
Has an almost irrational love of Texas (don’t most Texans?). Any insults to the state or it’s honor are fighting words.

Compel: Loses temper if Texas or the Rangers (cop’s not the baseball team) are insulted.

RISING CONFLICT ASPECT: Born in a different time
Still thinks and sees things from the point of view of a man in the 1800’s. No such thing as women’s rights back then.  ;)

Compel: In social situations his old fashion ways can become an issue

Guest Star:

Great (+4): Athletics, Endurance
Good (+3): Guns, Fists
Fair (+2): Investigation, Intimidation, Might
Average (+1): Resources, Might, Survival, Presence, Discipline

STRESS: Physical OOOOOOOOOO   Social OOO Mental OOO


Superhuman toughness -4
Inhuman recovery -2
The Catch Fire +3
Inhuman strength -2
Living dead -1
Human guise (0)

Refresh total: -6

DFRPG / Re: Need advice on a fire-based defense
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:44:30 PM »
How about using it as armor or a block self based? Sort of you burst into flames like the human torch and the bullets whatever melt or are destroyed?

DFRPG / Re: Need advice on a fire-based defense
« on: May 07, 2010, 07:41:52 PM »
You could use fire in the form of energy to excite the atoms of the incoming attack causing them to break apart into energy as the electrons are released. Sort of radioactivity only problrm is the same as any fire shield God helps the fool that tries to go through it. Does it count as lawbreaking if they are stupid enough to charge into an abatoir?

DFRPG / Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« on: May 07, 2010, 04:29:19 AM »
Only thing is I don't know if the helm would rate  +2 I definitely think boots would not. The idea is it has to be very obvious and able to be taken fairly easily , like an OAF (obvious accessable focus) in champions..  A sword, staff and shield would do that, but it would be pretty hard to get someones shoes or helmet off. I'd think they would be +1 because ithey wouldn't be easily accessible and unless you have them glow or something who would think the shoes or helm are a focus at all.

Also fire and water would be good, but maybe +3 as they are common and pretty easy to get. The earth and air not so much as only a caster would be likely to be able to do anything and they are pretty rare. Wood would work pretty good though, worked for the orginal GL after all. Instead of earth pick a type of metal the more common the higher number like +3 iron, +2 copper, +1 obsidian or platinum or the like..

Other than that very cool stuff. Do you have a backstory? Also you as item of power you need to think about linking it to an aspect. What non -power effects does it have on the person. having the wearer take on similar personality traits to the element would work fire = temper, water = laid back, air=flighty, earth =stubborn.

DFRPG / Re: Powers to get sponsored by
« on: May 05, 2010, 09:18:56 PM »
Read American Gods. that will give you a lot of ideas. Hey maybe my mage can try to see how many sponsors he can get then put patches on his jacket for each one .. Kind of like NASCAR.  ;)

In the league of extraordinary gentlmen comments he said he was offered roles in  The Matrix and LOTR as well and turned them down.

Obviously not a fan if he turned down LOTR. I could see him now as Gandalf, "Just get rid of the d*mn ring Trebek, I mean Frodo.. or whoever you are you little sissy."

You COULD make a character based on the second highlander movie. How much bonus refresh do you get for "covered with the stench of failure and lameness"?   :'(

Then again nevermind.. It's probably an aspect. What was Sean Connery smoking when he took that job?

DFRPG / Re: The Samuel L. Jackson Aspect
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:40:07 PM »
seems easy to me

the invoke would be for intimidation and the compel would be the loud and vulgar way you talk would be offputting in a lot of places. (think church, a funeral, kindegarten, standing in front of an all powerful fae who could squash you with a thought etc)

the MF part would be more like the flavor. You can have a toughguy  attitude without cursing a swell.

DFRPG / Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:58:35 AM »
It could work. For example, in changes if harry would have gotten capped he might have used the last of his magic to do something to protect  or hide his his daughter. It probably would have been destructive or somthing like her touch kills vampires or whatnot. Depends on when he would die. If you die trying to save someone or something then I think it wouldn't have to be a curse, but you would have to have a really good reason I'd imagine.

You could make it a feeding item such as a vampire but the abilities are fed and fueled by beheading other immortals. Since it wouldn't be something you do every day, it could be proportionally more powerful (like maybe temporary refresh to spend for a certain time or number of uses) . I also say, you'd probably have to get some refresh as each time a highlander killed another his permanent power would increase based on how powerful his opponent is. I might think you could balance it out by making this how the character gets refresh rather than the usual manner. He could get skils but to get new power he'd have to off another immortal.

Just another way to think.


DFRPG / Re: Esoteric Evocations For Every Ocassion
« on: April 24, 2010, 03:37:28 AM »
Actually the heart rhythm is based off of calcium flow so you could use it to stop a heart. In fact if your spell was tough enough to get the bones their heart would probably stop first anyway.

you could also make a fishbowl sized non air permeable shield  (block) around the head and choke them out due to lack of air.

or you could veil your attacker so they couldn't see themselves. that would totaly screw someone up trying to fight, they'd trip or run into things as well.

manipulate the fluid in someones middle ear to cause severe vertigo and inability to stand, nausea etc.

DFRPG / Re: Favorite Power Level
« on: April 23, 2010, 05:53:58 PM »
I think a lot of it depends on how long you think you will be playing for. If I have a dedicated group and I know it will be long-haul I would prefer to start at the lower levels and build up. If the group is only short term then lets go straight to the good stuff. It isn't as satisfying as starting from scratch but it is more fun for the short term.

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