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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 24, 2024, 12:21:17 PM »
I mean, Thomas is going to spend an indeterminate amount of time on Hell Island reliving everything he did to his victims. If anything, he's being overly-punished and anyone that finds out is gonna think that Dresden has absolutely zero chill.

Really?  At the end of the day regardless of his motive, he allegedly committed murder.  He hasn't had a trial yet, so his punishment hasn't been set.  Currently he is where he is to keep him alive until he can be put on trial.  And yes, Thomas has numerous victims, as a vampire he did kill.. Lara would call them kine, and Thomas is no different than any other predator, an argument can be made for that.  However they were also people, and his last kill had nothing to do with food to survive.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 24, 2024, 02:44:58 AM »
There is every sign that -- if Harry hadn't had the Spear to pull out at the last minute -- Ethniu and the Fomor would have won.

But without Ethniu would the Fomor even of had a chance? Or rather much of a chance?  She was their bad ass terror weapon with a very nasty eye, without her the Fomor were really quite run of the mill in the Dresdenverse. 

Funny how Harry stumbles into things, needing to face the Senior Council?  Make a bond with the island with no clue of the repercussion of what he is doing, wakes up a couple of books later to discover that he is Warden of a Prison of some of the worst monsters his world has ever seen... And also finds out that he has the power to incarcerate more monsters if need be with in range... Pretty handy for controlling a Titian running amuck.. Reluctantly goes down into the security vault of Hades because Mab owes Nic a favor, happens to find and recognize the Spear of Destiny and a couple of other useful trinkets, which were very useful in dealing with a very nasty Titian a book or so later.. Turns out it was Harry verses the Fomor and Harry verses the Titian, no Harry, the Fomor win.. However I don't think Harry realizes that just yet, at least not fully, but the White Council realizes it, that's what has them pooping their pants and wanting Harry dead.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 23, 2024, 08:13:27 PM »
I found it a little strange how Rudolph just seemed to disappear after his post-Murphy encounter with Dresden. I mean, he was pretty beaten up, both physically and mentally. And suddenly he’s just gone? Who helped him and why? Neither Sanya nor Butters did.

What if Rudolph’s killing Murphy was a “Mirror Mirror” action. We’ve already been given hints of things that are never explained in prior books, such as Little Chicago suddenly being fixed before Harry used it the first time. Another was that drive-by accident whose perpetrators were never explained. Butcher has already hinted that eventually Harry will break all of the Council’s laws. What if - in order to stop the alt-Harry’s antics, he has to go back in time, and changes something such that Rudolph, or possibly alt-Rudolph- doesn’t kill Murphy. When Harry returns to the present timeline, Murphy is back, having never died. Her showing up again might also derail Mab’s plan for Harry to marry Lara.

But she may not be the Murphy that Harry loves, she could turn out to still be a cop, a hard nosed one at that.  Like the original Murphy, though she worked with Harry on cases, she was also quick to jump to conclusions and point the finger at Harry in at least two books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 23, 2024, 02:03:29 PM »
But yeah, we don't know how death of one of the people involved affects it, my guess though, would be that it doesn't. Harry is still alive, he was already "marked" by true love, he would stay that way until he "rejects it" by being sexual with someone else.

I think at the very least that it is complicated.  Harry's love for Susan was apparently true love, he was protected from Lara in White Night.  His affair with Luccio canceled that protection, and apparently what he felt for Luccio wasn't true love.. Why?  Because she was under a spell and really didn't return it?  So then is unrequited love not true love?  Some say it was casual what Harry had with Luccio, yet he was hurt when he found out what supposedly she felt for him wasn't real. Can you experience true love more than once in your life?  We have evidence that Harry's feelings for Susan was true love... What Harry felt for Murphy sure appeared to be true love.. If it was, just because she died Harry can't turn off the feelings he had or has for her like a facet. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 22, 2024, 03:24:34 PM »
I don't think we have any sign Maeve was involved in that side of things.  It has seemed to me that the different instances of Nemesis usually keep their separate initiatives wholly-separate.  Apocalypse, after all, is more a state of mind...

Except we don't have a clear picture of what Maeve was really up to.  As far as the Former goes, they weren't really a surprise, and remember early on in the books Harry talks of "cat's paws" and powers behind powers.  Yes, the Former were one of them, but it is a bit surprising how easily they were defeated considering..

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 03:15:00 PM »
Actually we do know Harry is protected by the True Love™ that he shared with Murphy.

Lara gets burned by Harry in Peace Talks, not in the scene you mentioned, the one at the dojo, though it should be said that in that scene there's no mention of them making skin to skin contact (so while he already had sexual relationships with Murph at that point, the protection isn't tested yet), but in the scene where Lara and Harry are getting ready to rescue Thomas in the castle, they do touch and she burns. Harry makes explicit mention of it, check out Chapter 25 of Peace Talks.

And at the end of Battle Ground, when Lara and Harry shake hands over their deal, the only reason they can is because Lara is wearing gloves.

And his feelings for Murphy haven changed, even though she is dead.  He is still grieving and hasn't moved on, and until he hooks up with another woman, he will be protected... Or rather any real marital consummation between him and Lara is impossible.  Mab knows this, so what is she really up to?

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 21, 2024, 08:29:12 PM »
At one point in PT (I think, though maybe it was BG?) it was announced that Winter wouldn't be able to bring most of their forces to hit Ethniu & the Fomor armies, as they were needed to defend a major assault on the Outer Gates.  Harry remarked that it was interesting to notice which parties reacted with awareness of exactly what that coordination implied, and which seemed oblivious.

The thought occurred to me reading your post that none of this appears to be spontaneous, and has the smell and look of an inside job, years in the making.  What I am wondering is whether or not Maeve did a lot more damage than even Mab thought while she was possessed by Nemesis?  What took place in Cold Days was plan [A], but is it possible that Maeve was enough like her mother that she'd also have a plan in place?  Plan being what took place in Peace Talks and Battle Ground, plans that were already set into motion whether or not Maeve survived plan [A].

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 21, 2024, 08:19:35 PM »
Do we know whether Lara is able to feed off of Harry?  She surely could BEFORE he became the Winter Knight, but can Harry's mantle counter the efforts of Lara's demon?  I don't recall in any book or short story any feeding interaction between WK Harry and a White Court vampire. 

How fun would the dynamic be if Lara can't feed or otherwise influence Harry due to the WK mantle?  Answer:  Great fun, more fun than we (and Harry and Jim) should be allowed to have.

 Not sure about his Winter Knight status giving her the burn and preventing her feeding on Harry. However Harry might still be protected.  Once before in White Night, he blistered her lips because of his true love for Susan even though it had been five years I believe since he had been with Susan or any other woman.  I think because of his true love for Murphy, Lara will still not be able to feed on him unless in the mean time he has casual sex with another. His brief affair with Luccio canceled the protection he had had from Susan.  Also it was the possible reason behind the scene in Ghost Story when Justine was having a lesbian affair which canceled the true love bond/protection which then allowed her to have sex with Thomas.  I pass no judgememt on this arrangement nor am I speculating on why it was chosen over a heterosexual arrangement to make her love making with Thomas possible..  Yes, I understand the touchy topic ice is very thin here, and don't care to venture further.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper
« on: February 21, 2024, 12:29:06 PM »

  Unless there is a WOJ out there where he says when and how long, I don't recall anything in the books and short stories anyway
that say.  As to whether it matters or not, we will have to see. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:49:11 AM »
that's just straight up limiting what a way is and how it works quite frankly.
Harry literally monologues on him making this mistake on his own understanding of how complex making waypaths is to drive home the point. A way is not simply a tear in the air.
Remember they're making the way to get through the veil, the sheer lining between reality. A veil is something that you can usually step right through..
Case in point Mab, Maeve, ect appearing with very little disturbance besides extra cold. Either from Maeve being lazy or Mab simply existing.
What we're seeing is just the flavor of the way maker.

What underscores how complex the Ways are, when Lea gives Harry the jewel that Margaret had had, she warns Harry that his mother had trouble sleeping while she had the jewel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 16, 2024, 10:39:51 PM »
One of the ways Jim loves to hide things is by showing us the effect and then explaining the cause in an urelated fashion later.

So, at the beginning of Battle Ground, Molly disappears from the docks in a blast of cold air. The Winter Knight feels the cold. Major forces were being thrown around.

Later, Marcshiel teleports during the fight with Ethniu near the lake. Harry is gobsmacked and goes into a long monologue about how awesome this is and how much skill it takes, even when both points are within easy viewing distances.

The thing is, if Molly had opened a way to the Never Never, it would have been visible and Harry's seen plenty of those. But because he didn't see her disappear here and reappear there, he never put two and two together to realize that it was a teleport. (Our hero is not all that bright.)

Is this a clue that Molly is as far above Marcshiel as Marcshiel is above Harry?

  She is Winter Lady now, Mab and Lea both appear and disappear when summoned.  It is a Fay thing, Harry knows it, he has called up Lea and the Erking in the past..

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: February 15, 2024, 01:38:47 PM »
Just because his babies held hostage in a way... Doesn't give you a free pass to murder. I think Thomas if he survives imprisonment. He'll die a martyr saving the day of some type..
The bill comes due...

Don't know if Thomas will die a martyr or not, but currently he isn't getting a free pass for his crime.  My theory is that somehow the Hunger demon will be  sperated from him while he is imprisoned and he will end as a ordinary vanilla human. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: February 14, 2024, 08:49:10 PM »
Being friends with the KotC's is about the closest thing you'll ever get in the Dresdenverse to overt, external, objective proof.

Indeed, I think the injury Carlos got when he tried to make love to the Winter Lady did more than physical damage to him.  Since Molly never warned him of possible severe physical injury if he made love to her, he not only blames her but now suspects the whole Winter Court.  That makes him very vulnerable to any negative suggestions about anyone connected with the Winter Court.  Thus the paranoia that the White Council feels about Harry is underscored in this case by the experience that Carlos had.

DF Spoilers / Re: Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: February 03, 2024, 06:09:04 PM »
I think feeding-until-dead can be deliberate, or from loss-of-control.  It's less clear what causes the "half-turned" phenomenon... does it have to be intentional?  Does it happen automatically, unless suppressed?  Etc.

 I think in the case of the half-turned it is a little bit of both.  A good example of intentional is Susan, the impression I got from Bianca is that she did it deliberately as revenge for her secretary.  Her thinking I supposed, knowing there was no cure that a half turned Susan would make Harry suffer for a very long time.  However Justine was spared, was this simply because they hadn't had a chance to either feed upon her or half-turn her?  Or since she was the girlfriend of Thomas they didn't want to risk pissing off the White Court?  In other cases motives for half-turning a victim is less clear, especially when many go on to join the  Fellowship of St. Giles which is an anti-RVC resistance group devoted to limiting the damage that the Red Court does. So why would they do that?
Harry managed to coach Susan enough that she could hold it off, but she wasn't able to consume any blood to sate the hunger, so the urges were getting worse and worse.  We don't know how Susan managed to get her hunger under control after the climactic battle in Grave Peril, before she left Chicago.  It seems very likely to me that the Fellowship contacted her there in Chicago, in the aftermath of the Velvet Room burning down (they likely had Bianca's under surveillance, because of all the Red Court activity surrounding her elevation to the nobility; they might have picked up Susan's trail there).  This is yet another open question in the series.

I don't think Harry did anything to coach Susan in resistance to the venom.  I think controlling hunger, emotions, impulses connected with newly born "super powers," i.e. strength, speed,and longevity take time to kick in.  I agree that the Fellowship more than likely had Bianca under surveillance and perhaps even Harry as well, on the look out for the half-turned. I believe Harry was in the hospital for a bit, and during that time the Fellowship might have made contact with her,  Yes, Susan was of Hispanic heritage, but I don't think it mere coincidence that she fled to Central American where the Red Court strongholds were and where the Fellowship is the most active.

Thanks, I reread the passage and it is very interesting from the standpoint of while mentally/emotionally he got excited about the prospect of Lea having a way to cure both Susan and Martin and possibly all the half-turned, he didn't leap to the prospect of agreeing to a bargain with her.  Not I think because he didn't want to cure them and no doubt would give up a lot for a cure, but because he knew from her answer that she wasn't really offering a cure.. She said vaguely that such knowledge would really be a "treasure."  She was willing to bargain "knowledge," but she wasn't specific as to what that knowledge was... The Fae cannot lie, but the reason why it is so dangerous to bargain with them is that they are willing to let you lie to yourself! She agreed that such knowledge was very valuable, but she never said what the knowledge was she had, or that she had any knowledge beyond putting them asleep.  Harry had already spent a year searching for a cure, Bob had told him there was none.  While putting a RCV or half-turned RCV to sleep was useful, it wasn't all that useful and Harry realized that.  On the subject of bargains it is also interesting as to how much Lea really did do to keep Harry safe as per her agreement with his mother.. Also the comment about Margaret not being able to sleep after she acquired the roadmap gem of the Nevernever and how dangerous it was.. Why would that be?

DF Spoilers / Re: Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: February 02, 2024, 08:05:15 PM »
Ah, I see; TYVM!
To me, the phrase "Red Court" is a bit ambiguous:  you might mean "any Rampire, or all collectively," but IMHO it largely implies "the Rampire leadership/nobility" (i.e. leaning in on the Court element).  So I had understood you to have meant that the leadership once was composed of half-turned.

But who half-turned them? 

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