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Messages - Doc Nova

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Those look like wonderfully terrifying bad guy spells, that's for sure.

And it really seems like Lawbreaker is a real point of contention between different games...probably much like it would be between different Wardens.  Ahhh, the politics of wizarding...

Personally, I'd err on the side of strict and "mean" rather than lenient and allow the occasional slip so as to keep the teeth with the Laws.  Personally, it's the whole metaphysical, the universe reacts side that I will be keeping in mind when I run a game, far more so than what the Wardens decide.  What they decide makes good drama in the story (and therefore open to player declarations and input), how the universe reacts is a bit more decisive and "inarguable".

DFRPG / Re: Recovery Powers and Taking Consequences for Rituals
« on: July 23, 2010, 04:08:44 AM »
Naw, not broken at all...

I do hope the sarcasm is clearly heard there.

Well illustrated Gruff.

Well, I go back to my original statement of fun and story and will go with the simple ruling of "nope"!

DFRPG / Re: Fudge Dice
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:30:58 AM »
No reason to go to Chessex to find Q-workshop dice at Gen-Con...just go to the Q-workshop booth...

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Focus Items?
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:17:25 PM »
If it takes the same required slots, then it really only works against the character since, if they lose the item, they lose access to all of those abilities, I would have no problem with it whatsoever.

DFRPG / Re: Could you take an immunity to
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:35:40 PM »
Very cool concept!  However, I would be inclined to go along with Wyrdrune's call, that the immunity would be limited to the lust-based powers of certain portions of the White Court, but not to those that dealt with fear or loathing (maybe Hunter Thompson was a WCV in Las Vegas?)

Very nice!  On a similar note, I've got an Cthulhu-esque baddie that I statted out as having "Sanity Static" (mental stress, 0-range, full zone "aura") and an occultist spell called "Open Thine Eyes" (which slaps the "I've Seen Things I Should Not Have Seen!!" aspect on the poor sucker) for my upcoming game.  My fear on the "Sanity Static" one is the double whammy it'll have on practitioners, since evocation inflicts mental stress, the aura is sort of an "anti-magic" aura, as well.

DFRPG / Re: two unrelated questions (Wereform and nevernever)
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:29:55 PM »
"Polly wants a machinegun!" comes to mind...

DFRPG / Re: The Future of the Line
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:09:53 AM »
I've actually whipped up a GM screen by turning the two pages of portrait-oriented tables in the back of Book I into landscape-oriented layout for use with a tri-fold, landscape-oriented screen that has clear plastic for paper inserts.  I think I got it from Pinnacle for Savage Worlds...I think.  Anyway, it wasn't that hard.  Just a bit of time on Illustrator and voila. 

As for Dresden-esque Fate points and FUDGE dice, yeah, I am totally behind that.

Beyond those, though, as far as supplemental books go...I am torn.  Sure, I'd love to fill a bookshelf (or an entire bookcase) with nothing but Dresden-related titles, both novel and game...but there is a point of market saturation.  Granted, with two books we're nowhere near the over-saturation point, but there is a balance.  Plus, as has been stated, so many of the various things mentioned are completely within the realm of fan-stating simply with the rules as presented.  Give it another two months and I am sure we'll see several enterprising fan-driven websites pop up with an abundance of material.

DFRPG / Re: Historic Dresden Files
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:49:43 AM »
Heh, neat idea!

I wonder how far back Listens-to-Wind goes back?  Or The Merlin for that matter.

Cowl might be beginning his reign.

Of course, any Denarians (which definitely predate the 19th century) are fair game, although their hosts would likely have been different.

Similarly, the fae courts probably don't pay an awful lot of attention to the mundane world's calendar, so some of them might still be kicking, or maybe just starting their grab for power.

DFRPG / Re: Recovery Powers and Taking Consequences for Rituals
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:46:28 AM »
Alternatively, if you did decide to allow it, there's no reason why you couldn't have the bad guys show up just as the character in question is putting the finishing touches on his potion, is all wounded and not yet recovered, and let the fun play out from there. 

Ultimately, however, if the action the character is taking is harmful to the fun and story at the table, simply don't allow it.  The FATE system, being so player-narrative, is very easily exploited and trucks could be driven through potential loopholes.  While they're fun to come up with and talk about, implementing them is a different story.

I don't mind the notion of some hyper-regenerating character shoving a knife through his own hand to spook the crap out of hoodlum, knowing full well he'll recover quickly, but that would be in the theme of the character and story, not smacking a rule loophole just so they can WIN!

Anyway...just my two Denarians...


DFRPG / Re: two unrelated questions (Wereform and nevernever)
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:38:08 AM » it.

Just throwing in my own confirmation...yes, "smarts"-related stats can go down when in beastie form, and up is either right out or only with really good justification.

As for circles and such, as stated, unless there's a scene aspect that might state otherwise, I'd rule it working like it would on mundane ol' Terra, although I might also rule some of the Nevernever denizens having a boosted strength on their home turf against a pesky human wizard's magic circle...

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