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Messages - kbrizzle

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DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 20, 2019, 01:52:40 AM »
@morriswalters & Yuillegan
I took Sarissa’s comment to be describing her half-Fae nature since she is a Changeling. Also remember that since prior becoming the Summer Lady she remained a Changeling, she can still lie.

We know that Maeve wasn’t mentally insane per se, she was Nfected. She was also a spoiled girl who wanted power but chafed under the responsibilities that came with that power - working with Nemesis was her way of being utterly selfish/ deluded. She wasn’t really megalomaniacal, just a supernatural mean girl.

DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 19, 2019, 12:02:16 AM »
@Snark Knight
Those were my thoughts as well. Regarding the rainfall - the prison is ~1750 steps below iirc - so I doubt any rainfall makes down to the prison itself.

An earthquake followed by a tsunami however would be quite devastating I’d imagine.

DF Spoilers / Some questions about the Gatekeeper
« on: August 18, 2019, 11:47:25 PM »
Here are a couple of questions I have about Rashid/ office of Gatekeeper.

  • In CD after Harry is taken to the Outer Gates by MS, Rashid tells him that his role is to make sure that beings who should not be allowed into our reality are kept out. My question is, is this a field position at the Gates itself, or is Rashid generally responsible for Outsider activity in the DV in general? As in is Rashid also supposed to keep beings like HBB4 out as well (although he seemingly fails at this) when the Walker was likely summoned by a mortal practitioner, or is his job only to make sure that Outsiders at the Gates stay out?
  • In CD, when Harry asks Rashid if it would be a problem if “someone new took over, reorganized everything”, Rashid responds with “most years it would pose no major difficulty....this year it would be problematic, rather severely so”. My question is why? What is happening at the Gates concurrently that is making things problematic for a Fae regime change that particular year?

DF Spoilers / Re: Overall series questions
« on: August 18, 2019, 02:43:21 PM »
Just some thoughts:
... in a lake??? ? I can't imagine a tsunami would be geographically possible there. Not even if it came from the ocean. The wave hits near the beach and rolls inland after that. Aren't there mountains in between? The lake itself is big but not big enough that a wave could become that high. Except maybe if someone used a lot of water magic....
OK, let's say there is a huge wave. I would think the island can protect itself. Also the important parts seem to be high up or deep down below the surface.
Well given that we are dealing with a series about magic, I’d imagine there are myriad ways a powerful being could use this to their advantage.

But if I were an evil, unimaginably powerful being & I wanted to attack Demonreach, I would take a page out of @Mira’s book & use a combination of earthquake & tsunami as my opening salvo. Perhaps something like this will set off the BAT?

She is weak because it was summer or not yet winter  at that time, wasn't it?
I think the old age symptoms come from the mothers' mantles. Somehow this seems to be the prize for that much power. A balance thing. Everything in Fairie seems to be about balance.
Or maybe Mother Summer is keeping her this way as long as the table is in Summer's hands and she has more power. To keep Winter in check. So that she would not overpower all the mighty ones in the world and take over.
Just like why there are counterparts to the Winter Queen and Lady.
Maybe that's why they live together.
CD occurs around Halloween which is when Winter is more powerful. In CD Mother Summer explicitly says  “she rarely leaves our cottage anymore, she lost her walking stick you’s painful for her to travel, even briefly”.

The question is, why? As Bob says, the Queens are true immortals.

Idea about Sanya:

Maybe to show, that to be a Knight of the Cross you don't have to be the perfect hero type like Michael. You can be clumsy. And you can even be agnostic  ;D
Possible, although then I expect Butters to be even clumsier over the next few books. It seems weird though that JB goes out of his way to talk about Harry’s leg being cut in SmF only to go nowhere with it.

As good as Changes is as a narrative, in it, Harry can best be described as a d**k.  He's selfish, childish, and generally speaking, unhinged.  Ghost Story seems to want to explain that behavior.  The answer it appears,  is the devil made me do it.  That's the Cliff's Notes version.
True but again, this could be covered more easily in a short story than a full case file. I mean having ghost Corpsetaker & Evil Bob as the bad guys... especially after Changes seemed like a let down.
I get that JB wanted to introduce us to new-ish concepts like ghosts/ lemours/ shades etc., but I wonder why he recycled a couple of side- bad guys from the previous books & made them the big bad of this novel. I mean what happened to Grevane’s ghost?

This could have been an interesting book to revisit the ‘ghosts’ of Harry’s past & all the people who’ve died in Chicago - like Sells, Kim Delaney, Shiro etc. By the amount of time that was spent developing Fitz as a character, I’m sure we’ll see more of him in the later books although I found him to be uninteresting.

I dunno, it was kind of a lackluster book, but that’s probably because the books leading up to & after it (TC, Changes, CD, SG) are some of the best in the series.

DF Spoilers / Overall series questions
« on: August 18, 2019, 06:12:15 AM »
These are some questions I’ve had about the series in general. While I have my own theories, I’m curious about what you all think.

  • From a narrative/ furthering the series standpoint, what is the purpose of Ghost Story? While it gave us a much more detailed perspective on tertiary characters (like Mort) & a good overview of the ghost/spirit world, what was the point of the novel? It seems like the central plot could’ve been boiled down to a longer short story
  • Why is Sanya shown as being a bit clumsy? There are a couple of explicit & random instances, like in SmF when he accidentally cuts Harry’s leg while trying to remove the kelpies on the boat to DR. From a Doylist perspective, why is this relevant? Especially since Michael is never shown as being remotely clumsy, or any other action-character really
  • In the beginning chapters of CD, Sarissa tells Lord Gruff that helping Harry’s convalescence was Mab’s price, but for what? What is Mab doing for Sarissa that she charges her a favor for it? Protection?
  • Since water is anathema to magic, what happens if Demonreach is hit by a tsunami? It is an island after all....
  • What is the current headcount of the White Council? Archangel & the Ramp war likely took a large toll on the already small body of the White Council (500-1000 total WC wizard count IIRC). After PG, ~200 wardens had become 50. After Peabody’s attack in TC, 20-30 wizards more wizards seem to have died. So how many wizards are left on the WC? Did they lose nearly 33-50% of their number in the decade since GP?
  • What exactly happens when a Fae being dies in the mortal world? Are the younger brothers Gruff totally dead? Did they re-spawn in Summer after their defeat?
  • Why does Mother Winter need a walking stick? Why does she seem beset by the ravages of old age at all? She has the power of an archangel, so surely she can cure herself? Why does she feel physical pain from exertion as MS says in CD after Harry summons her?

DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: August 17, 2019, 05:56:21 AM »
@Bad Alias
I think you’re right about resisting bloodlust being something of note in the RCV hierarchy - given what we know about their elite jaguar warriors (remaining half turned) etc.

I suspect this is exactly what the Outsiders promised mortals - the ability to become immortal. This is why we see mortals like Cowl & Kumori on the BC. To take it a step further, I suspect the Outsider offer immortals the ability to change their natures/ nature of their mantles.

DF Spoilers / Re: Drakul is the third Walker
« on: August 17, 2019, 05:49:19 AM »
But White Night implies that Drakul is NOT a Dragon - Dresden specifically separates him from the other two Dragons that are Freeholding Lords. Not to mention, it is too obvious. Think about it, it isn't like Ferrovax is referred to as Ferrovax the Dragon, or simply "Dragon"...he is called Ferrovax. As some have pointed out, in historical terms Vlad Dracul was given that name as he was made a Knight of the Order of the Dragon. While I can understand why the Outsiders might want a Nfected Dragon, why would they trap him in human form? The Outsiders are pretty cruel but they tend to utilise their assets towards furthering their goal of destroying reality. Having a weakened asset just for kicks seems...unusual. If not outright foolish.
Hmm you seem to misunderstand my theory. My WAG is that Drakul was originally a Dragon who got Nfected - he was trapped in human form by the good guys - this was likely the only way they would’ve been able to contain him, obviously to the detriment of the Outsiders (which is why they haven’t succeeded).
I also wouldn’t take Harry’s offhand categorization in WN as gospel about the nature of Drakul. But I suppose it’s possible that now that he’s ‘human’, Drakul no longer counts as a Dragon. Also, I doubt Drakul is his real name.

Drakul being an Outsider trapped as a human seems incongruous - i don’t think Outsiders have the capacity for free will like humans do - indeed we don’t even know if Outsiders are capable of taking human form - they have never mimicked another creature from the mortal world in the series so far (& they don’t really need to, thanks to Nemesis).
Also, I imagine Outsiders are next to impossible to kill, especially on our world, so even when they are vanquished (like 16 yr old Harry vs. HWWB),  they likely just ‘re-spawn’ in the Outside again. So why wouldn’t human trapped Drakul just kill himself & re-spawn?

DF Spoilers / Re: Drakul is the third Walker
« on: August 14, 2019, 06:01:27 PM »
Hmm, given the name Drakul, I think it more likely that he is an Nfected Dragon who was trapped in human form as a way of containment. Dracula’s attempt to break out was tainted by Nemesis, which was the ritual that created the BCV.

DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: August 14, 2019, 05:58:19 PM »
I suspect that’s exactly what Drakul is - although my WAG is that he was Nfected as a Dragon & being trapped as a human was the way to contain him. Dracula, his half-scion son attempted a ritual to unleash his inner supernatural nature, however due to interference from the Outside, he ends up becoming a Black court Vamp - the first.
A lot of this comes from the fact that the undead nature of the BCV is reminiscent of power from the Outside & the old WoJ referenced by @Yuillegan.

Regarding the issue of Bianca/Ortega taking Susan from Harry
My own theory is that the RCV’s chief complaint is that Harry caused the death of Rachel, Bianca’s ‘special friend’ in StF - as Bianca says at the ball in GP, she feels that Harry’s actions necessitated her death (Ramps’ own twisted POV). Her attack on Harry at her ball in GP is thus revenge. So despite being unable to kill him, taking Susan would compensate her for the loss of Rachel.
However it still doesn’t address the fact that from an outside perspective (especially those who view humans as ‘chattel’), Bianca took 2 years to make alliances & set Harry up in GP at her own center of power - despite which she was unsuccessful especially in front of the likes of Ferrovax & Lea etc., who could care less about the fate of the wizard’s ‘pet mortal’ - they would focus on the fact that the Ramps tried to assert their dominance over Chicago but were unable to take 1 young member of the White Council in their own stronghold.
To a wise & experienced ancient being, this would portend that the Reds are overconfident & that despite their new alliances with questionable characters, an individual White Council wizard is not to be underestimated. They would likely not throw in with the Reds in their quest for a new world order (as we see in the following books - the Ramps don’t really have too many allies outside the Outsiders & the Black council - even the other Vamp courts refuse to back them)

I don’t know that Ortega was a pawn. From what we can surmise, the Ortegas (Paolo & Ariana) were the faction in the RCV that were not Nfected/ thrilled with the alliance with the Black council. Their plans were the most sensible, & seemed to be directed towards the overall good of the Ramps, however Ariana’s attempt at a coup gets shut down by Harry.
I suspect the Red King’s bloodthirst is a result of being Nfected.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Short Story
« on: July 28, 2019, 06:47:44 PM »
Absolutely, and since our intro to Nic in DM has him trying to spread another international plague (powered by the fake Shroud), I find it hard to believe that any version of Nic’s paradise would not be horrible to normal people.
It’s also important to note that the Denarians grow in power during times of fear & unrest as Michael notes in DM.

Definitely possible - Anna does come & join the heist squad at the end of the day, whatever her reasons - so Nic does get what he wants there.

DF Spoilers / Re: Proven Guilty speculation, because, why not?
« on: July 28, 2019, 06:43:24 PM »
Look at where the situation stands in retrospect.  Three of the most powerful beings in Faerie are compromised.  Maeve, Lea and the Winter Knight.  So she stands alone, even if she doesn't know it yet.  And she has had to go to war with Titania because Aurora either was insane on nemfected.
This is why I’d argue that Mab does hit rock bottom in PG - she is completely bereft of her allies within Winter (Maeve, Lea, no WK); the WC is fighting a war for survival with little bandwidth & traitors within; Titania is uninterested & Lily is marching to Maeve’s tune.
Her stronghold has been openly breached, maybe not the Wellspring but the gates to her palace literally don’t exist anymore - they’ve been blown apart. Maeve is going around calling her mad. Her only real ‘ally’ is Harry, who doesn’t care for her too much.

All of this changes after PG. In SmF, she picks up Marcone as another ally & gets revenge on Namshiel/ other Denarians. And then again in Changes, CD & SG.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Short Story
« on: July 27, 2019, 07:20:09 PM »
I'm not debating the whole free will thing. I'm saying that, in terms of their actions, Mab and Nicodemus are somewhat equivalent.
From whose perspective? Summer by its nature is supposed to oppose Mab, so I’m not sure their opinion counts too much here. Mab’s actions led to the end of the Red Court, a bane to most of the other Signatories to the Accords, what has Nic done that compares?
Mab is a fundamental force of nature - the season of Winter. Her actions literally affect every single person in the DV (mostly positively on the whole). Nic is not a force of nature - he is a rogue agent for the good guys at best, at worst he’s a delusional sociopath. The main action he’s undertaken that has affected a lot of people is the Black Plague....

Which demonstrates that Mab has the good sense to know that she can't push Harry too far without losing him. Nicodemus also comes off as a lot less wantonly cruel, sadistic and evil when Harry is working with him.
Does he? He literally has squire Jordan de-tongued in front of Harry for no other reason than to make a petty point; he forces Harry to try & manipulate Anna Valmont into helping them in SG (that’s not how it plays out, but this was Nic’s intention); he makes out with his daughter a couple of times; he betrays them at the end.
Nic also breaks his word in almost every book he’s in, like in DM when he promises to let Harry go if Shiro turns himself over without a fight. Yet he sends Deedee after Harry not a few minutes after this & tries to use an entropy curse on Harry a little later after.

Three points here:
1) Mab may not lie or break her word, but she's capable of twisting things so much that it doesn't make much difference. In Harry's words (paraphrased) "being unable to lie has in no way inhibited her ability to deceive."
2) I don't think keeping one's word, by itself, is a particularly good marker of whether one is good or evil. To give an obvious example, if someone gives their word to burn down an orphanage full of kids, then breaking their word ends up as the good option and keeping it the evil one.
Agreed on the Mab being deceptive thing, however not flat out lying to someone shows integrity. Whatever you want to say about the Fae’s deceptive abilities, they are ALWAYS good to letter of their word (not always the spirit). Nic breaks promises, truces & agreements as he sees fit. While Mab may do some of the same, she is bound to her word in a way Nic is not, & Nic abuses this ability.
Contrast this with Lara Raith who almost always keeps her word - she is a much more honorable bad guy than Nic & that’s saying something.

3) What does Nic's relationship with Dierdre have to do with him keeping or not keeping his word?
It just generally shows what an amoral scumbag he is. I mean there is a special place in Hell for parents who do this to their children. It supplements my argument that he does not think that rules are binding to him.
I don’t think Harry truly believes that Mab is evil, especially not after CD. See my point about Summer above regarding Fix.

And also, yes, we don't have definitive evidence for what it means to Nic, which means we cannot assume that the ends he is working toward are bad.
It’s like in WW2 - just because Stalin opposed Hitler, it didn’t make him a good guy or that any rational person would want to live in Stalin’s Russia. He was useful in beating the Nazis & that was it. I think this will be similar to Nic’s arc.

DF Spoilers / Re: Proven Guilty speculation, because, why not?
« on: July 27, 2019, 06:52:03 PM »
It was a comment about the naming convention of the Fallen - some are referred to by their host (Nic, Deedee, Tessa), others by their Fallen’s name (Magog, Ursiel, Urumviel).

I dunno, I still have difficulty buying that she set things up in the way they happened. It seems likely to me that while was she waiting for an attack of some sort, she didn’t expect to be sucker-punched in the manner she was. The assault, sending her troops to Summer etc. all negatively impacted her allies (Venatori & WC) for nearly a year, allowing the Ramps/ BC to do a fair amount of damage.
In many ways, Mab sitting almost alone in a bombed out stronghold, betrayed, while thousands of her personal troops lie dead mirrors where the White Council is at this point - their allies are no longer helping them (Venatori have been attacked severely & the Fae are in a stalemate with each other), hundreds of wardens/ thousands of civilians have died & they have been betrayed (Cairo attacks etc).
If you notice, the Ramps/ BC are generally winning the war until PG - after PG, the Ramps/ BC start losing - so PG is an important turning point in the war. I think this is where Mab & the WC fully realize they are fighting a supranational conspiracy amongst the Signatories (Black Council), not just the war in front of their eyes.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Short Story
« on: July 17, 2019, 07:07:41 PM »
Mab is not a free-willed being, & neither are most of the Fae. The reason Mab has her power is to protect reality itself - this is a fundamental & powerful truth in the DV. Therefore Mab literally transcends good & evil - like Harry says when he likens her to Maeve - Mab is like a force of nature. Almost every action Mab takes is to ultimately protect reality, but she is cold & ruthless by nature which causes some humans to view her as a sort of evil (especially if they don’t know/ understand her purpose).
Mab from Changes onwards comes off as a lot less wantonly cruel, sadistic or evil in general since Harry starts truly working with her.
Additionally she’s known to be good to her word, this cannot be said about Nic, who also seems to have an incestuous relationship with his daughter. Everything about the guy screams evil, except in his own way he thinks he is saving the world - we have no idea what this means to Nic. Where as we kinda know what it means to Mab, so I’m not really getting the comparison...

DF Spoilers / Re: Proven Guilty speculation, because, why not?
« on: July 17, 2019, 06:54:50 PM »
I took Nic’s comment regarding Tessa losing her sorcery teacher to mean that Team Harry had Namshiel’s coin - Tessa wasn’t able to escape with it, therefore it wouldn’t be at her disposal.
Since Namshiel is referred to by his Fallen name & not that of his host, it shouldn’t be a stretch to assume that the Fallen goes through mortal host bodies pretty quickly - especially since he’s part of Tessa’s coterie, which is known to do so (excepting her & Rosanna of course). It wouldn’t surprise me if his host burned out/ died in PG (but coin was whisked away) but the Fallen was up & running by SmF in a new one.

That is true, although the fact that the central spire in the courtyard which contained the Wellspring was untouched - there were no markings of hellfire or acid on the walls or base - is remarkable. Either this was the only piece of rebuilding Mab did, or some event forced the attackers to stop/ divert/ retreat.

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