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Messages - cindycic2

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Moonlight Rising
« on: January 19, 2007, 03:29:47 AM »
ok, I'm thankful.

Can anyone give further details about Jim Butcher appearance at this Con so that I at least get there on the right day/time?  It would be close to a 4 hour drive for me to get there, and I'm really not a Buffy fan, so he would be the only reason I would go.
I don't know the details, or if a schedule is finalized (odds are the times for the Q&As, etc aren't set yet, but the days may be). The Moonlight Rising site is:

August 17-19 2007
Fernwood Hotel and Resort
Bushkill, Pennsylvania

Darkest Hours / Re: Just finished the book.... (Spoilers)
« on: June 27, 2006, 12:00:38 PM »
I finally got The Darkest Hours yesterday and am really enjoying it so far! I have to be honest and admit that it's the first Spiderman novel I've ever read; I've enjoyed the movies and have read some comics in the past, but it took Jim writing one to get me to venture into a Spiderman book. :)

ETA: I guess that I can now post in the ‘Just Finished the book’ thread for real  ;) --  I finished it this afternoon, and once I got into the ‘swing’ of reading a Spider-Man novel, it was very enjoyable. Lots of snark and fun lines; though this was my first Spider-Man novel, as I mentioned above, it seemed to me that I could recognize a lot of Jim-type humor in it. I will say that I even got a little teary-eyed during the phone conversation between Aunt May and Peter. *sniff* I loved the “magically malicious” response, lol, and as a Spike fan, the
"It is a trap." She considered and stuck out her thumb too. "Dummy."
gave me a big smile. :D I too liked the scene with Rhino, Peter and Mary Jane in Aunt May's apartment. Another conversation that I particularly noticed was with Dr. Strange (pages 130 and 131).

I'm sure that with me not being a Spider-Man aficionado as many on the list here are I missed a lot of "in" references from previous novels and other story/plot-lines, but it didn't affect my enjoyment of the book. I can’t honestly say that I will read another Spider-Man novel (unless Jim writes another that is), but this one was well-worth reading IMO.

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