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Messages - BrainFireBob

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If you ask Uriel what is at stake and why he does what he does he says souls, free will. It is not that different with the fallen, it is about souls and free will. Nicodemus might have grand schemes in his mind but in the end it is just a lure. Anduriel got what he wanted, Nicodemus killed his own daughter and together with his wife they attacked the one who wanted to save them. The fallen are never finished with corrupting you.

It is their nature. It is what they do. Every time the denarian pop up that is what is really going on and the rest is background.

This is reductive- needlessly so- to a traditional Judeo-Christian idea.

I strongly object to the idea that all Fallen are merrily fulfilling their duty of providing temptation. These are the rebels- I rather suspect they have their own agendas instead of a classic mustache-twirling focus on temptation. That's what Lucifer's obedient servants do- the Fallen are not those.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 07, 2021, 01:40:52 PM »
The White Court has the ability to plant what are essentially post-hypnotic suggestions and immediately seize control of human and sufficiently quasi-human beings- Lara captivated a Einherjar, for instance.

Red Court can over time create junkies addicted to their saliva, Black Court can create living weapon Renfields; but neither of these processes is fast.

DF Spoilers / Re: "It is not yet your hour."
« on: June 29, 2021, 09:15:47 PM »
The expulsion was by majority vote, not just SC. Though my read on it is she was the most likely to have reported him killing the turtlenecks to trigger the death sentence by SC vote, but probably also the primary mover for getting it suspended instead of passed. I think you're right - she's rattled and wants a tighter leash on him.

The whole Harry-just-deputized-Toot-rather-than-trying-to-understand-what-he-was-doing vis-a-vis the Za Lord is one of the plots I find most interesting.

I'm now banking on Martha being the one to spill the beans. Crossing my fingers he's becoming an immortal Fae Lord with no clue as to the fact.

DF Spoilers / Re: "It is not yet your hour."
« on: June 29, 2021, 02:22:22 PM »
All the Senior Council was at Chicago save, except Merlin, Mai and Gatekeeper.

One assumes that Gatekeeper was very busy during the simultaneous attacks.

We know that McCoy, Listens-to-Wind and Christos were badly injured in the fighting based on Harry's.  Listens-to-Wind broke his back and Christos was severely burned.  McCoy looked like he was going to stroke out.

I don't think we were told what happened to Liberty.  It may be that she was fine; it may be that she was also in bad shape -- most everyone was in bad shape afterwards.  Either way, she was a shaky vote for Dresden and even if she was available for the "Dresden Expulsion" Meeting, the count still would have been Merlin 6 (Merlin, Mai, proxy McCoy, proxy LTW, proxy Rashid, proxy Christos) to Dresden 1 (Liberty at best).  Liberty strikes me as someone would might support Dresden with cover fire, but not the kind of person that would go it alone.

I personally assumed she was one of the unflappable Harry's command over the Little Folk disturbed. She has extensive contacts among the spirits and loa- she is the one most likely to know of some rising Za Lord but not know who it was

DF Spoilers / Re: How hard did Ebenezar try to kill Lord Raith?
« on: June 29, 2021, 02:19:38 PM »
Admittedly it's a fools game that is probably going to happen in canon based on the prophecy with Corb.

I've more-or-less assumed that Harry is going to use Maggie's pentacle to make that one happen- maybe borrow from Morgan and the naagloshi.

DF Spoilers / Re: Are We Wrong about Christos?
« on: June 29, 2021, 02:17:37 PM »
Christos is all about face. If Harry is popular with younger wizards still, Christos could seize on that, especially if his entire political stance is "anti-establishment/willing to argue with the Merlin."

Like the American Republicans and Democrats- axiomatic oppositional grandstanding.

There's two variants on the OP's question.

1) What if Christos is a "Secret good guy/team Harry." I don't personally think so, generally, because I think that will be Nic during the apocalypse and such devices can become over-used. Not a strong reason, but my reason.
2) What if Christos is a dupe? This one *feels* Dresden to me- as Ebenezer says, "Stupid's worse." So he'll bombastically interfere and try to take over.

DF Spoilers / Re: Starborn WAG
« on: June 29, 2021, 02:09:13 PM »
Jim said that you need to be born at the right place (and time)...  So I'm wondering where this place was.  He also said that of the 40,000 Starborn, there aren't many left.  That's a lot of people to die in 40 or so years.  I wonder if Earth isn't the only place they can come from?  Perhaps some Starborn from the past weren't even humans, NeverNever Being's maybe...  This time around though was Earth.  This could be the first time mortal wizards have had access to the Starborn ability, or at least the first time in a while.

Thought that was the right place *in* time.

With the attack on Arctis Tor the assumption was that Thorned is working for Nemesis, and that Nicodemus is not...  What if it's the opposite?  What if Thorned and his allies actually attacked Arctis Tor because Leah was a danger to all of reality.  I think of this because Jim said that "Mab thought she was doing the right thing"...  he did appear to put an emphasis on "thought"...  So what if Mab was screwing up, and those that attacked were trying to actually stop Nemesis?

Perhaps this is where things get turned on their heads.  Nicodemus is the Enemy of reality while Thorned and who he's with is not.  Maybe when Cowl was speaking of the White Council being rotten to the core, this is what he spoke of?  Freaking A this could mean that Harry has been wrong the entire time..  The Black Council are the good guys, the White Council is corrupted, and we have all been duped. Cowl couldn't outright tell Harry because nothing, not even Angels know if someone is Nemfected.

From a story perspective, I don't think this would be as interesting as what is going on.

At the beginning of the series when they first encounter each other, the cards are all in Nic's hands. As time has passed, Nic has been falling as Harry is in ascent, and they are becoming foils/dark mirrors (Harry gains feal servants as Nic loses his, Harry is the positive, protective father while Nic is . .gross, Nic is the bogeyman everyone fears as unkillable- who has almost been killed by Harry, etc.). The conflict between the two of them has become a personal one. From a classic story construction standpoint; the expected end of such an arc is some combination of "Harry and Nic must team up and put aside their personal rivalry" and "Nic was the one fighting Nemesis the entire time."

I have been meaning to look at the dates, but given that magic is generated by living things/life, I've wondered if the Black Death/Nic's attempted Plague was to reduce "ambient" magic and therefore make it harder to summon Outsiders, etc. Things like that- a scorched earth policy but with an eye to protecting reality. Anduriel's ability to listen to shadows is superior to Ivy's ability when it would come to tracking Nemesis, one would think.

DF Spoilers / Re: Starborn WAG
« on: June 25, 2021, 09:38:50 PM »
Eb says "for a few hours" every 666 years. The internet says there's 385,000 babies born per day, or 32,000 per hour.

If the average is 50,000 potential starborn born each time, then it stands to reason that Eb is correct that it's a couple hours, maybe up to three, every 666 years. The 40-60k variance could be due to lower birthing rates at night. (~25% less at night)

That would also go with Listen, who Harry describes in Ghost Story as not seeming to have talent, being a starborn.

The only thing that goes against it is an old statement from JB that Harry and Elaine didn't have the same birthday. So either he changed his mind, or the window was across midnight, or she wasn't actually a potential.

Number I dug up was 250 babies/hour. And this would have been in 1975, with a lower population- 4 billion vs. 7.8. So the rate was lower then.

I go around on what Elaine really is. Could a starborn have been put on ice since the last cycle? Tinfoil hats want to know!

DF Spoilers / Re: What does this mean?
« on: June 23, 2021, 07:56:08 PM »
Various ideas:

1) Harry's shade spent two minutes teleporting everywhere heart-busting vamps.
2) Harry had to power the spell, and the difference between a Destroyer and whatever the alternative is is love vs. hate- and Harry is a man with great capacity for both.
3) Expanding on 2- this is why the archangels helped. Salvation from love using destruction they could support.

DF Spoilers / Re: So Nicodemus wanted the Eye?
« on: June 23, 2021, 07:54:36 PM »
Compare the number and type of items used to summon the Erlking to the panoply of Christ in the vault. That's my suspicion.

DF Spoilers / Re: How hard did Ebenezar try to kill Lord Raith?
« on: June 23, 2021, 03:21:19 AM »
I've asked myself this question as well.  Why not just obliterate Raith's car when driving or something.  The only thing I could come up with is that just as the Entropy curse causes anything bad that can happen, to happen regardless of how unlikely (like a frozen turkey falling from an airplane), perhaps his protection offers the opposite.  It's entropy protection meaning that he basically has unbelievable magical luck when it comes to attempts on his life.

I favor the idea that what she did was expand his protection, such that it ground out any energy he tried to feed on.

As to how he went so long- I assume he started topped off and never did anything while desperately seeking a way out.

DF Spoilers / Re: Starborn WAG
« on: June 22, 2021, 06:18:43 PM »
What if to create a Starborn part of the process (or the whole process) is that an Outsider (or part of an Outsider) needs to be joined with a human host/embryo. It makes sense that Starborn can hurt Outsiders more easily if they themselves were part Outsider. Sort of like what makes them strong also makes them weak. If this is true, then it makes sense why people like Morgan were against Harry. Because no one likes Outsiders and being even part Outsider could be seen as a very bad thing to some people. It also makes sense why LTW needs to talk with a lot of people before telling Harry because he needs to understand how/what to tell Harry. Because just telling him (or anyone else), "Hey Harry, you are part Outsider. You know the race of being that no one likes. Well, you are kinda one of them because your Mom and others want to use you for the greater good." Harry would not respond well to that. (Yes, LTW doesn't talk like that, but that's the gist of the conversation). One thing I'm unsure about is how 40,000 kids could be part Outsider. I could understand a few because someone summons the Outsider and then bonds the child embryo to it but having that many seem unlikely. Maybe at certain times, the Outsiders can cross the border of their own accord and choose their own hosts. And there are so few Starborn left because some people hunt Starborn (or Outsider hosts) because of the fear and lack of understanding of what Starborn are or what they have the potential to become.

Starborn are born at the right confluence in time. There's nothing that says a starborn must have talent. If there are 40,000-60,000 starborn at the start of this cycle, that's something like a 4-6 hour window where they could have been born.

If starborn need at least some level of talent- well, we don't have the numbers to calculate that, but it does stretch the window a bit.

Bonus, it should make them easier to find. October 31st birthdays what, 1975? Narrows the pool considerably.

If I were to guess, I'd go with starborn having an ability to redefine reality- and either eject or permanently accept Outsiders thereby. Outsiders are outside reality, which is why magic doesn't do much to them. A starborn forming intent at an Outsider infiltration implicitly makes it part of reality, and therefore vulnerable to reality, insofar as it redefines them from "a projection from outside" to "that which I am punching and thereby is now subject to being punched." I'd also guess it cycled around to Lucifer, the Morning "Star", on some level- the first to rebel and change reality. Maybe starborn are echoes of what he did.  It would tie the Denarians in in a sideways manner.

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: June 14, 2021, 06:57:30 PM »
Don't forget Dorf. He's the Lord of Fishing, too.

I think the Erlking represents and controls the choice inherent in the Hunt. It is mindless, he is the mind.

So the Erlking gives you your choices: Join, fight, or become prey.

DF Spoilers / Re: What is your favorite part and why?
« on: June 14, 2021, 06:54:22 PM »
That part where Harry gets beat up and then digs deep. Y'know, all of them.

My favorite *plotline* is probably the background development of the Little Folk- I really think that's a significance Butcher is hiding in plain sight, and Harry's going to find himself an Erlking-style Immortal Lord of the Fae, although I also love lots of Gard's little character bits; such as putting her cassette/CD copy of Ride of the Valkyries into her chopper. I still think Hendricks in specific was part of the price Marcone paid for her services. Real warrior, that one.

Favorite scene? Probably when River Shoulders does a full WWE leap into the third floor of the University of Oklahoma's Honors dorm and slaps down all the magic shenanigans. I hear hard rock whenever I've read that scene. If you recall a book scene with a soundtrack, that's some outstanding writing- and also you've watched too many movies.

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