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Messages - thepiratetheyfear

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Black Council "Recruitment" [GS Spoilers]
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:47:29 PM »
and what was the scheme she wanted her fathers help in with white king and ariana both vampire courts and she wanted the blackstaffs help it couldnt be good

DF Reference Collection / Re: Black Council "Recruitment" [GS Spoilers]
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:30:19 PM »
I think harry was being manipulated as a weapon for BC and still is hes fought them but a lot of his actions have made all the other super powers in the world weaker causing war and caos making it easer for the BC to gain power and control.

oh and in some of the old stories and legends morgana`s the one who kills merlin and he son mordred kills aurthur just my ideas

theres all these parallel lines drawn between harry and merlin and harry dosnt realy have a nemesis yet.He has enemies but not an actual nemesis.Jim is too much of a comic book fan to not give harry an actual nemesis an arch villain.even if kemmler isnt morgana harry himself said he thought caprio corpus took her whole game plan from her master we havnt seen the last of kemmler and im pretty sure he was demourn but like i said i could be crazy.

i forget wich book its in but they talk about justin being one of the wardens at kemmlers final stand. its also mentioned that he changed after. mabe harry didnt kill him but he took the bob and im sure justin was kemler triing to rebuild his army. by morgana i ment morgana lafae theres and kemler keeps getting brought up over and over hes not dead. if you go over old aurthurian is that the right word legends morgana was a necromancer she brought mordred back. or i could just be crazy

Im new just started reading some of these post.Am I the only one that thinks kemmler is behind the black council. I just cant figure out whos body he jump into after Harry killed him in Justin Demourns body.and yes i dont think Kemmler was actually Kemmler either.I think he was morgana but thats beside the point

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