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Messages - unity1813

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DF Spoilers / Re: Smaug, Mr. Ferro... and Dollar Signs in the Eyes
« on: July 03, 2017, 11:59:40 PM »
I got a wag that the red court placed their repository in New Mexico at such a dragon hoard location and consequently paid for it.

iirc only Harry, Martin, and Susan knew the location of that Red Court vault. Is it standing abandoned in the desert, just waiting for Harry to remember and use it as his personal arcane walmart?

Actually, it's not clear that it does from the Council/legal standpoint.  If the Laws don't apply to the Blackstaff, he can't break them. 

I would expect it's a kind of 007 license-to-kill situation. Yes, he can do it and not have the Wardens sicced on him by the Senior Council, but you can bet that if Arianna had indisputable evidence that Ebeneezer was behind Asteroid Dresden they'd disavow him and hang him out to dry. Choosing a wizard to be the Blackstaff is probably a matter of picking someone who isn't going to leave that evidence as much as it is finding someone both magically strong and morally incorruptible.

On-topic, recall that Harry threatened Binder with using his death-curse to take his power in Turn Coat:
I faced him with a chilly little smile. “You’ll spend the rest of your life unable to use magic, I think,” I said in a quiet, hopefully confident-sounding voice. “When I die, I take away your power. Forever. No more summoning. No more binding.” Binder’s expression began to flatten out into neutrality...He stared at me in silence for a second. “You can’t do that,” Binder said. “Take away my talent. That isn’t possible.”
 “I’m a wizard of the White Council, Binder. Not some stupid hack who spent his life using his gift to hurt people. Do you think we go around advertising everything we can do? If you knew half the things I’ve done that you think are impossible, you’d already be running.”

Death-curses seem to be able to do things that regular mortal magic can't, plus of course Harry could be bluffing. I wouldn't take it as gospel that it's possible or not, but Binder at least seems to think it isn't.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan le Fay...
« on: June 27, 2017, 04:33:47 AM »
If so, is it a coincidence that Harry's first sexual/romantic relationship was with his 'sister' (in legal semi-technicality, anyway), who happens to be named Elaine?

Elaine Mallory, no less. If that's not a nudge towards Le Morte d'Arthur then I don't know what is.

I'm leaning towards a reincarnation/echoes of the past explanation myself, but there are so many references back to Arthurian myth that I'm going to be honestly surprised if Harry passes on Amoracchius without pitching a tantrum and stabbing it into a stone first.

I do think that whatever else is going on, the players in the past aren't necessarily repeating in the same roles or following the same paths- hence Morgan Le Fay is Harry's (Merlin's?) mother, and the role of psuedo-incestuous sister is instead played by  the Lady of Shalott (Elaine). For that matter, OG Merlin's father was rumoured to be an incubus- hello, Thomas.

If I recall correctly, in some traditions Arthur was mortally wounded by Mordred but didn't die- he was instead entombed at Avalon to sleep until his messianic return to save the realm in the hour of greatest need. British-seeming stasis-prisoner on DR doesn't seem like such a stretch in that light, but I've got even odds on Good King Johnny Marcone stepping up to the plate. He's already been betrayed by a lover, but instead of sleeping around 'Guinevere' sold him out to the Denarians.

It's a pretty loose theory and I'm not familiar enough with Arthurian myth to carry it any further, except that having a prominent antagonist-slash-ally named Morgan probably isn't a coincidence either.

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