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Messages - Piotr1600

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I write my wretched poetry in the little black book of my brain
whist washing the dishes and cleaning the drain

So, when my little grey kitty jumps up and bawls for TREATS
in the middle of my cleaning, scrubbing, and rinsing feats

I must quickly answer her summoning of de-lish-us-ness
Or bright and early - in my shoe - I find a gooey mess

She loves me, I try to convince myself, frequently
by gifting me with hairballs from her collection, see?

DFRPG / Re: Monkey Paw?
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:55:29 PM »
As long as you keep the flavor of the original story in mind - yes, you get wishes, but the damned thing *will* twist whatever you wish for into something horrible that you'll have to deal with...

And, the "overly clever" types who spend days working out highly legalisticaly termed conditions and clarifications etc.?
As a DM, for items like this, I always made the wish to be the first sentence, break, comma, whatever..

Player: "I wish for unending wealth, that -"
DM Voice in Player head: "Done!"
Player: "But I wasn't finished! That wasn't what I wanted!!" <angst> <woe><misery>
DM Voice in Player head?"BWWHHAA HA HA HA HA! Foolish Mortal - trifling with powers beyond your ken! Bwwwaaah! Ha Ha HA HAAA!"

Or sometimes it wouldn't work at all with the run-on blather - if I was feeling extra nice or if the player was too shiny-new.

IMAO - It's pretty much got to be a dark aspected item.
Powerful - Who's to say that it doesn't have a personality and or preferences of it's own, complete with resentments and hatreds.
Think a wish-granting, Necro-Bob flavored item!

These are things that are system independent - once you have the concept of what it's going to do, you can tailor appropriately...

Bravo!  Bravo!  *throws Piotr a rose*

With a girlish giggle, surprising in a man that large
Piotr gives a wiggle, and moving somewhat like a barge

Gratefully attempts, both a pirouette, and curtsey
Physics he laments, rose between his teeth, kinda hurtsey

Undaunted by his gracelessness, however did his bald head shine
He extricates himself from his mess - he thinks your rose divine!

Our Dear disturbed Ms. Duck
In another thread she's shipping
Potential Sapphic escapades
"HIB and Invidia du Barbeque"

Barbequed boobs, oh luck (say's Duck)
with nipple-flakes a-dripping
Happily Tavi applies fury(ous) Raid
before the scene provides more "EEEEEWWWWW"

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