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Messages - The_Sibelis

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DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:54:48 AM »
Heh, the eye patch thing redoubles an old idea for me that karrin is in fact one of the main archetypical characters(starborn?), the eye patch, of course she'd lose an eye on the path to wisdom!

Missed the bit about Nemesis being a shape shifter tho? Where'd that come up?

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 06:28:22 AM »
I don't think it has been, I saw that video but haven't seen it mentioned here yet.

As mentioned at the end of the other thread, I put some suspicion on Harry changing cat sith simply by interacting with him. From how Elaine puts it she was Aurora's mortal "bestie" for years. It's pretty much a given that starborn CAN change things, but I don't think they're directly vectors for Nemesis in this way, but that some things changing does directly open them to Nemesis. The fae courts and their delicate sense of balance being easy targets.
Lea for instance.. the knife gave her Nemesis as it's vector, but considering it's very presence upset the balance of the winter courts shouldn't she have not taken it to begin with? And then later I think she confronted Mab on Harry's behalf, thinking herself not beholden to Mab and it was then that Mab saw the bigger picture on what was happening with her.
Justine I think is relatively easy to guess, I don't think she ever fully recovered from what thomas did to her, combine that with her already dual manor/congenital crazy and WC feeding being both addicting and damaging to the psyche and nemesis had a meat suit to step right into that was largely unoccupied.
Start to look at what Justine has done since then interacting with both the fomor and Marcone(remembering someone put the best time for Marcone to have actually picked up the coin to be post his short story) and she's might have been spreading herself or meddling already...
Actually, taking another look at peabody.. Nemesis seems to have a thing for the well connected bureaucratic underlying just as much as the young unstable female practitioner.
That would put nameless in the same group of people Nemesis would love access to.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who called up the Cornerhounds?
« on: October 23, 2023, 02:42:34 AM »
As to how/why:  I think it was being Harry's "batsman," having to obey a mortal that way...  Think about it:
An obedient cat?  ::)
An obedient... malk??!?   :o
The Eldest Malk... obedient to a mortal!!!  (we need... like... a stabby-murder emoji here)
I wonder if he wasn't already on the list of likely/desired hosts. But I think what Harry did was much worse. A Cat Sith that doesn't immediately kill and accepted the challenge of NOT killing mortals?

DF Spoilers / Re: Fae Rankings
« on: October 14, 2023, 08:06:47 PM »
I think four and five mish mash a bit. It's named beings who may hold a mantle but are well known in their own identity too. Older beings. I don't think they're stronger than the lady any more than most of the senior council can absolutely trounce Harry in a fight, but are technically weaker than his brute ability.
Perhaps it's also a bit of fae semantics, the lady has her own court with her own attendants under the Queen as her vassal. Not all vassals are automatically members of the court. That usually just denotes people invited to stay in the capital as part of the courts retinue.
If threes are dukes 4-5(which only exists to represent the new ladies being underpowered compared to older fae imo) both represent Earldom.
The only proper Lady we've seen in action would be Aurora I think, Maeve couldn't even concentrate a simple binding against her own knight without leaking energy everywhere. Victim of her own sloth.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chekhov's Arthurian Athame
« on: October 05, 2023, 07:46:14 AM »
So:  Morgana's Athame.

Morgana being one of the very-powerful sorceresses, possibly Faerie or Changeling, associated with Merlin... and with Arthur.

In some versions, Arthur's half-sister.

Interestingly-enough, one of Morgana's sisters was named "Elaine," with all sorts of interesting implications if Elaine Mallory was named "in honor of" that ancient Elaine by her birth-parents (about whom, please note, we have very-little information!).

Indeed:  despite the vast powers shown by OG Merlin; and the likely "Amoracchius = Excalibur" theory (do we have WoJ confirming it?); and having her Athame show up so we have traces of Morgana; and the possible "British Prisoner = Arthur" theory ... 

... despite all of that, I say:  we have remarkably little sense of how the larger Arthuriana corpus (and which version(s) of it) map into (and/or otherwise influence/inform) the Dresdenverse.

Or have I overlooked a bunch of stuff?
some stuff perhaps. Didn't you ask about the Hendricks/Lancelot theory..?
Best guess based on the theories behind it, is the prisoner is Merlin from a different cycle, but not the original OG cycle to be sure. Comparative to our Harry being Merlinian like.. that cycles probably realized his corruption and set himself in stasis.
The original cycle(or will it be the Last cycle.. 🤔) he probably did as Majorly theorized and threw himself into making DR.
*Pay no heed to ironic posters telling you to restrict what you look at. Some of the greatest theories, like G's theory on Merlins presumed grace, Ms Duck pancake reality or seracks grand unification theory all draw heavily on outside pools of knowledge. The irony is being told you shouldn't do something by someone who will do said thing when it suits them.  That's just some particularly special thinking. Not to be confused with the special Ed thinking us autistic people do cause we're dumb and deserved to be put down for it apparently. Just the regularly unexcused arrogant-ignorant combo.
Jim's well known for being a "zeitgeist" writer at this point after all.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Harry ever met the Baba yaga?
« on: October 02, 2023, 08:51:38 PM »
Sup G 👀 I see you now. Now I understand. Now I know. 🤙 get ahold of me yea? Sure didn't do it to never come to the boards at all after all. I new persona, a new public identity would be perfect.. except if Kringle tried to call on his Odin Might only to realize it's not Odins battle. Why, then the Gods themselves would be pissed.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: October 01, 2023, 04:01:59 PM »
Actually... unless there's a new one, the above reminded me of one mentioning Murphy and how she got to be with Odin despite her traditional Catholic heritage. Is that the one you're thinking of?

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: October 01, 2023, 04:28:23 AM »
I posted on reddit about Vadderung making a deal with Uriel for Murphy but I can't find the WOJ.  Recent WOJ's have seemed hard to find as they aren't in Serack's compilation.  Anyone have that WOJ handy?
go through the actual Jim site to the woj official site. He seems to update it regularly enough it's ahead of the archives here, especially since the links aren't broke there.

DF Spoilers / Re: New WOJ Collection of Interviews
« on: October 01, 2023, 04:04:23 AM »
Lol, the exact quote about the cloud of parallel realities confirmed a long held theory that he's running them all parallel and that's why he's sometimes not sure in interviews. Nice he actually said it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Harry ever met the Baba yaga?
« on: October 01, 2023, 04:00:27 AM »
Baba yaga is MW, pretty sure he even named her such in CD?🤔
Anyway, between her staff and the large stone outside of her cottage she'd have a mortar and pestle. Go anywhere and eat anything without consequence under the mask of baba yaga.
 For my own reasons I think the stone actually physically links to the lighthouse on DR..

To know about, AND communicate. I don't put limits on what they can [know about each other. Based entirely on awareness, the focus on the topic or subject.
A key detail of Harry's interpreted intellectus, focus/forethought. Which.. isn't intellectus? the island has it, Harry has a mental bond through which he shares it. But as with the withdrawing of the water of the chosing of that particular path right after the ceremony. It's limited to what DR is communicating back and forth with his thoughts directly. Intellectus would be the pure unbroken strand of space time I think.
That's part of what makes me think it's her... Actually mid thought, connection to the stone table that gives Mab a form of intellectus?.Which also may explain her weird chess game insight between her and Titania🤔 though not between Mabs like a outergates connect would... I mean, wouldn't they share in their mother's intellectus as far as needed to know job stuff? Mmm, she has multiple options for reasons/ways she'd have it.
I think the crux is the definition of intellectus. I think it's a lot broader of a term used to introduce an idea to us about beings having knowledge that's contrary to omniscient. So we'd have an idea about how beings can know certain things directly regarding their domain. Which sans the Well beefing him up, DR is really just the embodiment of a particular thing, an island. But the Courts/queens show embodiments can be immaterial concepts too.(still wanna see the genus of Chicago!)

There has been no indication whether Mab has an Intellectus and if so as to what extent,
actually(and just gonna post the whole bit, special thanks to tcf)
We're gonna get some answers in the next book we'll get some more answers in the one after that although fewer. I mean Mirror Mirror is basically we're gonna jump over into the next universe and see how things are going. And we'll sort of be able to see-that universe will be a few years ahead of where Harry's universe is now so you'll sort of be able to see the direction things are going and that should be a lot of fun. Things got worse faster in the mirror universe that we're going to-there's actually an entire spectrum of parallel realities that are existing in the Dresden Files universe and this is just going to be the nearest parallel reality that you can get to that's significantly different. Because there's always a cloud of parallel realities that are almost exactly the same but not quite.

Yeah it's kind of like, I don't know if you've ever seen Stargate or those other sci-fi shows where one new choice basically means one new reality. Wherever there's a fork they split in a row and there's a new reality.

Yeah which is interesting because if you look at that from you know, Uriel's point of view then suddenly the battle of good and evil is all about choices because every choice starts creating more and more different realities, more and more universes eternally branching universes and are they going to be places where good things happen or places where bad things happen? That's kind of an epic struggle if looked at that way.

That's actually interesting because we've talked about that on the podcast several times. I think we all agreed on that even if there's a lot of realities there's one Uriel above all realities, is that how you see it?

Sort of. Yeah I mean Uriel's an archangel so he's like-he's kinda omnipresent in the universe in many ways. He's one of God's deputies he kind of has enormous amounts of power, all the archangels do. But yeah that would be the case, is that when you get to the really high levels of power, beings like Uriel are the same everywhere they go. So poor Uriel has to deal with millions and millions of Harry Dresdens because they're always causing problems and they're always making choices and they're always creating new branches for the universe so poor Uriel just has to deal with so many copies of this guy.

There are actually multiple Uriels but they're all kind of copies of the same guy.

No, no. There's one Uriel and he's everywhere. He just exists through all of the bits of time, but for example if you go to an alternate reality there would be a parallel Mab and the two Mabs would be parallel and they probably would be able to like know about each other and talk to each other if they wanted to but they're just really fucking busy they've got a lot to do. But Mab next door would be like "you work for me next door? Well now you work for me, while you're here you work for me".

Why not take advantage?

Yeah exactly, I mean it's Mab, what other way could she react you know. But she's-Mab is tremendously powerful but she's not powerful on a scale like Uriel is where he's in the parallel realities next door and spreading out and so on.

How do the Mothers compare to Uriel? Are they in all realities or are they in parallel?

They're much closer to Uriel because-well I don't want to talk about that yet I'll put it in the books. But the Mothers are much closer to being Uriel they're essentially nigh-unto being gods on the level with you know like Zeus or the Native American gods or the Hindu gods or something like that, they're kind of on that same scale.

So all the big things that stayed immortal and godly and powerful and have to-

And kind of had to take a step back from all the mortal affairs that were going on as a result. Most of the gods did that they were just sort of "okay we're gonna take a step back, we're not really gonna be involved, we're gonna become professional wrestlers" you know that sort of thing.
mab is aware of and communicate with her other selves. So a limited intellectus. And I think I can perhaps see why, it's her connection to the gates. The gates WOULD have its own intellectus just like the island(thinking of woj about how the gates just ARE as far as it's intellegence), and I think would exist on the same sort of scale as angels? Not certain, but neither has Harry ever just tried to know something from a different version of DR, so that is not implicit for the gates to be(is universal the right word?)
Though actually... Comparing the above woj with Morgans in book explanation of intellectus and his limits on an explanation being only relevant to knowing one reality. Perhaps angels are closer to omniscient? You'd have to get the breakdown from an angelic perspective I suppose, if they are just "aware" of things or have such a big conscious mind it can "know" multiple lines of thought on each reality all at once.

DF Spoilers / Re: Reforming the WC
« on: August 01, 2023, 09:06:29 PM »
Cite, please.
If "the island itself" powered the circle, why isn't it always-on?  The island's always pumping power, after all!  I don't argue that some of the power came from the island and/or the extra enchantments as originally laid-down with the circle... but.
do I really have to cite the in book description? The energy and power that actually formed the circle came from the island. It being part of the island is by and large why Harry could walk through it and why the covered in mud crew could as well. Harry explained this.

I mean... there's something about a Circle that's inherently potent.  Zero-magic Butters was able to power-up a zombie-proof circle and defy the same horde that took down Harry's own wards on his apartment.
yes, that's what circles do. Though thinking about it zombies have no Will, even less so than say binders goons. They're remote controlled vessels empowered and controlled by two different mechanics. 🤔 Considering now if the action of summoning actually causes the pitting of wills. Because didn't Dresden try to escape the toad Demon by simply getting in his circle til dawn? That'd show an inherent mechanism between the summoner and the summoned that isn't necessarily part of the circle. After all, when summoned they can either escape of their own violation giving them some agency in the world, taken from the summoner?(usually fatal to summoner) or the summoner submits them and unleashes them. What Harry was doing he described as a grey line,(iirc around Chauncey especially in book) because he summoned them but didn't let them go or submit them. Just bargained and banished. Gathering info from the ether kinda thing I suppose.
But we know from Fool Moon that Kim (while not White-Council level) had non-trivial magic of her own, but not enough to power-up enough of a Circle to hold a Loup-Garou.  We know Harry took some pains to restrain the Erlking, and still barely had enough mojo to do the job.
I must make a distinction, it was not powering the circle, it was holding ones will into keeping the circle. Same as when Chauncey tried to break Harry's circle. He pitted his will against Harry's who formed and held the circle. Zombies, who have no Will in the DF version, don't seem to be very effective against circles in particular for that.
The loup was special of course, in that a traditional circle didn't work. Considering the second circle is for physical force and the third never fully explained beyond "creature with both", the second at least would involve active magic to hold up
 A drain not only on magic but another thing to have to keep focused. Kim was clearly over her head. Though, how his circle functioned also wasn't explained even more so. Because sans Kim or another holding him, how'd it even hold him at all unless it had a feedback loop built-in?  I mostly consider the introduction of the greater circle here to show beings can have both sides together giving them free will agency, to scale what kind of beings may have that ability, and to point at the loup as one of them.

I think ancillary enchantments helped inform the nature of the circle (and the loophole of covering themselves with mud), but the circle itself needed some jump-starting from someone with Power.
no more power than butters.
I read that thanks very differently.
I think she was thanking DR for not simply curbstomping Maeve.
she literally stops and asks Dresden's permission to enter before turning to DR thanking him for not reacting different. Citing DR making an actual choice to not react different. I'm have a hard time connecting that to Maeve(nor has anyone who's talking about this before, because I am not the first) could you perhaps show your work? Thee whole scene is set up precisely to show this kinda stuff. Jim's never just showing or explaining one thing, usually 3.
I think it depends on the being, and on the summoning-ritual.
For example, I don't think any of the porn-stars had any personal magical mojo in Blood Rites... they just had HWWBehind's summoning-ritual.  On the other hand, Harry's summoning of the Erlking in Dead Beat did need some magical power.
well that WAS ritual magic. Though I was thinking Madge did have some small ability (didn't one of them attack Dresden with magic?🤔 Albeit weak magic) they didn't need it for the cosmic slot machine. Which I'd describe as the machine already set up to accept "quarters", so anyone with the right currency can use it. That's entirely different from an active summoning and already explained in book how.

None of that speaks to whether the little wardens, or other members of the White Council, can use Demonreach to imprison supernatural BigBads:  they clearly have plenty of mojo for summonings and to empower circles!   ;)
I just don't think the island will open its prison (even inbound) without The Warden's say-so; just as it didn't open in Cold Days, despite the Ladies empowering the Circle, or Mab being summoned.
 This is an excellent point.
I have my own WAG:  that the manifestation of Lasciel's Shadow (with whom Harry conversed, nick-named  Lash, and who eventually (if briefly) became Harry's friend & ally) wasn't the "real" Shadow.  That Lasciel's Shadow survived Lash's destruction, and has been (more or less silently) observing from the depths of Harry's mind, ever since.
really? What'd you base that one on? Cause things living in Harry's head still is definitely on my interest list lol.

DF Spoilers / Re: Reforming the WC
« on: August 01, 2023, 05:17:44 AM »
That was a circle.  Empower it, and it's a magically-empowered circle.
Had some extra enchantment's, no doubt, if you poured-in enough mojo... I presume the faerie ladies had enough.  But in the end, it was still just a circle, and a very-minor piece of Demonreach's outer defenses.

She had no access from there to the inner defenses, nor to the prisoners; as you'll recall, Lily & Maeve were trying to breach that barrier.

As best I recall, there has been no hint that anybody but The Warden can put a being into the Well, or get them out.
it was the circle, not a circle. It wasn't empowered by lily, just activated. The island itself powered it. And as Dresden pointed out, magic circles can be used for summoning. When he summoned Mab her stopping to thank DR was all about the fact he could've just grabbed her and had made the distinction not to on his own. If he'd read it from Dresden she wouldn't have addressed the island spirit itself in that matter. So an outside being can activate the circle. Any sufficient mortal can summon with a circle? And DR doesn't need guidance to grab what's been summoned. Seems to me those three things add up to a back up system to use sans an actual Warden.

Note that Ebenezer (along with Luccio, and Listens-to-Wind) were getting thrashed by the Outsiders, until Michael rescued them, per Proven Guilty.

It's not that Harry's magic is any "stronger," as such (no more so than being any other comparably-strong Wizard).  It's that the Starborn have a birthright of power over Outsiders.

Raith's defenses were
 (a) something unique, for which we don't have clear understanding or good parameters;
 (b) the first time we saw Harry run up directly against Outsider magic;
 (c) relatively-early in Harry's career, so he was relatively-weaker and less-experienced;
 (d) something he didn't try to overcome: in classic Dresden fashion, he instantly switched tactics to a more-physical attack (keys to the face);
But, in the end... you're right:  here, Harry's magic was a squib, in the face of the Outsider magic.

But in White Night, when Lash gains her freedom from Lasciel, she tells Harry that because of he has:
indeed, but that power does not necessarily manifest in his magic. (At least so far)
As others have minced Jim's word(especially when it's from the perspective of a known liar like a Fallen's spirit) I do wonder if that's not also translatable as "rule over". He did bend a walker to his will, even if it was just making it name itself.(another scene we have a woj question on if the wording was intentionally obscured with a simple comma)

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