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Messages - John Galt

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DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:53:25 PM »
Is there a reason to use either of those two ways?  I mean, why not just use a normal spell that is flavored as using magic to throw the knives?  If you really must, house rule in the first method, but all these attempts I'm seeing at making the most badass character possible, and bending the rules to do so in many cases, kind of misses the whole point of the DFRPG in my opinion, which is to tell a good story. 

All the attempts by me personally or in general?  I think this is my only attempt at making the most badass character possible.  My other characters were created specifically to fit an interesting story I had written for them.  And as to why I'm trying to make this guy as badass as possible?  Because my GM asked the players to do exactly that.  He wants to run that kind of game (over the top epic, submerged).  I realize he completely abuses the evocation spin rules and trying to give him even more discounts by being able to magically throw knives is over the top, but that's literally what the GM asked me to do. 

DFRPG / Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:03:18 PM »
Aside from that, he Deus Ex Machina'd a horde of dryads after they scythed down our stereotype-laden otaku lesbian wizard. Not sure why - three out of our remaining five had just shown up, and they're the most combat-capable of the group, including a werejaguar with Mythic Recovery, the Norse demigod of Rock, and a legitimate vampire with a soul (Red Court).

I've never had a good experience with GMPC's.  For that reason.  They always end up using their character as a Deus Ex Machina and, in general, flaunt how much better their character is than the rest of the PC's.  The Fate system has one of the most easily GMPC exploited mechanics too- aspects and declarations. 

DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:56:02 PM »
I actually have a similar question.

So I'm building a sorcerer with a spirit specialization, which I've read as being the element one would use for magically throwing objects as well.  I want him to be able to magically throw his weapons of choice (Kukri knives) without a high weapons skill (+1).  He basically just has them because he's a mercenary and he doesn't like breaking any of the seven laws for obvious reasons.  (he likes to subdue his opponents with grapples, sneak up on them from behind and slit their throats).  So I know how to do a brute force spirit attack, but I'm wondering if there's any benefit to spending power to throw his weapon 2 knives, and if so, how I stat out the spell.  The way I'd personally do it is stat it as a brute force attack with a -1 power discount since it's a weapon 2 (kind of like the armor stacking house rules) but I'm not sure if that makes the spell overpowered or if that's explicitly against the rules.

The other way to do it is throw them and use his conviction or discipline score as a weapons score.  I think that makes more sense but I'd rather do it the above way because I think this way requires a stunt and even if it doesn't, he's in a over powered submerged game so a simple weapon 2 attack would be fairly useless when he has a mental stress free weapon 4 attack.

Thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Re: Mordite Blade
« on: June 06, 2010, 07:00:49 PM »
All of Living Dead's benefits have to do with looking dead and being indestructible by physical means.  That seems to pretty accurately describe your character...

DFRPG / Re: Autumn and Spring Courts
« on: June 06, 2010, 06:28:05 AM »
I like the idea of Spring and Autumn Courts.  In a seattle pbp I'm playing a former High Sidhe of the Autumn Court whose now a half-mortal Bard damned to remember and share the sorrow of his destroyed Court with the rest of the world (or at least Seattle).  Personally I like the ideas of former great courts destroyed by summer and winter.

I also like the idea that the Erkling is the King of Autumn and there's another wildfae King out there with power close to Mab and Titania who is effectively head of a Spring Court.

I like not because it's particularly true to the books, but because it lets groups stay true to the books and still play a Knight of a Faerie Court. 

DFRPG / Re: Champion/Knight of Autumn Court
« on: June 06, 2010, 06:16:48 AM »
I'm playing a former High Sidhe of the Autumn Court in a game.  This is how I've done it.

[-4]Summer (Seelie Magic- satisfies the catch against Autumn and Winter)- wildness, growth, renewal, birth, fire
[-4]Winter (UnSeelie Magic- satisfies the catch against Spring and Summer)- decay, slumber, death, entropy, ice
[-4]Autumn (AbSeelie Magic- satisfies the catch against Spring and Summer)- decay, slumber, death, entropy, earth
[-4]Spring (AdSeelie Magic- satisfies the catch of Autumn and Winter)- wildness, growth, renewal, birth, air

Basically, spring brings summer and thus AdSeelie.  Autumn brings winter, thus AbSeelie.  All of the powers other than fire and ice are also associated with spring and autumn from summer and winter, respectively.  To balance it, fire and ice needed to be replaced.  Since Autumn is typically associated with earthen colors and spring needed a unique element, I just gave them earth and air, respectively.

DFRPG / Re: Need more iron man armor ideas
« on: June 04, 2010, 05:08:56 PM »
woops.  I keep miscalculating those.  I wasn't sure if the boots would be allowed.  Someone else had given enchanted boots the ability to move an extra two zones without penalty which is what effortless movement is so I thought it was allowed.

DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 04, 2010, 01:48:36 PM »
also mortals get 2 extra refresh and don't have as much need for a high conviction.  Wizards can take guns too but they rarely have the skill points left over to do so effectively, and never have the stunts to use them as effectively as most true mortals would.  The average gun nowadays is going to have about a clip size of 15 and a weapon rating of 2 in this game, so I see no reason for pure mortals not to have a weapon 2, uses: 45 item on them at all times.  So it doesn't seem that ridiculous to me for Wizards to have something similar with spin rules on evocation.  Even at fully submerged the best he'll be able to do is a weapon 2 or weapon 3 attack whenever he wants, which isn't any different than a true mortal.  And as for unbalancing, well, that wouldn't happen until a 12+ refresh game.  And to be honest any mortal playing at that level should have a lot of leeway from the GM to compete anyway (advanced technologies, items of power, etc) so I don't think it would necessarily make wizard's overpowered even at higher levels.

DFRPG / Re: Need more iron man armor ideas
« on: June 04, 2010, 01:25:01 PM »
As others have already said it is the easiest and makes the most sense to just take thaumaturgy, specialize in crafting and take refinement as many times as you can for 4 enchanted item slots each time.  Beyond that it's entirely up to you how you want to stat the armor.  From the second movie I'd use something like:
(assuming 3 refinements and superb lore)

Enchanted Iron Man Set (16)- Base power, lore + 1=6
(3)Wrist Guards (plasma cannon) (weapon 6, uses: 5)
(3)Gloves (Laser Beams) (weapon 9, uses:1)
(6)Chest (armor) (Block 10 or armor 5, uses: 5)
(2)Boots (flying) (Wings, Effortless Movement, uses:9)
(2)Potion Slots

Iron Man Suit- Armor 2
Mini Gun- Weapon 2
Mini Rocket (3) - Weapon 4 

DFRPG / Re: How Many Scions Can You Make?
« on: June 03, 2010, 09:11:22 PM »
I think Ferrovax is WAY above that... In an interview around when Changes came out, Jim was asked who would win if Mab and Ferrovax fought. His answer was something along these lines (not a direct quote)

"If Mab, Lea and Maeve together ambushed Ferrovax at the height of midwinter on the ground of their choosing he would still wipe the floor with them. Ferro is a primal force of nature, in another weightclass"

Which broke my brain for a while, I have to say...

Wow.  Well I missed that interview, lol.  At that point it's just silly trying to stat him.  You probably need to play either a group with 100 refresh between the four of them or a group of all Knights of the Cross to even think about fighting him.

But remember too that he's probably telling the truth.  He's the eldest Dragon.  So a Farovax scion might be out of the question, but scions of lesser dragons still have a place in the dresdenverse (rpg) I think. 

DFRPG / Re: How Many Scions Can You Make?
« on: June 03, 2010, 08:58:47 PM »
Well we don't really know enough about Dresdenverse Dragons to be sure, but I'd say things like Breath Weapon (obviously), Supernatural Toughness (scaly armoured skin), Supernatural Strength, Human Guise (Ferrovax doesn't always look like a giant winged dinosaur), and quite possibly spellcasting would all be valid options for half-Dragons.

To be honest though, given how powerful WoJ has implied True Dragons to be half-dragons might well not fit into Submerged unless they were really weak examples.

One of my character ideas has been a scion of a lesser dragon for waist deep.  Basically just

[-2] inhuman speed, [-1] Beast Change

Human Guise [+1]
[-2] inhuman toughness
[+1] Specific Metal
[-2] Breath Weapon (fire)
[-1] Claws

I think lesser dragons and scions of lesser dragons can fit just fine in anything at waist deep or above.  But true dragon and a scion that had a power similar to that wouldn't fit at all, as you said.  Farovax powers would look more like-

[-3] Evocation (Fire, Earth, Spirit)
[-4] Refinement

Beast Change, Human Form
  • [-1] Claws
    [-1] Wings
    [-8] Physical Immunity,
[+1] True Magic/Faith, Swords of the Cross
[-0] Breath Weapon
[-2] Hulking Size
[-6] Mythic Strength
[-2] Inhuman Speed

But most of that is guessing.  Like you said, we don't really have a clear picture of the power of Dragons, except that Farovax, a high dragon and self declared eldest of dragons (and thus more powerful) basically has the evocation power of a high immortal like the Red King, Odin, or a Faerie Queen.

DFRPG / Re: How Many Scions Can You Make?
« on: June 03, 2010, 08:27:02 PM »
What would a half-dragon half-human look like? (Submerged.)

I don't have OW, so it might actually be in there.  The way I'd make one (and I've actually considered it) is like this:

High Concept: Illegitimate Son of Farovax
Trouble: Legitimate Half-Dragon

Skills as human:
Superb: Conviction, Lore
Great: Discipline, Presence
Good: Endurance, Deceit
Fair: Rapport, Alertness, Athletics
Average: Fists, Intimidation, Scholarship, Resources, Survival

Powers: [-3] Evocation (Fire, Spirit, Earth), Human Form [+1]

Beast Change [-1]:
[-4] superhuman toughness
[+3] Catch- Swords of the Cross, True Magic, Running Water
[-1] Breath Weapon (fire)
[-1] Claws
[-1] Wings
[-2] Hulking Size

Skills as Dragon:
Superb: Might, Endurance
Great: Conviction, Weapons
Good: Alertness, Intimidation
Fair: Athletics, Survival, Lore
Average: Presence, Deceit, Resources, Discipline, Scholarship

Focus Items:
Dragon Scale:  (+1 Defensive Control, Spirit)
Focus Bracelet (+1 Offensive Control, Spirit)

Stress in human form:
Mental: 0000
Physical: 0000
Social: 0000

Stress in Dragon Form:

Mental: 0000
Physical: 0000 (0000)
Social: 000
Armor: 00


DFRPG / Re: How Many Scions Can You Make?
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:56:32 PM »
With Great Lore and no Thaumaturgy Specialties, those Items don't work. You also can't stack two Enchanted Item defenses. On the other hand on Block/Armor effect Items, you get to choose between the two on each use.

With that in mind, here's how I'd do it:

Force Ring (Weapon 4, Uses: 3) (2 enchanted item slots)
Shield Crystal (Block 6 or Armor 3, Uses: 5) (5 enchanted item slots)
1 Potion Slot.

Oh, I'll change his power to [-3] Thaumaturgy then with a focus in crafting.  I mistakenly thought I still got the specialization with ritual, I just couldn't take another specialization after that.

I forgot about the defense thing.  I'll edit it now.  Thanks for the help again.

DFRPG / Re: How Many Scions Can You Make?
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:39:30 PM »
Another idea I've been considering for a scion is the son of Janus, the Greek God of Time (roughly).  He'd basically be a focused practioner who could see into the future and past in a similar way that the Gatekeeper does, but a little more detailed, and used those glimpses, along with his ingenious mind, to invent both magical and physical wonders beyond the comprehension of many wizards and engineers of his day.

He'd look something like this:

High Concept: Inventor for the God of Time
Trouble: Way Too Curious

Powers: [-3] Thaumaturgy (crafting, strength), Refinement [-1] (frequency), [-1] Improved Psychometry (sponsored)

Great: Lore
Good: Scholarship, Discipline, Crafting
Fair: Alertness, Endurance, Presence, Conviction
Average: Resources, Driving, Guns, Athletics

Force Ring: (Weapon 5, Uses: 4) (2 enchanted item slots)
Shield Crystal (Block 8 or Armor 4, Uses: 5) (5 enchanted item slots)
Potion Slot

Laser Pistol- Weapon 3
Force Shield- Armor 1
Nuclear Grenades (4)- Weapon 6 (two zones)

Physical: 000
Mental: 000
Social: 000
Armor: 0

Adjusted Refresh: 2

DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:01:08 PM »
You really think something that lets a character have an infinite use of evocations is a good idea?

This is why I like a spin house rule or even a different one; maybe a power that gives a temporary "chi" stress track can be cleared exactly like a hunger stress track (meditation for a turn with a discipline roll) so that those very low shift powers don't have to cost the same as 4 or 5 shift powers do (one mental stress).

I do agree with the original poster that the evocations he's trying to use really shouldn't cost him the same amount of mental stress as a power like fuego would cost him (the lower end 4 or 5 shift version).

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