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Messages - JamieLO

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Is Murphy truly dead
« on: November 10, 2021, 09:08:33 PM »
I’ve been out of the country and only recently finished Peace Talks and Battle Ground. I was fortunate to be able to treat them as one book as Jim Butcher originally intended. Jim was quite excellent at setting up the possibility that Murphy didn’t actually die when he showed Harry being “killed” by Ebenezer at the beach. Maybe Molly fund a way to use her talent for veils and constructs. There is a lot we didn’t “see” from the time Molly leaves, Murphy “stays at Mac’s”, and when Harry and Murphy reunite with the motorcycle. Whose to say that a Einherjar wasn’t transported in the guise of Murphy. While Murphy herself is under the protection of Molly in the Never Never? Jim has done the death fake out before with at least a couple of the women in Harry’s life. What I’m saying is, it wouldn’t be the first time in the history of the series. It’s just a thought of possibility to be able to “bring Murphy back”.

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