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Messages - Miss Witch

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 10, 2009, 01:23:30 AM »
Thanks so much Jeno!  I appreciate it.  While I've been writing for a while it's my first time writing something that might actually lead to something else in the future.  In other words taking my writing some what more seriously than before.  I shall look up the links:D  Cheers

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 30, 2009, 05:17:19 AM »
I am sorry to hear about your granddad mightyutuvan.  Sometimes it takes something shocking to kind of put your life in review.  I think tragedy bores some of the best writing.  It sounds a little dark but I think it's true.  I find writing to to be cathartic and usually when I'm feeling mopey and depressed some of my best mirco pieces come out.  But if you have have any questions or need help this is the place to come to.  BTW thanks for the help meg!

Just curious as to what every one is working on now?

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 26, 2009, 06:51:36 PM »
What does MS mean?  Well, I'm pretty sure some author traits will come through.  It's not total aversion;).  But thanks for the advice.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 26, 2009, 04:55:02 AM »
Villian?  What is this villan you speak of?  Hehehe.  Well to be honest with you I don't even have a plot yet.  All I have is Jax and a possible b/f...maybe.  He's not being too forth coming at the moment and he's in the shadows but I know he's there somewhere.  So for the Mary anne...or sue...or whatever...can I look that up on google?  I read once some where that when you build a character that she/he has to be the opposite of you.  Which is pretty much what Jax is.  Well, I mean there are some similarities, like you mentioned but her personality is only something I only wish I could be.  *Sigh* Oh well, I guess I shall keep working on it.  She's not done yet so there must be plenty of surprises left.  ;) ;D 8)

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:30:55 AM »
P.S.  That one entery where I was telling me about herself?  Should be when she was telling me about herself and like a lot of people I am writing Urban Fantasy (attempting to write).  When I started reading it I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread!!  I wanted to write it too so now it's more than just enjoyment reading but a mini lesson every time I read.  Yep, it's official.  I'm a dork.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:25:12 AM »
But why would you  be afraid of getting something published if it's good Meg?  I write to write too but what I write is usually...ummmm...less than readable.  I have a hard time with continuity and most of my stories come in pockets if that makes sense.  Scenes that don't go anywhere.  Or sometimes I think, heeeey this is going pretty good, maybe some one would read it and give me a review and then I look what other people write and think...Dear God I suck!!  Hahaha.  I will definitly take up the offer of the help once I've developed something.  I did mean Jim's blog in my last post but there's this section about Jim where he's talking about how he kept writing and writing and when he thought he had something he had the determination to try and try again to get Harry published.  I think that is so cool to have that kind of determination and that kind of faith in your work not to give up.
Right now I'm building up a character.  I kind of think she's neat.  Her name is Jax (her full name is Lispeth Ryan.  She just sort of gave herself the nickname Jax when I was telling me about herself) and she, of course, is a witch.  So far all I know about her is what she looks like and her personality (which can come off as kind rough).  I have no idea what she does for a living (this is where I could use the help) and her magick is still undetermined because well, I'm still learning how to write about and describe magick.  She may have witch flame and if she gets mad or scared the energy she uses can throw some through a wall (again, if anyone has suggestions on what she could be capable of magickally feel free to share!).  She has protective symbols tattooed on certain parts of her anatomy, as well as a cat tattoo that moves of its own accord.  Her familiar is a kitten named Oliver.  Aaaaaaand I should probably shutup now. 

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 16, 2009, 03:41:57 AM »
Hi!  My name is Murielle and I guess you could call me a writer in progress.  I write and I dream of seeing my name on the cover of a paperback.  I have had an active imagination since I can remember and started writing things down when I was thirteen.  My first story was about a unicorn.  Since then I have been writing on and off. I wanted to be a writer when I finished school but my grade nine teacher said that writing for a living wasn't easy and perhaps I should find something more stable to do as a job.  So I went to university and got so sick I landed myself in the hospital and the recepient of a double lung transplant.  While I was recovering I started writing again after years of not even touching a pen.  A little later on I decided to start taking my writing more seriously and just last month started taking a creative writing course to re-learn the structure of story.  When I move to a bigger city I plan on taking more courses and learn to write a novel and then maybe get the nerve to actually send something to get published. My biggest problem is fear. I'm scared that I'll never get anything published and therefore leads to my second biggest problem which is procrastination.  I always find something else to do that has to get done to avoid my fear of failure.  I read Jim's story and that boosted my spirits a little.  Even the most successful authors started out rough...I just have to work my ass off and use my stubborness for good instead of evil...hahaha.  Thankfully the muses have been kinder to me and I've kind of hammered out a character named Jax.  It's not much but it's a start!

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