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Messages - John Galt

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DFRPG / Re: Name for magic for magic of the autumn/spring courts?
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:20:15 PM »
well being from NH, we get our storms in the spring (rain storms) and Fall is when everything "returns to Earth," as it were...

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:18:18 PM »
That item of power would only be +1.  It's a small, concealable dagger.

And there's no real reason to bother with spirt focus items unless they are in defense.  You can throw necromancy at the speed of evocation as a Kemmlerite so just replace "force push" with "death knell" and all of the sudden your just as good at offensive evocation as you are at controlling zombies.

Here's how I'd do it:

[-2] Kemmler
[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] Lawbreaker (Fifth Law)

Evocation Specializations
(water, spirit, earth) Spirit control +1

Thaumaturgy Specializations
necromancy control +2, necromancy complexity +1 (+3 and +2 when summoning undead)

Superb: Conviction, Discipline
Great: Lore, Alertness
Good: Presence, Athletics
Fair: Weapons, Intimidation, Stealth
Average: Guns, Endurance, Deceit, Survival, Resources

Focus Items:
Charred Glaive (necromancy offensive control +2, necromancy offensive complexity +2)

with that you'll have 10 shifts of control and 9 shifts of power when summoning and binding undead, which will basically let you summon them on the fly for the price of a fate point and some stress, if not less.  That way you're more specialized in what you wanted to be specialized in.  You'll also have 9 shifts of control and 8 shifts of power when attacking with necromancy which is kind of ridiculous.  You'll be able to have a weapon 9 rote that costs you two mental stress as long as you tie it to your focus item.  Kind of silly, actually.

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:03:26 AM »
Can you show me a kemmlerite, then what your favoring and from there we can see which is most effective.Please build them up equally not with a bias.

I can in 30 min...on a phone.

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:01:50 AM »
Dude, you can casually do most 'necromancy themed' magic with the use of Spirit Evocations and a bit of thematic window-dressing. You can't use an actual 'necromancy' specialization from Thaumaturgy, but so what? You can easily get all the cool death effects without it.

Necromancy is a thaumaturgy specialization...  the
example spell is Victor sells heart explosion.  And you wouldn't be nearly as specialized with your way.  You're just a wizard whose decent at summoning spirits and brute force attacks instead of a wizard who is excellent at all death related magics;  aka a necromancer

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 08, 2010, 12:09:53 AM »
Are ys.   That is summoning and binding.  Not necromancy.   Kemmlerites can apply their necromancy bonus to similarly themed magic.  If you wanted to be a focused undead summoner you'd take specializations and lawbreaker in summoning and binding.  Not necromancy.   And with only average power in necromancy you'd be a pretty silly necromancer.  So again... kemmlerites are the only people That are necromancers in the classical sense.

DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 09:53:52 PM »
I don't think that's unreasonable though.  I wouldn't let anyone carry around more than 2 weapon2 rated knives and I wouldn't let them throw and retrieve it in one power, so I don't think it's very game breaking at all.

Personally I'm in favor of making it a maneuver called something like "dagger whirlwind or enchanted dagger."  That way it's a weapon 2 attack that you use twice in a round for free then have to spend a fate point to make it keep slicing up your victim as a weapon 2 attack.  At least I think I'm allowed to do that.  So it'd cost three stress for a four stress attack since you used the dagger but you'd have to spend another round using a maneuver to get it back and do that again.  Or you can keep it as an aspect on the opponent and spend fate points to make it do damage again.

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 07, 2010, 09:45:45 PM »
Well, a Necromancer's actually easy enough. Just buy the Wizard package and Lawbreaker (Fifth) twice. Simple, easy, and totally worth it for a focused Necromancer.

Kemmlerian Necromancy is much more pure-evil than the regular variety, and can be acquired later if necessary.

Yeah.  But you're limited to necromancy and psychomancy at the speed of thaumaturgy.  Which I personally think destroys the whole point of a "necromancer." 

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 07, 2010, 09:38:49 PM »
I'm interested in having a necromancer, with the way were going to be treating lawbreaking it shouldn't be to much of a problem putting one together.

Oh.  Well that seems pretty straight forward...

[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-2] Kemmlerian Necromancy
[-1] Lawbreaker

You don't have a lot of leeway if you want to be a necromancer.  You have to use 8 refresh just to do it in the first place.

DFRPG / Re: Character Building Help
« on: June 07, 2010, 09:17:06 PM »
Isn't the seventh law summoning outsiders?  I feel like if that's his thing then he's going to be incredibly close to my PC.  I think it would be cool to have similar minded sorcerers in a party but two guys that basically use the same exact powers seems a little boring.

Personally I like the master evocator idea. 

[-3] Evocation (Fire, Earth, Air)
[-2] Refinement
[-3] Hellfire
[-1] Lawbreaker- First Law

But it's completely up to you.

DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 07:59:29 PM »
yeah, but the maneuver costs 3 shifts to do weapon 2 damage that's blocked by athletics instead of endurance.  Also if I've spent all my mental stress boxes on more powerful casting, I can use my fate points to use the knife like a magically wielded boomerang that does my damage for me.  At least that's how I'm interpreting it.

DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 06:48:11 PM »
The problem is that that's a complete waste of 2 refresh if you're playing at submerged with evocation spin rules.  You can easily get a free weapon 3 attack, and if you feel like trying to exploit the rule, you pretty easily get a weapons 5 attack that costs no mental stress. 

DFRPG / Re: Question about Blocks
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:04:55 PM »
What about extra discipline shifts? Do they do nothing in this case?

That's where spin rules come in if the group wants them to.  The extra discipline can be used to help the next action on the scene.  So for example if you roll 3 or more higher on the discipline of a block than you need to, you can say something like, "I controlled it so well that after the attack I shoved the remainder of the shield towards my friend and he got +1 defense... or I controlled it so well that after the attack I shoved it at my opponent and my friend that attacked him next got +1 to attack. 

At least that's how I understand the spin rule (YS 214)

I meant that Harry's Power < Eldest Gruff's Power < Titania's Power.  We know he's somewhere in between there.  We don't know how powerful the Erkling is.  We've been told he's as powerful as a Queen or close to it but then we've seen Harry contain him with very little preparation.  

Unless there's a quote from Jim, I don't see why people assume he's so powerful.  The denarian he crushed was weakened and wasn't one of the most powerful denarians anyway.  Personally I'd put Eldest Gruff in Ebenezar McCoy's power level.  I think Leansidhe is almost in Odin's league and Odin is pretty far beyond Eldest Gruff, on par with Cowl.

Personally I don't think Eldest Gruff is beyond statting, but I think Leansidhe is at that threshold.  I might try to stat her but I wouldn't bother with Odin, Cowl or a Faerie Queen.  If I were GMing and my players were dumb enough to piss any of those characters off and engage them in a fight, the narrative would go: as you try to prepare for the fight, you die.

Eldest Brother Gruff killed a Denarian like it was nothing, so I kind of figure that EDG is Summers equivalent of Lea.There has to be one (an equivalent ) cause of the balance and all.

I don't know why people think Eldest Gruff is so powerful.  I agree that he's more powerful than Harry in that book, but all we know is that he quickly dispatched a weakened Denarian and that he's defeated senior council wizard's in one on one duels.  Kinclaid kills Denarians as easily as that and I have no doubt Ebenezar McCoy could kill them just as effortlessly (the weak or weakened ones).  Though Senior Council wizards are USUALLY the most powerful wizards of their day, they don't have to be.  All we know for sure is that Eldest Gruff is somewhere between Harry and Titania in power levels.  That's kind of a ridiculous gap.  And I'm not sure why everyone assumes he's so much closer to Titania with so little evidence of his power.

DFRPG / Re: Question about throwing objects
« on: June 07, 2010, 03:09:53 PM »
Hey, thanks Eldrich.  I really like the second idea.  Can you help me stat that out?  I'm new to spellcasting and I'm not entirely sure how the stress would effect that.  I'd like it to be a 4 stress or lower attack though, if that's possible.

Thanks again.

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