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Messages - ryanshowseason2

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DFRPG / Summoning ectoplasm
« on: February 28, 2011, 03:36:28 PM »
Can't remember if I just glossed this over, but I don't recall any rules for summoning and forming ectoplasm, during some char creation sillyness my players had some really wacky ideas that seem almost doable under the rules. But I don't remember rules for ectoplasm, was it evocation? Thaumaturgy? Heres a couple ideas they ran by me.

Spiderman like ectoplasm slinging. All this would really be is forming a rope with ectoplasm spanning from your hand to where ever. I don't think it is too complicated.

Or an alternative to this batman grappling hook. actually having a bungee cord attached to your body and just using evocation to "throw" it a ways away hurling you with it.

One thing they haven't thought of is how to stop once they've flung themselves, but I'll let them know that once their face is in a wall.

Also one of the more wacky ideas was forming a gundam like construct of ectoplasm and then piloting it. Someone had the even more amazing notion of everyone having it in the form of ludicrous thaumaturgic spells and combining them into a megazord. Silly I know and I would never allow it, but I was still curious of it can be done in the system which would be AWESOME.

Also how would someone add flying powers to a construct?

DFRPG / Re: Tips on Evocation?
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:54:40 PM »
This is a dumb noob question, but what is arcing?

I just figured this out as well so not noobish IMO.

But due to the way the system allocates stress you're better off casting a really powerful evocation first to fill your last circle of stress instead of opening up with a weaker controlled evocation. in example.

I play it safe with 4 conviction and 4 discipline and cast a 4 power spell and fill my first stress circle. Then I do it again and force myself to fill in me second stress circle repeat over and over until I've filled up my mental stress track. so at 4 mental stress I've done 4 weapon 4 attacks

Buuuut I could have opened with a walloping first strike opting to go above my conviction and cast a 7 power spell filling up my last circle first, then cast a 6 power to fill my third circle etc. So now I've cast 7 6 5 and 4 power spells doing a lot more damage in the process.

DFRPG / Re: Tips on Evocation?
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:14:10 PM »
I feel like people confuse physical mechanics with story mechanics. Dresden files focuses much more on story mechanics than physical ones.

Aspects represent something relevant to the story, and fate points govern how often they can come into the story. Aspects are typically only given to things that are important to the story, they are not meant to simulate a physical world.

Take for instance enchanted armor like Dresdens leather duster: it is ALWAYS bullet proof, but it can only be used in the story 3 times per session. It doesn't lose its enchantments if used 3 times, it just can only be used in a way relevant to the story 3 times per session. Likewise and enchanted blade of superlative sharpness is ALWAYS an enchanted blade, but can only effect the story x times per session.

So lets take the laser sight. Is it important to the story in the long term? Then it should probably be a character aspect (advanced arsenal or something). Is it a thing that comes up once? Declarations can handle that fine.

Yes, the laser sight is still there and doing something when it isn't being tagged, but that doesn't really have any long term effects on the story, so it is ignored except for the times that it is story relevant (i.e. tagged or evoked).

Imagine if it was a book? Every time you tag an aspect you can imagine it is a point being dwelled upon in a book. Can you really see "the laser sight" being constantly referenced just because it was put on the gun? It comes up a few times, but not a ton.

was this meant for another thread?

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Aspects
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:11:30 PM »
Not every weapon add-on needs to be (or perhaps even should be) an aspect.  Take scopes for example, all they really do is extend the rifle's accurate range.  Someone who can't hit a target at 50' without a scope isn't going to be any better at 50' with a scope.  Probably be worse.  

Some things do make sense as aspects - Polymer Construction for example.  It's only going to matter in a limited number of circumstances...and only hiding from detection systems seems immediately applicable to the game.  I suppose lack of rust / corrosion might become a factor but can't see it being common.  

One method of representing crafting unique weapons (weapons with aspects) is re-skinning the maneuver mechanics and using thaumaturgy's duration.  For a gunsmith adding laser sights to a pistol:  roll relevant craft / repair / gun skill, need at least three shifts per use per scene, add shifts for duration (next time it needs calibration, using thaumaturgy duration).  You might or might not require the weapon smith to have a stunt depending on much you want this in the game.

This seems the most sensible idea to me. I only worry that a player would get mod happy adding a silly amount of mods on in an effort to break things. I suppose upping the difficulty of adding subsequent mods to offset this, and if you're feeling evil you could compel it later on saying the gun is now "unbalanced" or some other mishap like a cracked frame and jamming action.

I totally agree on scopes though good call.

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Armor forged from X
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:03:00 PM »
Enchanted items work well as specially powered....things without costing refresh. Perhaps dragon armor requires intense heat or some other energy source to give it a lasting effect of some sort through thaumaturgy.

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Aspects
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:56:34 PM »
If you fail your manoeuvre then you weren't able to line up the target with your laser pointer and keep it on there for the shot.

That works for laser pointers sure, but what does it mean for a pistol grip maneuver to fail or advanced rifling to fail? I didn't mention lasers in the last paragraph because I'm trying to speak to the more permanent properties of firearms. How would a "reliable" maneuver fail? It doesn't make sense for some properties to turn on and off at a whim, its either always a factor or not.

I guess it would be even more interesting for a barrel to suddenly jam and become useless due to faulty rifling in a failed rifling maneuver, pretty painful to the player though. I can't come up with anything for a failed custom grip maneuver though.

I think we've violated a law of the system though. I remember reading about keeping it simple in the first place and just lumping guns into categories of 1 2 3 or 4 damage.

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Aspects
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:32:03 PM »
Isn't that how sights can work now?  You do a manouver to get the aspect "in my sights", tag it for an invocation to get +2, then do that over again the next turn if you want the +2 without spending a fate point.

Yes but if it existed as something akin to an enchanted item it wouldn't need to be maneuvered every other round it would automatically refresh itself for use since it satisfied its recharge requirement.

I'm just saying IMO that something like laser sights are automatically useful without any further effort of the user to start. Whereas "In my sights" is a direct effort or observation of the user. Once you switch that laser on  it is on... until the battery runs out.

This can also be described as a declaration, but what if the player fails the declaration or maneuver in a freak accident? Does their custom pistol grip poof out of existence for a turn and pop back in when they make the declaration again? Perhaps it simply doesn't help them that turn due to extenuating circumstances the GM is now required to come up with. That makes sense I suppose, I'd be hard pressed to explain to my gun-nut player why his advanced rifling inexplicably didn't help his aim this turn though. Perhaps I'll just blame it on the wizard's tech ruining aura. "A wizard did it"

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Aspects
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:12:26 PM »
I'm getting a little invasive into the system here but here is a thought.

These are specialized tools made by a practitioner of the art, they could be paralleled to a craftsman's equivalent of an enchanted item, albeit a mundane equivalent. Their recharge time's and requirements would be based on craft work paying back into them or something even simpler. And the player would be limited to having x mods where x equals their crafting skill. Similar to the limits on focus items.

For example say a laser sight can be used effortlessly and gives a bonus on the roll to hit, but cannot be used again in sustained fire. Firing must stop for a turn until the bonus can be used again. A short recharge time but suddenly its not so game breaking.

This line of thought could get complicated though.

DFRPG / Re: Vampires Feeding on the Supernatural
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:04:26 PM »
I'm suddenly reminded of trinity blood, an anime where a certain type of vampire existed that fed on other vampires and had an enemy of my enemy thing going with humans.

It would occur to me though that anything a WCV's incite emotion worked on could in turn be fed upon. There should be some equality there.

As for bloodsuckers... I dunno the setting isn't detailed so far as to indicate comparisons of different species blood, although it would be interesting  if some species or sects of humanity evolved blood that didn't sit well with certain vamp types.

DFRPG / Re: Tips on Evocation?
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:55:12 PM »
Thanks for the replies, I realized the ability to arc down right after I posted. I suppose its just my job as gm to split scenes up accordingly when the players are running low on magic juice. Thanks for the advice I think it prevented me from going down a broken path.

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and Aspects
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:26:12 PM »
I always find this part of the system to be awkward. Fate points are not the most abundant commodity, and it doesn't seem... correct that one should have to sink fate points over and over into a laser sight that is always on or a barrel that has been rifled, Its not like the barrel has been un-rifled after one shot and must have magical fate points applied again to make it rifled once more.

That said though the game balance can go rather screwy if you can permanently tag aspects. Don't treat these as pure positive additions to your guns though, they are situational a proper gm should be compelling you for those things in the right instances. I have some ideas on this so I'll jot em down.

Scopes - Anything running or moving fast (use judgment) is going to leave the scopes FOV pretty quick making for an easy compel. On top of this any jarring motion to the gun, kicked, dropped off a building etc will make the scope un-taggable.

Laser sights - usable almost all the time, but magic should interfere with their function, basically any magic user born 30 ago years or earlier should be putting these out of commission. Also they don't do very well for surprise attacks. Also in the right circumstances they can give your position away. Lastly using both a scope and laser sight doesn't make sense you should not be tagging them both at the same time ever.

If you want rattle off some mods you'd like to use, I rather enjoy coming up with house rules like this.

DFRPG / Tips on Evocation?
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:52:53 PM »
I love this magic system I think its great, my only problem with evocation though is that it cannot be used for a very long amount of time if I'm correct, so lemme confirm some things:

Regularly evocating up to your conviction in power uses 1 mental stress no matter what.
Sponsored magic evocation is the same.
The toughness powers do not effect mental stress or consequences

So the most a char coming out of character creation can use evocation is 5 times before needing to take consequences. In a single scene. Which is a lot if you use it right, but it leaves me wanting a bit more.

Has anyone else felt like this? Or does it never really become a problem in everyone's opinion? Is there such a thing as mental armor? Can it soak evocation damage? (Cheap I know.)

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