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Messages - Avernite

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DF Spoilers / Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« on: April 18, 2021, 08:05:36 AM »
I believe the whole genius of Demonreach is that it CAN contain the otherwise uncontainable. But, Angels do operate on a special level, across multiverse, and I have my doubts Demonreach could contain that.

One possibility I see is that it will serve as a special timeout. As in, Kemmler was Warden once, maybe he found a stash of 5 coins and set them free, and if Harry stored coins in Demonreach, his successor would probably inadvertently throw them out somehow. We know timeouts apply to the Fallen, and to an eternal being, what is a decade or 5? It'd suck if it's apocalypse-now, but it still is just the once.

And in that sense, I think the lack of blood is indeed important - if Harry can't stash them in crystal, any Warden could easily pick them up, no skill required. Though we know a Warden could even release those properly trapped, it seems harder.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gray Council (again) roster.
« on: April 18, 2021, 07:57:59 AM »
TBH the remark  that we know 6 excluding McCoy and Vadderung means there shoudl be 4 we just don't. Hence the answer may simply be '4 characters we hadn't heard of'. I could sort of buy it being an only-namedropped wizard (like Klaus the toymaker, or the pyramid sitter, or some Warden) to fit that, but this all leaves it quite easy to just close the guessing with 4 left ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Are Fae Queens still mortals?
« on: April 15, 2021, 05:35:39 PM »
Maybe the Fae Queens can be human if they act human, same as Harry can act pretty inhuman and become the mantle, or be a decent person.

In that case, Molly's appointment as Winter Lady is maybe a Uriel plot (okay he claims he doesn't do much, but really, who buys that?) to overthrow the inhumanity of the fae and make them more humane (but still tough). Mab's solution is acceptable; the Molly solution would be better. And sacrificing her life for a cause, if she at the point of decision knows what she's doing, is a perfectly godly thing; TWC did the same, supposedly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Crazy theory... Mavra is on the Gray Council
« on: April 11, 2021, 10:07:11 PM »
It's crazy enough it just might be true :D

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab Lying to Demonreach
« on: April 02, 2021, 10:53:05 PM »
In chapter 51 of "Ghost Story," when Mab told Demonreach that he couldn't gainsay her claim on Harry, and that Harry was hers to shape as she pleased, Uriel could and did call those statements "lies."

How could Mab, a faerie, lie?

Or if she was telling the truth (or even just what she believed to be true), how could Uriel call what she said lies?
Uriel's not banned from lying, is he?

Now he is banned from certain lies, in the sense that they allow the Fallen to break the rules in return, but I don't think he actually has to tell the exact truth.

DF Spoilers / Re: Storm Front trailer
« on: March 26, 2021, 04:31:56 PM »
A fun addition, even if I read the name Dresden the German way and hence can't like a trailer going with dress-den too much ;)

I suppose the atmosphere really fits for the first story. Impending doom, more than anything actual happening, is what the tone feels like.

DF Spoilers / Re: What Has The White God Ever Done For Us?
« on: March 21, 2021, 09:26:55 PM »
The artifacts of the crucifixion having a prior history is interesting. Who were they sanctified to originally and were they given up voluntarily? Though using the artifacts as the framework for new protection makes sense, the placard and thresholds etc. is  too close to not be intentional.

If you were an angel with limited free will and you got a chance to go help fight the good fight on the mortal realm wouldn't you jump at the chance?

Does the timeline work for Jesus to potentially be a Starborn as well?
3*666=1998, so it works if you assume TWC was born a few years before the year 0 (Harry being from a few years before 1998 ;) )

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim on Molly's future
« on: March 12, 2021, 04:35:29 PM »
It does sound bad, but... kinda wondering if it's gonna be the BAT where Harry can drag her back?

After all, being a succesful Lady, while it can include SOME better things, is still alien and inhuman. And Molly's struggle in that regard is going to be like Harry's but worse.

(though it does make me worry why Jim hates families; the basics for Molly resisting evil are certainly a lot better than for Harry, even if her basics for resisting self-sacrifice are worse).

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG: "Queen Mab is dead! Long live Queen..."
« on: March 09, 2021, 07:43:19 PM »
Vadderung would disagree.

We also get continuous reminders about how well she functions as a winter lady.
Molly, sure; not Elaine.

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG: "Queen Mab is dead! Long live Queen..."
« on: March 09, 2021, 05:48:13 PM »
Just throwing it out there - we never heard of Elaine much after she was a Fae emissary, did we? And she did play Harry like a fiddle.

(Obviously Lara is a better Mab back-up, I agree)

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax Identity - crazy theory
« on: March 05, 2021, 11:26:28 PM »
Maybe ax just means dragon.

So Siriothr-dragon, Ferrov-dragon, Pyrov-dragon (or maybe -vax means Elder Dragon, Thrax means lame dragon)

Or it's even simpler and the couple-letters are just to make it sound cool. Ferro is otherwise just iron, Pyro fire, and Sirio either dog or the dog-star Sirius. So you could have a dragon of iron, fire, and stars. Not sure what really fits in there, because iron was often of meteoric origin in ancient times, and then iron, fire, and meteor/stars just are a nice trifecta.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does anyone else find Maggie unconvincing?
« on: March 05, 2021, 11:09:30 PM »
Or not.. If Maggie has powers of her own, she won't be too tempted by that.  Also Michael has handled a lot of her upbringing, he will see to it that she knows the dangers.
That worked well with Molly, no? ;)

(sidenote: I never really bought just how far off the rails Molly went before/during PG. Seemed a bit of a stretch that her phase would go beyond piercings and crazy looks; after PG all her deviations are much closer to what I'd expect from an overconfident teen, while in PG she was approaching actively scummy)

DF Spoilers / Re: Lord of slowest terror
« on: February 18, 2021, 07:54:37 PM »
True but Walkers are also limited by rules.  Can only do certain things.  My guess is these rules are enforced....  By someone...  I mean the rules were put in place, so who enforces them?  Either TWG Himself, or his Angles.  If they are capable of enforcing such rules it means they are on a high level of power.

Also remember that a Starborn can hurt an Outsider...  Well if a little wizard can do that I'd imagine that someone like Uriel could do a lot worse than hurt them.

Either that or TWG and the Lord of Slowest Terror are on even footing, and they know that if they go against the other it's basically a stalemate.  So they have some sort of understanding

I was thinking of it more as limits than rules.

Like, HWWB has enough power to project itself into the world into however many realities, and be powerful in all. But if it tried to squeeze its full power into one reality, it'd have to crack the Outer Gates to fit. No breaking of the Outer Gates, no fit.

In that sense, then, the angels have to only be powerful enough to keep HWWB from breaking the gates directly - they don't have to be vastly stronger to enforce 'rules' on it. And most likely they are doing that in all realities at the same time, so if HWWB tries to break into this reality, then Uriel can wield all his power at the Outer Gates of this reality, too; no need to actively maintain the other ones (they'll hold up for a while if HWWB isn't there to crack them).

Now of course, Uriel can never wield his full power INSIDE one reality either, so whatever HWWB squeezes through the cracks has to be countered in other ways, rather than Uriel just smiting it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Should Death be a character in the books?
« on: February 14, 2021, 08:31:01 PM »
Death seems too big to have a true representative; Mother Winter does represent destruction and Mother Summer creation/growth, and they're essentially unable to do anything directly. If we go beyond the destructive and growing aspects of life to being death itself, it seems to me it should be a being as strong as those two COMBINED. Which means less than half as able to do anything.

Mind, that's because I don't think the Dresdenverse is a cyclical/reincarnative universe. If death is just a phase between lives, then sure, someone could be it - though in that case Mother Winter seems big enough to contain it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Merlin the son of Drakul. Drakul son of Loki
« on: February 11, 2021, 08:09:54 PM »
Loki always seemed more like a nasty trickster, where Wodan was more the mercurial/slightly good (hah) trickster. Not an outright otherworldly-evil demon trickster.

Granted, he is bound up, similar to Lucifer, but then so is Prometheus.

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