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Messages - wyvern

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DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Conversion
« on: April 28, 2013, 04:30:48 PM »
I do like your approach. Its very clean and simple. My only niggle is that in the books, evocation does tend to wear out spellcasters. Having Harry continuously blast opponents without signs of fatigue doesn't seem quite right to be, although I agree about fallout and backlash. Much easier solution.
A reasonable niggle... but consider: Sprinting everywhere would tend to wear out a runner - but there's nothing in the fate core rules to enforce that.  If you wanted to make it very clear, though, you could add in a sentence like "Extended or continuous use of evocation tends to be exceptionally tiring compared to even strenuous physical activity; if this comes up in play, treat your effective endurance for spellcasting as your Will skill minus two."

DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Conversion
« on: April 26, 2013, 09:53:54 PM »
Hm.  I deliberately designed my version to be a one refresh thing - it only moves one trapping, after all, and for the rest just provides justification for using, say, Shoot skill without a gun.  (This is also why I removed mental stress as a cost - if any random mook can pick up a gun and shoot at weapon: 3 with their Shoot skill... the wizard with a blasting rod ought to be on at least equal footing.  In DFRPG the mental stress cost is a necessary balance for evocation being able to attack with extremely high skill & weapon values - when I scaled that back, I also removed the stress cost.)
Focus & enchanted items are, in my version, treated basically the same as mundane weapons & armor & tools - a viewpoint that I extend to thaumaturgy, too:

From my perspective a fate core version of thaumaturgy is just "Well, you're a wizard, so of course you can use Crafts skill to make a potion of water breathing - same way a gadgeteer could use Crafts to make a scuba tank, or anyone could use resources to just buy such a thing." Of course, a really good crafter-wizard would add stunts, perhaps switching magic item creation from crafts to lore, or maybe a stunt to offset penalties due to inadequate materials for some categories of thaumaturgy - "Yeah, I can make a tracking spell with some hair and a shoe string.  Gimme five minutes."

* * * * *

Backlash and Fallout: I don't see any need to include general rules for these; they'd normally fall into fate core's "succeed at a cost" option.
I'm also a little confused as to why you have create an advantage listed as lore - it doesn't seem to match the rest of the power (or DFRPG evocation, either...)

DFRPG / Re: Fate Core Conversion
« on: April 26, 2013, 06:42:02 PM »
Hm.  For contrast & reference, here's my fate-core-ized version of evocation.

Requirement: A high concept (or, with GM permission, other relevant aspect) indicating that you can work magic.
Cost: One refresh.
Limitations: Evocation should have some appropriate thematic limitations - perhaps you work with, say, just fire, force, and wind.  Work this out individually; a spellcaster whose paradigm is the eastern elements of Wood and Metal would be very different from a hippy wannabe-druid or a retired ectomancer, even if the power is mechanically the same.

1: You may defend yourself from attacks using your Will skill - if and only if you have an appropriate aspect placed on the scene, such as "wall of fire", "dome of force", "entropic shield", or the like.  (Note that this will usually apply only to physical combat... but only usually; for example, one could easily imagine a wall of fire justifying using Will to defend against an opponent's attempts to intimidate you.)
2: You may attack with magic using either Fight or Shoot skills, as appropriate.  Working magic at range is difficult, though; you're at -1 for each zone your target is away from you - though this can be offset with appropriate focus items.
3: You may create an advantage with magic, using Will, Fight, or Shoot - though Will is limited to personal range aspects, Fight is limited to the zone you're in, and Shoot is generally limited to offensive effects - though subject to GM discretion; a wall of fire might be acceptable, for example, as it's thematically pretty similar to using a gun for a "covering fire" type of aspect.  As with ranged attacks, create an advantage takes a -1 penalty for each zone of range - again, this can be offset with appropriate focus items.
4: You may use "weapons" and "armor" in the form of focus items - for example, a really well-made wizard's staff might make all your magical attacks count as weapon rating four with an extra +4 to offset range penalties, or a blasting rod might allow fire attacks at weapon: 3 with +3 to offset range penalties, while a heavily enchanted leather duster might provide armor three, or a simple luck charm armor one.  Mundane authorities are unlikely to recognize the true nature of such implements, but anyone clued in is likely to be aware that a wizard with a staff is armed and dangerous, and lore rolls to detect their magical nature get a +1 bonus per point of weapon or armor rating they offer.

* * * * *

Now, someone like Dresden, a combat-focused wizard, probably has a number of stunts that add to this.  Things like:
Magical Thug: For the cost of a point of mental stress, you can make a magical attack that counts as weapon rating two... or +1 weapon rating over whatever focus you're using.
Reactive Shield: You've practiced to the point where you can raise a particular type of shield with a thought; you don't need an established aspect in order to defend yourself with Will.  (But you do still need appropriate justification - a force shield is unlikely to protect you from much in the way of social or mental attacks, for example.)
Focus, Focus, Focus: As long as you have an appropriate focus item in hand, you may use Will instead of Shoot for ranged attacks or create an advantage actions using magic.
Burn It All Down: +1 to any attack or create an advantage action using fire magic... but if you fail by two or more, the GM gets to place a scene aspect as the poorly controlled spell sets something else on fire.  And yes, the GM gets a free tag on that, too.

DFRPG / Re: A few seconds ahead - How strong is it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:19:14 PM »
A Few Seconds Ahead is fine... in the context of the character sheet it's on, where Lore isn't her apex skill, and there are a few higher skills she could sometimes use instead.  If you did try to make a character with, say, discipline & lore at +5... the power would just make your combats boring, because you'd always use the same defense.  Even if you charged two or three refresh for the power, I still wouldn't want to allow it; it doesn't lead to interesting play.

I'd be much more inclined to make a short-range precog power that, say, granted +1 when you spend a fate point to invoke your precognition as an aspect (in addition to the fate point's normal +2 or reroll).  Or maybe +2 but only for defensive uses.  Something like that would be much more interesting - it wouldn't just invalidate large numbers of other skills, and you'd still need, say, enough athletics to get out of the way of whatever attack you saw coming.

DFRPG / Re: catch for an angel who turned human
« on: April 18, 2013, 06:58:10 PM »
The catch is obviously Free Will - that's worth at least a +3.  So, you're protected from stuff like vampires, renfields (and any other human not acting of their own volition), and fae, and any denarians that have just overpowered their host and taken control.  But some random thug in a dark alley is a real threat, and mortal wizards would be especially dangerous.

DFRPG / Re: Confused About Concessions
« on: April 16, 2013, 05:18:56 PM »
From my perspective, a concession is bowing out of the fight when you could keep going.  So, you can concede before the dice are rolled, and that's usually pretty easy.

After the dice are rolled, well, you can still look at the result and say something like "This conflict isn't worth fate points or a moderate consequence; what's the take-out result they were aiming for?"* and then maybe negotiate a bit to get a concession - but this sort of thing is more likely to result in a concession of "beaten up and left for dead, with a moderate consequence of 'bruises all over'," or maybe "Not only do I not get the information I wanted from this guy, but I'll also take a temporary aspect of 'Dr. Morrison is clearly innocent', which he can call in later for help or protection."

And what if, in order to stay in the fight, the PC would have had to spend an extreme consequence?  Well, you can still - by my definition - technically concede at that point, but doing so is probably going to either involve an aspect change or be nearly indistinguishable from a take-out result, or possibly both.

* Another example I've seen on this boards was someone who said "You know, I think it might be interesting to get taken out here." - I think the context was a soulgaze or using the Sight on a draconic scion.  From my point of view, that's a very clear concession; the player could easily have taken the mental hit, but chose not to.

DFRPG / Re: Custom Power for Wereform Komodo Dragon
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:30:35 PM »
Honestly, I'd just make this a -0 "power", that healing bite wounds is more difficult, and maybe move the +1 to track by scent thing over to be part of a "Echoes of the Beast" power.

Why?  Well, an actual serious bite wound is going to have to be a consequence.  And if you try to bite someone... well, yeah, they can take a consequence "bitten", but they can also take a consequence "sprained ankle" from dodging badly, or they can decide that this fight isn't really worth a consequence and try to negotiate a concession instead, or... etc.  So, it won't necessarily come up much - especially if your players follow standard player practice of never wanting to let an enemy get away.

And when it does come up... well, that's just an invoke of the consequence, or maybe a compel from the GM.  Not worth paying refresh for.

DFRPG / Re: Spend a Fate Point to emulate a Stunt?
« on: April 11, 2013, 05:12:06 PM »
I'd allow this, but only with an appropriate aspect, and only for stunts that can't be represented as a numerical bonus.  For example, a character who is "Crazy Prepared", might invoke that to be allowed to use sleight-of-hand, ala the pickpocket stunt - for one specific feat of pickpocketing that she'd practiced beforehand.  If she wanted to use prestidigitation a second time - even in the same scene - she'd need another fate point.

If you're considering wider access to stunts, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1: Don't allow skill swap stunts.  You shouldn't be able to spend a fate point to make a jump-kick using your athletics skill of 5, when your normal fists skill is 2 or less.

2: Be careful of stunts with large bonuses, like the "Listening" stunt Harry uses.  That stunt grants a (if I remember right) +4, at a penalty to other forms of perception - in the case where someone wants to buy that stunt with a fate point, I'd tell the player up front, "Yes, you can do this, but I'm going to treat it as spending a fate point to declare a 'listening very intently' aspect, invoking that aspect for a +2, accepting a compel against that aspect, and using the fate point from the compel for another +2.  In other words, you can have your +4 bonus, but you will be paying for it by immediately not noticing something else important."

3: Be very very careful of any temporary stunt purchasing that's going to last for a scene instead of a single action; most stunts are equivalent to spending a fate point each time the stunt's conditions come up; if I have a choice between spending a fate point to get +2 to this roll, and spending a fate point to get +2 to this roll and all similar rolls in the scene... that second option is pretty clearly out of line with the base game rules.

DFRPG / Re: Among the blind the one eyed man is kind
« on: April 04, 2013, 05:27:28 PM »
Yeah - this sort of thing should be extreme consequence or take-out territory (and I'd be rather hesitant to cut off someone's hand or the like with a take-out result unless either the player suggested it, or it was explicitly on the table at the start of the conflict - something like "Looks like someone framed you for a major theft; if the city guard gets a hold of you they're going to cut off a hand as punishment" - and then make very sure the player has plenty of options to concede - "I get captured, but my loyal crew will break me out, so I don't lose a hand, but have to flee the city," or "I miss the leap from rooftop to rooftop, break through a weak spot in the ground, and now have to find my way out of the sewer system... but the guards didn't get me," or etc.)

DFRPG / Re: Catch Question
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:58:44 PM »
Bypass completely.  You can certainly make catches that merely downgrade the powers... but such won't offer a game-mechanical rebate.

DFRPG / Re: Campaign idea - "On The Run"
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:03:04 PM »
I'd strongly suggest taking a look at the Highway to Hell thread - it details a similarly city-less campaign, and is generally full of awesome.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:44:22 AM »
To get back to the original characters a bit - one thing I'd suggest, particularly for the were-raven described, is not buying beast change.  Buy the wings, buy claws & diminutive size if you want (both are optional - lack of claws power just means your claws are weapon: 0, while lack of diminutive size... well, some ravens can get pretty darned big.)  And then take a human form limitation on those powers, or even a -0 Human Guise power - bang, done.  You're, mechanically (if not necessarily thematically) a raven that can turn into a person; all beast change offers you is a skill swap - and if you're already a sneaky athletic perceptive type person, the skill swap doesn't do much for you.  It's great for a scholar that can turn into a tiger; for a thief that turns into a raven... not so much.

DFRPG / Re: Refresh bonus for the catch: Fire?
« on: February 14, 2013, 04:49:25 PM »
Kind of expected to be attacked with fire. What actually happened (most recently) was 'slightly' different. No, instead of being attacked, the blasted Fallen I pounce (and poison, woo hoo!) is wearing some armor, that when penetrated, applies 'On Fire' at 9 shifts, which shortly there after burns off my wings (spell generated, think conjured biology, so only bad from the perspective of no longer flying), resulting in a flaming cat auguring into the bay.

Sounds like fun!

DFRPG / Re: Refresh bonus for the catch: Fire?
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:16:29 PM »
Depends.  If basically nobody knows he's vulnerable to fire, it's a +2 total catch.  If some people could figure it out with some research, it's a +3 total catch.  If it's just obvious ("Hi, I'm a water elemental!"), that would offer a +4 total catch... except that catch value can't exceed points spent on toughness+recovery, so he'd only get +3 worth of benefit.  (But could still get the +4 later if he bought toughness or recovery up to supernatural.)

Edit: just to clarify, the "some people could figure it out with some research" level has two sides; there is "He's clearly an X, but we'll have to do some research to figure out what Xs are vulnerable to", or there's the reason most fae have a +3 catch for cold iron: yeah, everyone knows fae are vulnerable to cold iron - what takes research is figuring out if you're looking at an actual fae (there are so many types!) or some other sort of nevernever beasty that'll just laugh at you if you try to hit it with a crowbar.

DFRPG / Re: Demons Kim Harrison style
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:24:50 AM »
Sounds like, for most games, they should be in the same category as the fae Queens - they can do whatever is thematically appropriate for them to do, and tend to challenge the PCs to work around them instead of directly besting them.

Of course, I'm also aware that this doesn't really answer your question - and Sanctaphrax likes statting things that shouldn't normally have stats, so I'm sure he can help you there better than I could.

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