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Messages - Sanctaphrax

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DFRPG / Re: More Items of Power
« on: August 14, 2019, 04:29:19 AM »
You could just require that they do something genuinely worthy of vengeance.

Maybe a +3? That brings the weapon rating up to 4, enough for a Taken Out to most humans.

Still seems rather anemic. It's really just +1 stress, and in the likely event that the character has Guns > Fists / Weapons it's actually still worse than just firing the thing.

How about making the gun weapon 3 when used as a club, letting people swing it with Guns, and giving it +2 stress when ambushing?

DFRPG / Re: More Items of Power
« on: August 12, 2019, 10:54:07 PM »
As I understand it IRL, he clocked people over the head as opposed to shooting and killing them. Like, in the movie, after Curly Bill kills the sheriff, Wyatt comes up behind him and KOs him in one shot.

Maybe a stress booster if you pistol whip someone from ambush?

Could work.

Rather narrow, though, so you'd want the bonus to be hefty.

Yeah. Maybe something like Righteousness, where you can make some kind of vow of vengeance against someone, and as a result any attacks against them are Weapon:5 instead of Weapon:3?

I kinda like that one, gives it a boost against purely mortal opponents, too. -1 refresh?

Sure, sounds good to me. Roughly stunt-equivalent.

DFRPG / Re: More Items of Power
« on: August 12, 2019, 05:53:15 AM »
More of one than the weapon rating?

Yeah. If there's no melee-enhancing Power, you're much better off firing the gun than swinging it. Even at an opponent who's within reach.

I feel like being able to just point at a thing and declare, "I'm getting through whatever toughness power he has, without needing to find out what his catch is," is worth refresh.

Oh, so the user gets to pick the target?

Then yeah, it should cost a fair bit. I was thinking that the designated target was pre-set by you.

DFRPG / Re: More Items of Power
« on: August 08, 2019, 11:36:29 PM »
What would you suggest, then? A straight bonus to maneuvers with the weapon, maybe?

Maybe a bonus to close-combat use of the gun?

Fair point. I wouldn't want it to be Mythic toughness, since this is one of the items I expect one of the PCs to actually want.

What's wrong with a bulletproof PC? They'll still be completely vulnerable to most attacks.

Hm. I'm stuck here, because I wanted it to be something similar to the Sword of the Cross's power, but not as strong. I was trying to find a half-way point between that and something like Mouse's power.

Maybe make it The Catch, but only for a designated target? I'm taking this, in part, from the movie Tombstone, where Wyatt Earp goes on a revenge hunt against the gang that killed his brother

Sure, that could work. Wouldn't even have to cost Refresh, things can Catches.

Also, an intimidation bonus is a good idea. Maybe reflavor Marked by Power?

Sure, that could work.

I'm a little confused -- I was taking the pricing and effect more or less straight from Incite Emotion -- -1 for the base power (cause this one effect), -1 for the second effect, and -1 for doing so at range.

The whole point of Incite Emotion is that it lets you do something you couldn't normally do. Enticing people to follow you, or driving them away, is normal Performance stuff. I guess the idea is that this is a stronger control? It's not really clear.

Also, both those effects together seems narrower than a solid single effect like "fear".

Also also, Incite Emotion is usable for blocks. The +2 is actually really useful for that.

With all that in mind, how about...

[-2] Pied Piper, Eat Your Heart Out: By playing Culein’s Flute, you can force people to go where you want them to go. Use Performance + 2 for maneuvers and blocks that reflect this control.

DFRPG / Re: More Items of Power
« on: August 08, 2019, 05:53:18 AM »
[-1] Give’em an ‘Earp’: Wyatt Earp was as well-known for smacking people over the head as he was for shooting them -- when you pistol-whip someone with Earp’s Colt and land a successful attack, you also inflict the fragile aspect, “Stunned”

Not keen on this. Once you have the option of making a maneuver + attack, why ever do one orthe other?

In this specific case the fact that it's on a weaker method of using the weapon might keep regular attacks in play, but it still obsoletes many maneuvers. And this Power would be pretty terrible in a different context.

[-1] “No!”: Wyatt Earp was never shot, despite throwing himself into numerous gunfights, including a crossfire that should have had him dead to rights. You gain +1 to Athletics rolls to avoid gunfire. (Note: Am considering making this Inhuman Toughness with the catch of 'Anything but gunfire'. Cost will be the same)
[-1] “Justice is Coming”: As a Venator, Wyatt was well known and feared among supernatural enemies. That fear and belief extends to his weapon. If you spend a fate point, attacks from Earp’s Colt bypasses one level of toughness for the scene, i.e., a creature with Supernatural Toughness is treated as having Inhuman when attacked with the Colt.

These seem weak.

+2 to dodge bullets would be a fine stunt, and "only against bullets" is a pretty textbook +5 Catch. If you convert this to a Toughness Power, it could be Mythic for the same cost.

+2 stress to targets with Toughness Powers would also be a fine stunt, and would be pretty clearly better than that Power. Also, that flavour text made me expect an Intimidation bonus.

[-3] Pied Piper, Eat Your Heart Out: By playing Culein’s Flute, the user can entice people to follow them, or to run away, at range. The player gets a +2 to either Performance to create a temporary aspect on a person. If the player attempts to create an aspect on a zone, there is no bonus. The player decides which effect to inflict before rolling.

Three Refresh for a stunt?

1 Refresh is plenty for "+2 to single-target maneuvers aimed to make someone follow you or flee". If anything, that's narrow for a stunt.

[-4] Bardic Faerie Magic: Replaces Pied Piper. With training and attunement, Culein’s Flute offers the user magic sponsored by the bards of the wyldfae.
Benefits: The user can use Performance instead of Discipline, and Presence instead of Conviction, when casting spells. The caster also gets +1 to spell power when casting enchantments.
Item Slots: The user gets 4 Focus Slots, minus 2 if they already have either Evocation or Thaumaturgy. No focus slots if they already have both.
Agenda: Culein and the bards of the Wyld seek to enchant and seduce. They have an image to keep up, and wielders find themselves pulled toward such.
Evothaum: The user can cast certain Thaumaturgy spells with the speed and methods of evocation, such as Conjuration and Veils.

Seems alright.

[-1] The Devil’s Own Luck: Once per session, after rolling, you may freely reroll any number of your dice. However, using this takes a toll on the user -- immediately after the roll is resolved, Sin’s Charm hits the the user with a psychic attack equal to the roll’s total. Any consequences resulting from this attack must be aligned with whichever of the seven deadly sins closest matches the intent behind the action (i.e., attacking = Wrath; Rapport = Lust; pickpocketing = Envy, etc.). The user can use this effect again at the cost of one mental stress per use.

My experience with Demonic Co-Pilot makes me suspicious of this one. I can't say for sure that it's a bad idea, though.

[-2] Echoes of Many Beasts: Once per day, the user can declare what kind of beast the collar emulates. The user must wait until the next sunrise to change the animal -- and the animal type is reflected by a charm that manifests on the loop.

I like this one.

DFRPG / Re: Scion or Emissary of a Dragon
« on: August 02, 2019, 12:32:01 AM »
Transforming into a dragon might be a good way to go. Beast Change giving you a whole extra skill pyramid to work with does wonders for your versatility.

If you go that route, you'll also want Human Form attached to Wings and Claws (or something Claws-like).

DFRPG / What's happening
« on: July 28, 2019, 04:23:32 AM »

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: July 17, 2019, 09:42:23 PM »
You might want to rename them, but the mechanics of Faith Powers should work fine for an anti-God character.

DFRPG / Re: Assorted questions
« on: July 17, 2019, 09:39:59 PM »
To be honest, I don't see the point. Speed powers fit the books pretty nicely, I think.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: July 15, 2019, 10:29:37 PM »
Here's a link.

You'll want to be careful with really big Limitations, though. A character who's sometimes incredibly powerful and sometimes a real scrub is likely to be out of balance with the other PCs all the time.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: July 15, 2019, 01:01:26 AM »
What supernatural things can she do?

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: July 14, 2019, 07:28:14 PM »
I've not read those books.

Which program is this?

DFRPG / Re: Social Combat Armor and Weapons
« on: July 14, 2019, 02:12:28 AM »
There's no reason DFRPG can't have negative weapon / armour ratings. It never has, but they would work fine.

You could also change weapon and armour from deal and relationship to favourable and unfavourable conditions in general, but I'd prefer negative ratings.

DFRPG / Re: Social Combat Armor and Weapons
« on: July 13, 2019, 04:44:46 AM »
It's an interesting idea. Worth testing, at least.

It's a bit odd that the baseline is weapon 2 and armour 2. Might be worth rejiggering to make 0 the baseline.

Also, it might be too easy to talk people into deeply terrible deals if the only difference between a decent deal and a terrible one is 2 shifts.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: July 13, 2019, 04:37:30 AM »

Now there's a name I haven't seen in a while.

What kind of input do you need?

If you're looking for Power suggestions, mixing Faith Powers with a Beast Change / Human Form / physical power package might do the trick.

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