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Messages - The Deposed King

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Um...I'm not sure if a person with poor sight is what I'm looking for, seeing as how he'll need to be able to drive about in a car...(and I don't think he'd be able to do that if he only saw buildings as blurry outlines).

I was just thinking for a day or two until he got his vision back.  He could use taxies and public transportation in the mean time.

But if it doesn't work.  It just doesn't work.  Hopefully you can come up with something that fits.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:22:34 AM »
Wow I have not been here in a while, glad to see its all working again.

So I am finally in a situation in my life where I can be comfortable putting more focus on my writing. I started work on a short story that has been kicking around in my head for years.

Back in collage me and my friends would often discuss how we would take over the world and rule it, as one does. For some reason mine was often the favored concept though it was the least realistic. Over time this idea has developed and mutated into what I would call and interesting story idea.

Basically, without giving any details away, the story is about the fall of the old world to something new starting out with America and eventually spreading across the world. An invading force of superior technology and devotion declares a war of conquest on the whole of the world, and is winning. The story will be some what similar to World War Z in how it was narrated. It will be divided up into sections from different peoples point of view through the conquest. The view points will be from both sides of the conflict, and there will also be parts that are suppose to be journal entries of the commander of the invading force.

Now so things I want to get out of the way. The invading force is not alien in nature though it surpasses the vast majority of the earth forces. This is not a war of annihilation but of mental conquest. The invading force is doing a lot of undermine the integrity of its enemies so that its citizens willingly join their cause. As such the invaders use a lot of fear tactics and maneuvers that are devastating but cause almost no collateral damage.

The forces of this invasion are fanatically loyal to their cause and very very well trained.

If you have any questions, comments or critiques pleas post them below.

Good to be back.

Not sure how much I can help you but I thought of you when I saw this.

Saw it on a post from someone who got it from someone else.

The Deposed King

i have a solution but might not extange well to all books
intreduce you carictor as a child or some  one with poor sight then they are les likly to describe things in deatal that often
or change place names and murge lots of places together suterly
just sergetions might only work in some cases

You could have him be 'blind as a bat' without his contacts or glasses.  The contacts are lost along with the luggage or at least delayed for a day or two.  While his titanium glasses get confiscated at the airport or destroyed during a fight.

Then you could have him say.  I couldn't see the x, y or z building but I knew what it looked like.  Long marble colums up front, lion gargoyles sitting up on the third of 8 floors looking down on you.  It was a big blocky building and that's how I knew this was the place I was looking for, I could see the general fuzzy outline.  The bellhop that came out and said, "Welcome to the x,y or z." was also a big hint too of course.

The Deposed King

Thanks Mr. King always good to get one of those much needed friendly slaps in the face to get me going lol.

I have gotten over the hump with a rather simple solution. Why try and explain everything in one scene when I can spread it out. I am planing on this being at least a trilogy, unless the characters go union then I'm screwed lol.

I find it funny that I am at almost two thousand words and my main character hasn't yet left his bedchambers, though granted a good chunk was prologue.

There are a few different ways to start a book that will grab the reader.  You can try to ease them in and explain as you go.  The other is you throw them off the deep (action from the first sentence) and and start the book with a bang that you try to keep up the whole way through.

I've tried a bunch of variations.  As a writer I tend to bleed my back story, back ground and some of my outline into my prologue or first chapter.  Its necessary to let me know who it is and where they're going.  But the reader doesn't generally like that.  Show don't tell.

So my advice is to, as much as possible, let things unfold naturally and if you keep getting stuck with the dreaded info-dumping, which you recognize as soon as you take a step back and reread it.  My advice is either A: just keep writing and come back later to fix the opening.  B: start with some action instead and introduce something as it becomes relevant to the situation.

Of course I haven't read anything you've written so always let your conscience be your guide and all that.  But, uh, best of luck with your story.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / On the Utter Drek we write and Show verus Tell
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:29:36 AM »
On another thread I comment on what I've read from other authors.  And it all comes down to this sort of Zen like acceptance of the crap we write and the need to let yourself write with the intention of coming back later to fix it during your 2nd and 3rd draft editing.

Here are a couple of links.  the first is on acceptance.  The other was a nice little article on Showing versus Telling.

Essentially if you are posting here, instead of on your own forum or blog.  And even if you are already a published author, you will look at your work and say ick.  Its the second and third passes after you've put the words down that make an exciting book people want to read.  For the most part anyway.

The Deposed King

put a few more words down but then I hate them and rewrite them. Its getting really frustrating that i am spending a good long while on a part but my story is not getting any longer.

Remember traditional publishers say, if I can't get past the first page I reject it.  Then if I can't get through the first chapter I reject it.  For online e-books now a days the reader can read the first 10% for free.  An average novel length is like 120k.  So I guess obsessing over the first 12 thousands words isn't the end of the world.

But anything over 12k and I've got to advise you to give up the ghost and go with the crud you've just written.  Most people shoot themselves in the foot.  C.J. Cherryh says on her website that she's heard of authors who send their first draft off to the publisher as soon as she's written it.  But that's not her experience (somewhere between 30-50 books and counting she's published), she has to go back and edit the total crap out of her manuscripts.  Multiple times before she sends it in.

My advice write it bad and move on.  You can come back and give it the puff later.  IMO its easier to CREATE, than it is to FIX and CREATE at the same time.  You try and do both and at least for me I run out of steam and wind down.

Ilona Andrews another author with somewhere around 10 books under her co-writing belt (ilona is the female half of the husband wife team that write the books under the pen name Ilona Andrews) and she says you have to give yourself permission to write total and utter crap here's the link

Essentially she says first drafts just plain suck for 95% of the writers out there.  To paraphrase her elegant way of putting it.  You have to get down with the suckage and be okay with it.  Then come back when you are finished and much like a plain hunk of wood that you wouldn't dream of putting in your house, you varnish the bejeebees out of it until its not this ugly hunk of wood.  And people gush about all the grain and nice swirls you've managed to capture for their viewing pleasure.  Off the wood analogy.

You've taken the first step by writing something.  The next step in IMO is being okay with the plain hunk of yuck you've just written.  When you've got a full length anything.  be it short story, novella or novel.  Then its time for the next step.  Getting the critisism you need to turn snow white in her ugly coffin, into a princess with a beautiful gown.  Then my young Jedi you too shall be ready for either, e-publishing (and much consumer discord in the force) or the many rejection letters yet to come until the Jedi Publishing Order is ready accept your application.   :D

Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself and if what you're doing works and what I suggest doesn't, disregard everything I've said and go with your own flow.  (I mean ultimately who am I?  Just another guy)  However if what you're doing doesn't work.  Ol'Albert Einstein famously said.  The definition of insanity is trying the exact same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Anyway have a blast, and remember,

Follow the Dream and don't let anyone get you down.  Not even yourself.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Doing a little Author research on......research
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:02:51 PM »
Dr Google and Professor Wikipedia are my friends. You can go to the external references links and find more even more sources.

People are down on Wikipedia for research papers but its actually pretty good- at least as a first pass for fiction writing. (Although I really wish the article on space habitats had a citation for the phrase "The L5 position is now thought to be too far away and many recommend 2:1 resonance orbits." Thought by whom? And whats a 2:1 resonance orbit and who recommends them?)

Most state university libraries allow any old schmoe to walk in and use the books, microfiches and other resources. Logging onto the university wireless may not or may work. Oddly, I can look through the University of New Mexico library catalog at home, although I cannot log into the wireless network in the engineering library. I did login to the wireless network at the law library. YMMV, so be prepared.

Usually you can buy a pass for a nominal amount (~$50/yr) and then check out books. And you'd probably get access to the wireless network also, though I'm too poor to try this at UNM.

Thoroughily check university parking regulations before parking on campus! Or lock your bike to a proper bike rack, not a landscaping or handicapped railing.

If you are doing starwars fan-fic or just have no clue as to what your ships shoudl be like.  A google of starwars warships will take you to wookipedia, there you can find everything from fighters and gunboats all the way up to strike cruisers and star destroyers.  Most of them have weapon counts, ship lenths and crew allotments.

For fan fic its a perfect fit.  For non-fan-fic its a good starting place.

The Deposed King

I'm up to 42,612 for this month on the sequel to my first book.  Wrote 80% of my 133K rough draft (1st book) last month and all 42K of the sequel (2nd book) for this month starting february 3rd.

I've been bedeviled with two days (1st and 2nd) lost trying to edit an electronic copy of the first book, without power of course as soon as I got on the bus.  A day for a birthday.  And two other days without action because of life events that were unavoidable.

And then yesterday I had like half a day and totally flobbed it.  Only like 1.5k written.  I'd scourge myself but I've been battling some kind of lung infection for the past week and a half.  I may have to break down and go for some medicine.  Its not super bad its just sapping my strength and slowly getting worse.  Anyway any scourging would only be likely to reduce my productivity.

I honestly don't think I'll be able to finish the second draft this month.  Maybe first week of march if I can maintain.  I keep getting distracted with other ideas.  I wrote 16-18k of a little urban fantasy idea that caught my fancy around the 6th and cranked 2.8k (on the 11th? I think), essentially a section which I'm using instead of chapters on that project, for a 3rd work that stalled out and I haven't been able to do anything with since 06-07.  It was kind of liberating to unblock and write down a whole new section.

Maybe if I continue to have trouble with this sequel.  When its done I'll try to get off the current project for March.  Either finish the half a book that's been on the shelf since 07 or the urban fantasy.

Then I can come back in april and shoot for the last in the trilogy.

Assuming of course, something doesn't come up to monopolize my time (fingers crossed), this is a very real concern.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Point of view shifts
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:06:27 PM »
I will just say.  Maybe sure you aren't POV shifting in the middle of a chapter or in the middle of the action.  I got lots of nasty comments when I was doing this back in 04-06 for a story I was writing.  Keep it as clean as you can.  Even if you miss some of the good stuff.  You can always have your yoda reflect on how the character's continued flaws harken back to the battle you just missed out on.

That said do it anyway you want.  People who actually read it will be much more relevent to whatever it is you're writing.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: So you wrote yourself into a wall...
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:11:36 AM »
If one of the bad guy powers is the rare ability to temporarily 'puff' up vanilla mortals.  You'd have hordes of vanilla fodder.

Alternately you could have edgers, people with minor abilites who want into the big league but just aren't suited for it.  A bunch of one hit wonders.

Also if the bad guys could have a power that they could use to temporarily neutralize the good guys, then the vanillas start to come in strong again.

All depends on your magic system.  Heck cryptonite is a bit cheesy but it worked for superman.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Doing a little Author research on......research
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:05:22 AM »
For my research I read several thousand sci-fi and fantasy books  :P :P

That said.  I also studied ancient history and especially ancient and current political organizations.

Then I went a watched a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy movies series  ;D

Finally the time had come and I chained myself to the laptop until a book flowed out from under my hands.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Question About Writing Out of the Country
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:57:17 AM »
You sound married to Hong Kong and want your characters totally out of their element.

But if you wanted to have your characters in the friendliest asian country in the world you'd send them to the Philippines and if you wanted to throw them off the deep end they'd end up on mindanao where the rebels are still shooting.

Its a crazy country, there are lots of educated people and everyone educated speaks english.  In the middle part its peaceful.  About a decade or two the heart of the middle visayas region was starting to be over run with crime and gangs so the local government organzied secret death squads and basically went around wacking the southern rebels and home grown criminals.  A decade and a half later they are still trying to convict the local police and politicians that did the deed, and Cebu is the most peaceful island in the country.  Its also the most tourist friendly.

This is also the same place where the Muslim and Communist rebels, routinely negotiate christmas and ramadan 'holidays' to temporarily stop the blood shed so everyone can go home and celebrate.

In cebu there are lots of run down buildings in the heart of the city.  For while there was even an abandoned hotel (30-40 stories)that was built with substandard materials and tried to immitate the leaning tower of piza.  don't think its still around though.

Plus I know for a fact that lots of native philippinos (of which I'm not, I just live here at the moment) are active on the JB site.

This is the same country that is on the top ten countries in the world for two things Happiness and Corruption.

But as I said lots of walking contradictions over here.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Point of view shifts
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:45:33 AM »
I'd say stay mostly with your main character and only foray into other characters as you need.

That said, I'm probably not the most skilled at such POV shifting.  So take my advice with a grain of salt.  On the other side I used two secondary characters in my first book to give different perspectives.  Mostly the one and sometimes the other.  But honestly, I'd write like two or three chapters (say 5k a chapter) with my main guy and then only a a 2k chapter with the sideliner.  Not to say things didn't very but as a general rule of thumb.

I will say as a reader I don't like POV shifting.  That said if you can do it right you will turn on a lot of readers.  Probably just not me  :o

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: A Writer's Blog? Good Idea or Bad?
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:39:20 AM »
Here's mine:

I started it 1/28/2012, I've had fifty three views since then and only my sister has commented.

I started out just writing updates on how far I've gotten.  I put in two snippets from a side project I'm puttering around with while I'm pounding away 5k a day on the sequel to my first book.

Google nixed my adwords application.

So I just try to post every day, as another way to keep me on track writing 5k a day.

If having a blog will help you keep yourself on task, go to google like I did, they have a free one.  If you get cool enough that you need to go pro then that's great too.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: How do you go about finding a Cover/Cover-Artist
« on: February 07, 2012, 11:09:25 PM »
Alright!  Well I've already put an ad in mynimo for the local talent.  But that might fall through.  If it does its on to plan B.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and support.  I might go with one of the things you guys are suggesting.  Let me just try this one first.


The Deposed King

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