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Messages - Teck Loh

Pages: [1]
Just answering some questions I saw in the numerous posts on this thread...

1) What was Marcone doing in Italy?

He's an Italian mob boss operating in North America. He probably has to, along with the other Italian mob bosses of North America, go back to Italy for annual training camps. Much like the chefs of Olive Garden restaurants. *giggles*

2) Does Winter Knight trump Warden status for Harry?

Well, yes. The Winter Court is a signatory to the Unseelie Accords and Harry being the Winter Knight means the White Council can't whack him without it being seen as an act of war on Winter. And seriously, the White Council knows they can't afford that. They are practical like that. I would go on to say Harry becoming the Winter Knight will probably help save Molly from White Council wrath later.

3) And since harry is winter knight and alive does he have to live in the NN or does he have to commute to Chicago?

I don't see why he has to stay in Nevernever and commute. The Summer Knight before Fix stayed in his artist apartment in Chicago, didn't he? But then he doesn't have his old apartment anymore... Hmm... Maybe Mab will pay him a salary (in fairy gold?) and he can maybe afford a penthouse in Chicago!


I have a question about Bob (what he did in Chapter 45).

Why did Bob bother to lie about collapsing the Way? Evil Bob's main task was to prevent Dresden from going through at all, right? So I really don't understand why Evil Bob wouldn't just go straight after Harry despite whatever Bob has done to the Way. So even if Harry couldn't collapse the Way after him, he still gets through and wreck the Corpsetaker's plans and that's the main issue, in my opinion.

Which makes Bob's lie in the chapter seems unnecessary...

But I am willing to hear alternative interpretations of that scene.

I am surprised no one has asked one very obvious question...

Like "What happened to Hendricks?"

Before the Justice League meeting, Murphy met up with one Jack Childs who was, as we found out shortly during the meeting, Marcone's top troubleshooter.

I thought Hendricks was supposed to be Marcone's right hand man? What happened to him? How did this Jack Childs get the promotion to Hendricks' post? You would think Marcone would send Hendricks out to represent his interests at Justice League meetings, wouldn't you? Especially when you think about how Hendricks was more actively involved in the supernatural scene than any of Marcone's enforcers.

I was hoping to see some Hendricks and Ms. Gard love scenes...


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