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Messages - fantazero

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DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Dresden Ideas
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:56:00 PM »

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:54:30 PM »
" I quickly learned to improvise quite a bit to get through this scene in ways I do not like (layout of the classroom for instance?"
What does a classroom look like? Like a classroom? Is their a fire extinguisher in there? Roll me notice or give me a fate point
 Athletics rolls by the mooks to break through the windows?
Or Fists, or Weapons, Or whatever makes sense
 What the innocent bystanders do/are capable of doing to help?
Whatever you want them to do. Or if the players can convince them to help.
 Possible suggestions for compels I could use if I'm out of ideas during play?
I print out a list of my players Aspects so I can look at them
 All of these things seem like things I could have better thought up before play.
You couldn't have thought of all that before hand, and if you TRY to think of everything you tend to get tunnel vision on what you "expect" to happen *Quick story at the end* As well, I found myself feeling extremely disorganized - which notepad did I write out stats for Mook B on again? Where did I write out my players aspects so I can think up compels? Crap." It's a skill, you have to realize you are playing the game they are playing, and then playing another game above the one they are playing.

So Some ideas
I basically have 3 Mooks drawn up for ANYTHING

Big Bad
Big Bad Boss

+ (Fill in the blank)  on all Skills, which skills? Yes. Basically i don't have time to counter every single player ect. So, for a "throw-away" mortal character.
Stress Box ( ) ( )
Maybe 1 Fate point?

And then Big Bad, and Big bad Boss depend on your game.
In a Dresden game, just grab a villain from the book Our World and go wild. Your NPC doesn't have to "make sense" game wise. So he can have +7 on some things and nothing at +1.
I do have an issue with Black Court Vampires having Fate Points  (same thing with Werewolves and such)

If you need a Map for a Classroom, draw it.
What I did for a game  was just have each player draw a map on graph paper of a location.
Player 1, draw your characters house, Player 2, Draw the fair ground you hang out at, Player 3 draw that school where you killed that vampire.
I might not use any or all of those maps, but I keep them, and sometimes they show up later.

I also use a Dry Erase Board (like the kind you see on your fridge, you can get them at Target for like 5 bucks) and I keep track of Scene Aspects on that, and then i make another one which is for Mooks and such.

*Quick story
So in a Dresden game I was in, our GM had this Black Court Vampire that had been pushing our buttons for Half a year (In REAL TIME) so when it was time to meet the BCV my Character shot her. The GM was blown away, why would we shoot her? He didn't think that we would 1. Want to Fight with a character so powerful, and 2. He hadn't prepared for a Fight. Which was foolish of him, this BCV had been a Pain in our butt for a loooooong time, she was evil, and my character had a rep for being a loose cannon. 
The GM started to throw a fit that we were derailing his game, but I guess realized how stupid that sounded, and we beat the Black Court Vampire (She turned into mist, and our wizard turned it into Ice, and she fell like 60 Stories)
The point, you can't plan for what Players will do, because what seems logical to you, could be illogical to the player in game and out of game

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: April 03, 2013, 04:19:17 PM »
Not sure if you're referring to me, but yep as well. This little project of mine is to help expand on that, and transition from the city creation to the story creation. I'm doing this because I feel what I have so far isn't quite robust enough to feel real - The laws of reality are in place, but the details are still a little too flexible yet to feel like an actual game. Instead it feels like I'm making up a story as I go along, and while my players might not notice, it bothers me and takes away from my fun.

At the same time, I don't want to go too far and put the whole game on rails either, which is a real concern for me as well. So, I'm trying to come up with a way to better define the players in my story - a system where I can firmly say 'this is what I'm in control of and this is what I'm not'. The point is to create a challenge for not only my players (which I could do just by improvising) but for myself.

Sounds like I'm inventing a ruleset to make story creation a minigame for myself I guess. Not sure if I've worded this quite right, but hopefully other GMs get what I'm saying. lol

I think managing everyones Aspects, City Aspects, The Magic System, Social Mental and Physical Combat should be enough to challenge yourself.

Also I'm still not sure, but did you and your players get together and do city creation? That should give you like what? a Dozen NPCs and Plot threads?
Could you post what you have?

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:34:17 AM »
Have you done city building with your group?  If you did this, many of your NPC's and Locations would be done, at least as an outline.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:03:25 PM »

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:03:29 AM »
Baron munchausens (sp?) is also a good seat of your pants game
better if youre drinking

DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Dresden Ideas
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:49:29 AM »
How are they breaking their own rules?There's also an almost ½ page long margin note about how important that part is.
Again highlighting that if there's no interesting result from both results of the roll, don't call for one!

If your GM doesn't follow that, take that up with your GM. That kind of thing can't really be worked into the rules other than through repeating the message above.

I see it a lot in the magic system, I'll post more later

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:12:59 PM »
I absolutely agree. But a stray fireball is easier to come up with than a hot dog vendor eating troll. Or anything like it, for that matter. Opens up a new way to deal with those things for me.

really I just made that up while writing the paragraph.
Seat of your pants!

I say it's a skill some people need to hone. I suggest playing the game "Fiasco" as a way to sharpen the seat of your pants fun.

DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Dresden Ideas
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:44:41 PM »
That's actually in DF the rules already.

Then they are breaking their own rules.

I should edit it to say "Don't make me roll unless it's interesting and their are success and failures with that roll that are interesting"

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:43:27 PM »
Awesome idea, thank you for that  ;D
poor Hot dog stand guy....

its not "exactly" my idea, its sorta kinda Leonard Balsera's. I heard him on a Podcast talking about how Rolls should MEAN something, good or bad.
I've seen a lot of GMs use failure rolls as a dead end, when they don't need to be.
Lazy Gm"you rolled -2, you don't know anyone"
boo, hiss, thats boring.

You can do the same with magic (and it might say this in the book)

You want to throw a fire ball. You roll a -2 on Conviction (?) whatever you use to control your fireball.
That doesn't mean it's a failure, it just mean you have no control on where that fireball went

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:35:41 PM »
I completely agree.

I'm still getting over a series of bad Dresden games, and I tend to be biased  ;)

The reason I like contact rolls, is because of the outcome.
Gm- Oh you rolled a -2 well you do know this one guy at the docks, you think is name is Rick? and he works at the hot dog stand?
-Party arrives at the docks
Gm - OH NOW YOU REMEMBER Rick is the Troll that lives UNDER the docks and ate that guy at the hot dog stand.

DFRPG / Fate Core Dresden Ideas
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:31:13 PM »
I know there is a thread about this somewhere, but me and the search function don't get along (aka it hates me)


1. Less Aspects
7 is too darn many.
So lets keep
High Concept and the Trouble. They work pretty well, and they are simple to use and simple to understand.
Then two more that flesh out your character
The last one, this is the one I know I will get the most flak about which leads me to

It's too many to keep track of as a GM (3-5 players each with 7 Aspects, plus any scene aspects, stick aspects, city aspects, theme aspects, and the NPCS aspects is too many) Also after 3-4 they start to lose their "bite"

2. Drop the Guest Star Aspects
Instead of complicating character creation with somehow tying everyone to everyone else. Make your last Aspect tie into the game you are playing. So tie it to the City Aspect, or City Threat.

Example You are playing in a game where you are the Justice League and you are fighting Darksied. You play Batman, and the other two players are Aquaman and Plastic man
High Concept: Millionaire Playboy who dresses like a Bat and fights crime (or something along those lines)
Trouble: My Parents are Dead
Aspect: Where does he get those wonderful toys
Aspect: I'm the God D*mn Batman
Campaign Aspect: A Man among Gods

IF we did it the Dresden Files current way I would have to tie an Aspect to Plastic Man, and another to Aquaman. Meaning my Plastic man Aspect would be as important as the one that deals with my parents death. Thats nonsense.

3. Mental, Physical, and Social? Social and Mental need to be smashed together. Social Stresses could be better used as Sticky Aspects placed on Characters "Destroyer of the Red Court" or "That rude guy"

4. I really like contests in the Fate Core, and would love for them to be used in a new Dresden game. I also would like to steal, I mean pay homage, to Diasporas Social Conflict map. As is in the game, Social Conflict between characters means jacking them up. Which is nonsense. If I disagree with my friend about what movie to see it doesn't involve my scaring them for life so I can watch Kangaroo Jack (which is already scaring for life)

5. Magic. say the Magic system can get complicated, is well, um yeah. So feel free to add what you want to see in magic here.

6. Stress boxes. I'm mixed on this. I like that you can be taken out easily. I just don't like that if I have open stress boxes you can still be taken out. Hmmm.. Maybe it's fine the way it is.

7. Skill problems.
-Oh you took Performance at a +5, because you are a great actor. Now you're going to tell this guy a lie, roll me deceit. Why couldn't I roll Performance instead? Anyone? Maybe make some sort of buy in when it comes to skills? As I see it now, not all skills are not created equal.

8. Don't make me roll if it's not interesting.

Anyway, thats my ramble, I'm sure I can come up with more

DFRPG / Re: Failure in games
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:01:11 PM »
Complications are fun.
I also enjoy NPCs who don't feel they need to fight to the death.

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: March 31, 2013, 06:59:37 PM »
I've never felt the need to "plan" what scenes will be in a game.
it feels like rail roading to me (a pet peeve)

GM You find out people are missing at the docks?
Character I'll roll my Contacts see if I know anyone at the docks,  (+8) I do, I'll just call them.

GM you find out people are missing at the docks
Character "Why would we care about that? Right now we have to blah blah blah"

GM you find out people are missing at the docks
Character "I think I know someone at the docks (Rolls a -4) Nope.

Or during play the GM causes two character to get mad at each other
Character 1. There is time for the docks later, but first a duel at the park in an hour, my honor will be satsified
Character 2. Deal
I guess what i'm saying is, the next scene doesn't have to be at the docks. 

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