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Messages - CrusherJen

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There's a timeline over at the Official Jim Butcher site (here: Priscellie started it, and lots of fans helped build on it, so I figure it's probably the best info we can get (besides WOJ.)

Discontinuities make it hard to pin down Harry's age, but the best guesses make him either 25 or 27 during Storm Front. Summer Knight takes place two years later in-series, so Harry's 27 or 29 years old then.

(I'm glad that resource exists, because I don't think I'd have figured it out on my own. And wow, if Harry was born in 1974, I'm two years older than he is!  :o ;D )

DF Spoilers / Re: White Knight/Ghost Story Query
« on: August 21, 2019, 03:47:39 AM »
I'm picturing this I'm my head, and I love it. I cannot wait for this book!

DF Spoilers / Re: White Knight/Ghost Story Query
« on: August 20, 2019, 06:59:27 PM »
I wouldn't read too much into the colors of the dust jackets. I read an interview of Chris McGrath (at where he talks about the design process. The publisher usually gives him a summary of what the book is about, and he works from that. He doesn't always get to read a manuscript first. So I don't think it's anything more than "this color looks good with that artwork."

I still like the theory. It would be lovely if the covers did give us more hints to what's coming up in the book. Peace Talks feels so far away...

@Bad Alias: I just took a look at my hardcovers. They have black spines, but the front covers tend to be shaded to match (or set off) their artwork.

DF Spoilers / Re: What does Kringle know that Nicodemus doesn't?
« on: August 14, 2019, 03:34:51 PM »
Odin is one of those big-time Old God's.  He even died for his knowledge.  The chance that Death-god Hades and Died-god Odin are unacquainted is nil.

Someone had to have tipped off Hades before the heist went down. He showed no surprise that Harry was in the vault, and already knew a lot about him before they met. Sure, it could have been Mab, but I really like the idea of Odin and Hades chatting through some sort of Old Gods' Network.

DF Spoilers / Re: Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:07:27 PM »
Seeing Sarissa could be fun, but I have a bad feeling about Fix.  I don't see good things for him in the future.  In Cold Days, Mother Summer told Harry that all Knights of Summer and Winter have the ability to remain themselves, but few do.  We know the negative effects that occur when the Winter Knight let's the Winter mantel choose their actions for them.  We haven't seen what happens when the Summer Knight lets Summer all the way in.  I have a feeling it won't be pretty.  I think what kept Fix stable was his love for Lilly, looking out for her and trying to help her deal with her own mantel.  Now that she's gone I don't see him lasting very long.  He doesn't know Sarissa and he probably doesn't trust or even like Titania.  Titania didn't pick Fix as the Summer Knight, so it's not like she even sees him as a useful tool.  Enough said, you get where I'm going with this.     

Oooooh, I like this. I mentioned in another thread how Harry having an opposing Knight who knew and somewhat trusted him was a little too convenient for Harry... but you've really thought this through. I can see this happening... poor Fix.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who dies in Peace Talks
« on: August 11, 2019, 06:23:21 AM »
Thank you @123Chikadee!  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Who dies in Peace Talks
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:07:34 AM »
The way I see it, Lara will live. According to Thomas, she's been working to consolidate and increase her power, and I think the consequences of that will take several books to play out. I don't believe she'll die until she ascends to the throne of the White Court.

Which means Papa Raith's days are numbered...

Thomas I think will be involved in intrigues against his sister when she rules the Court, so I believe he'll live, but a major injury is not off the table.

I have a feeling Carlos is more likely to survive than Luccio, as he has ties to both Harry and Molly. So he's a bit more likely to be needed in future books than Anastasia. (Poor Anastasia. I think she's toast.)

I'd like to see at least one Senior Council member fall in battle... and it sounds likely. Rashid is needed to fight the Outsiders, and I suspect Eb will die closer to the BAT. The Merlin's death would destabilize the WC too much at this point in the series. Anyone else is fair game, though in terms of emotional impact, we've spent the most time with Listens To Wind, so he's in danger. Ancient Mai would be next in line... though hopefully not before she explains why she's so impressed with Mouse the Foo Dog.

Mouse is probably off looking after Maggie, so both of them should be away from the action, and safe. And Mister is at Karrin's house, so he's good too. With her injuries, Murphy will probably still be on the sidelines, so she's relatively safe... but one of her family members won't be. (That's the funeral Jim teased us with.)

With so many major players involved, the Alphas seem pretty outclassed, so I'm not seeing them having a big role in this book. (Would the White Council approve of their shapeshifting abilities? They're better off laying low for the moment.)

I expect Toot-Toot will make an appearance, but survive. He's too useful to be written out, not before
(click to show/hide)

Tilly? If he shows up, it could go either way. I do believe we'll see complications with humans becoming aware of the supernatural, but he isn't needed to play a role in that, so he's not safe.

Marcone needs to have a final showdown with Harry, and this book will be busy enough as it is, so he lives. There's no guarantee how many of his employees will survive, so Hendricks and Gard are in danger.

Lea still needs to explain her deal with Maggie Sr., and I feel like that's probably in a future book. But I'm not sure enough to bet money on that.

Elaine's most likely keeping her head down and avoiding the WC's notice by downplaying her talents, but if she shows up, she's vulnerable, because her death would hurt Harry badly.

I don't see much chance of changes in the Summer Court, although it might be amusing to see Harry's reaction if Titania ascends to Mother.  (I don't predict it, but that would be fun.) Titania hates Harry, so it tortures him more if she lives. Two Summer Ladies have died already, so Sarissa should be safe... but Fix isn't. Having someone who knows and somewhat trusts Harry as his opposite Knight is a little too convenient for Harry...

Based on the Christmas story, we already know Mab and Molly are safe, and by extension, Mother Winter is too. But the Erlking likes to hunt Harry's enemies, so if he shows up, he's vulnerable. After all, one way to survive the Wild Hunt is to defeat its leader. (I know it won't take place on Halloween, but I doubt that's the only way to kill an Immortal.)

Butters just got the job, so he should be okay. Ammorachius is still out of play. So there's only one Sword we haven't seen change hands yet... Sanya's. I don't want to see him die, but it's possible.

Ivy is safe-- she's too important to kill, until there's a backup for the Archive. Kincaid might sacrifice himself to save her, or he might live.

And I've practically written a book, so I should stop here.  ;)

DF Spoilers / Place Your Bets: Peace Talks release date?
« on: July 28, 2019, 12:59:51 AM »
Well, the last forum crash ate our guesses at a Peace Talks release dates, so let's try again. (Fingers crossed...)

My bet is December 17th. It allows time for any needed edits (though Jim uses beta readers, so I don't think the manuscript will need much tweaking.) A five-month turnaround might take some effort, but Jim's a major author in the field and there's a ton of demand for this, so IMHO it would be worth the publisher's effort to make it happen. And the pre-Christmas date encourages Dresden fans and friends to fill their stockings with wizardry...

What do we win if we get it right?

Here are the links, if anyone wants them:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks for the vids, Priscellie!

(I love Jim's blue hair!)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Contact adminstration.
« on: July 07, 2019, 07:36:09 AM »
Thank you Griffyn!

I don't have a Twitter account yet, but hope to set one up soon.  :)

Update: if you get a Tweet or DM from @NightflyerJen, that's me.  ;)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Contact adminstration.
« on: June 23, 2019, 08:42:36 PM »
I agree with the OP. I tried to shoot an email at during the most recent downtime, and it failed to send. Is there an addy we can use to alert admins to site problems?

(And yes, thanks for the lovely website!  :D )

Codex Alera Books / Re: Codex Alera Character Portraits
« on: May 10, 2019, 04:09:13 PM »
Those sketches are incredible! Yes, more pics, please!

DF Spoilers / Re: Another Cowl Theory
« on: April 10, 2019, 03:23:23 PM »
That's an interesting theory, and one I'd never really considered.

It's got me wondering whether or not the belts might have somehow, directly or indirectly, come from the Erlking and his court. The FBI agents were, in a way, hunters, and those belts definitely gave them more hunting skills...

They still could have been delivered by Kringle, or through some other means (especially if they were tainted by Nemesis after they left the court.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Prediction: Bob wrote the Dresden Files
« on: December 27, 2017, 04:27:29 AM »
Maybe Bob is the real writer of Laurel K hamilton books. Just a thought.


I would assume, with all his years of knowledge on the topic of sex, that he could write a hell of a lot better than that.  ;D


DF Spoilers / Re: Deadline end of year
« on: October 23, 2017, 07:32:46 AM »
Raidem said:

I think a general unofficial moderator status for people who migrate over from here to there should be warranted.  I say unofficial in that they can be aware of what is going on and alert others, moderators, admins, of trouble areas.

I'm only a lurker/rare poster here, but I'm a regular on a couple of Discourse boards. They have user trust levels, where once a certain level of participation is achieved, users can flag problematic posts and they get hidden until a moderator weighs in on them. It might be worth looking at.

Moderators can also manually adjust trust levels, so the frequent posters here could start at higher levels from the start.

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