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Messages - Theonlyspiral

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DFRPG / Re: Help With Extreme Consequences
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:02:47 PM »
Here's the link to the Obsidian Portal page:

So the Consequence gets added as an aspect, and it modifies an existing one? I thought the injury aspect replaced an existing one.

In terms of the combat difficulty... The set up was the party being jumped  by 5 unknown demons. The party's demonologist had never seen their like before. The only clues they had were that they appeared to be unaffected by thresholds, all five had hellfire, and to the mystical senses of the knight they were indistinguishable from Denarians.

We talked for two minutes about his different options in conceding but he was sure he was ok. He had just gutted one of them and was feeling damn confident in himself after inflicting 16 stress over two attacks.  His problem was not having any more fate points. I did everything but tell him to concede. As did the other 4 PCs. It was more that this player is kind of...obstinate sometimes.

DFRPG / Help With Extreme Consequences
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:14:47 PM »
So last night we had the first combat in our game. The party threw down with a group of demons, in a home. The building burned down, police were called, all the fun stuff. Now our Knight of the Cross went head to head with two of them, and refused to concede. He filled his physical stress, consequences and refused to concede. He was forced to take his extreme consequence in order to avoid getting killed. Now I'm not 100% sure what an appropriate consequence would be for being slashed with a demon's claws. Any help or ideas for appropriate consequences would be appreciated.

No objection at all. I'm honoured in fact.

DFRPG / Re: Help a new guy, please
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:02:05 PM »
Hey There! These boards are fantastic and a real help. In terms of being a Warden, I would just make sure you're at least a competent Evoker, have the Sword, and make sure your high concept relates to it. With those in place you should be good.

We have a ton of clued in factions in the City. We kind had a crazy City Creation session. Right now I think with how many opponents know what to do (Including most of the mortal police, 2 groups of faeries, denarians, the church, 3 large aboriginal groups, Monoc, the black court...) in this situation it's well known enough to be +3.

DFRPG / Re: Other-setting's creatures
« on: January 09, 2013, 05:53:20 PM »
I freely steal from the TV series, the Slender-Verse and Greek Mythology and it's only the first adventure. I would say that that rule of cool trumps all in RPGs.

I completely forgot about the price discount on Soul Fire. I just associate it with the reduced cost, being that it seems like that's how it's used in play most often. I've made those changes that you suggest, as well as updated the Skills that are affected by the staff.

I'd also like the Seid Stones to do something different but I'm not sure what they could do at -1 that's both fluffy and any better than a level of Refinement for a Wizard who no longer has a Warden Sword.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4]Supernatural Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3]The Catch: Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1]The Seid Stones: Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3]Banefire: This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.

DFRPG / Re: Fate points from the GM NPC perspective
« on: January 09, 2013, 04:42:29 PM »
I really don't see much trouble in it. I mean yeah the BBEG may have some extra Fate Points...but any group should have him outgunned in that department if you're offering plentiful compels. Also it makes running at the table way faster. Although that could be because I'm not 100% on FATE yet.

Ok, so here is the revised version so far:

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder beyond human vitality.
[+1]The Catch: Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1]The Seid Stones: Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3]Banefire: This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.

I think you have a point about just using the mechanics of Soulfire as opposed to trying to adapt ACaEBG. It was just the best example of the mechanic I could find. My one cocern there is I thought that Soulfire had a higher refresh due to the fact that it had a hypothetically softer Sponsor Agenda? If the Agenda of the staff is violent enough would it rate a reduction to -2?

Would Running Water Apply a -1 Catch? I've been thinking that it would likely ground out all the different auras and such competing within the staff without being so generic.

The Fluff Idea with the Seid stones was to be a gift to the character in return for an unspecified job owed to Monoc securities (Which is a major player in our city). The idea is that there is no limit on the number of focus slots you can use the staff for. When I was designing it I figured it would ignore the lore cap as well. Then I figured that by itself it doesn't really add that much to a character so I tried to find a minor benefit that also really wasn't worth anything by itself. The Rote Spells were just Idea number one.

In terms of Sponsor Debt, I thought it would cost one, as with Sponsored Magic, You get -1 for each of Evocation and Thaumaturgy, and then have -2 which grants Sponsor Debt and an additional Special Ability. Is it normally costed at 0 with the other ability being a -2?

Do you think Seid stones needs another minor ability? or Could something be done to either the rotes or Focus slot part to make it more viable?

I checked the resource collection when I was costing out the Staff which is where I got the -3 for ACAEBG. Doesn't Soulfire do the same thing and more for 3 refresh and can be freely used with Evocation? When possible I've tried very hard to use preexisting abilities for my benchmark on refresh cost. I know it's common, but the staff is being forged to try and impose order on our city, which is basically in a constant state of low intensity supernatural war.

As for the catch I'm open for basically anything at this point. The staff is an amalgamation of different minor artifacts and items so I have no problem believing the fields would interact in an unpredictable manner.

Hey there guys. Firstly I want to thank everyone who helped with my last item question. The boards here have been very supportive and an absolutely fantastic resource as me and my players try to find our feet in the FATE system. Now I've got another Item of Power question for people. We're rotating the DMing duties, and when it's my character's turn he's going to be constructing a staff. This is what I've managed to get to so far. I know it's not done but I'd really appreciate everyone's help in developing it. Names in brackets are just placeholders until I decide what hunk of magical Junk got put on their to provide the ability. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with stones and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-1](Sponsor Debt): The wielder of the staff can take a point of sponsor debt as per the normal rules in the Sponsored Magic section of YS in order to spend a fate point once per scene. The compels on this debt are to destroy and combat even helpful supernatural creatures.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder beyond human vitality.
[+2]The Catch: Fire? I'm not really sure about this part. I'm open to changing the catch.
[-1]The Seid Stones: 13 stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil. The Void Staff ignores the normal limit on focus item slots on a single item, but does not provide any additional focus slots. Additionally you may treat your lore as +2 when determining the number of Rote spells available to your character.
[-3](All Creatures are Equal Before God):As the ability in YS. I'll call it something like Magic Bane or some such.

DFRPG / Re: Help with a Player's Item
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:07:57 PM »
I just want to think everyone for their help with this. Both myself and MightyThews are very happy with how this turned out.

DFRPG / Re: Help with a Player's Item
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:10:16 PM »
The reason I look upon satisfying the catch as a big deal is that outsiders are unknowable and alien. We don't really know what (if anything) is a reliable catch as the only person who we see meaningfully got toe to toe with them is Harry. Harry being a Star Born is a big deal in the novels. A lot of speculation on the boards seems to be that it took planning and a lot of work to create one. If you have a catch that is almost impossible to fulfill, then having a weapon the ignores the rarity and danger of acquiring the knowledge and items you need to kill it seems pretty strong.

DFRPG / Re: Help with a Player's Item
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:24:13 PM »
Awesome. This is exactly the kind of feedback I needed. I like the idea of the blade parrying Outsider magic a lot more than than it putting shields up on everyone. So to take everyone's advice into account the sword would look like:

Akai Family Spirit Blade [-2]
Description: An unassuming Japanese Katana that has gained significant magical powers over the past several centuries.
Musts: You must be a descendant of the Akai family, and Have a High Concept related to the family Destiny.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-1]Forged By the Real. This blade inflicts 2 additional stress on a successful strike against an Outsider.
[-1]Memories of the Ancestors. The wielder of this sword gains +2 Weapons while wielding it in combat against Outsiders.
[+2]One Time Discount. You're not Duncan Macleod. You can't hide a Katana on your Person.
[-1]Outsider Bane. This sword serves as the catch for any supernatural toughness abilities possessed by (Insert Outsider Name here). The sword additionally reduces any toughness ability possessed by any outsider it strikes by one step.
[+0]The Quest. This item is unbreakable as long as it is used in the service of the family destiny. If it is ever used to further the aims or ends of Outsiders it looses it's magical properties until the user redeems himself or it passes to a new member of the Akai family.
[-1]Spirit Sheath.While wielding the Family Blade you may Parry magical attacks as if they were Weapon attacks.

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