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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Good Shagnasty have bred with Thomas?
« on: June 10, 2018, 07:37:54 PM »
Shagnasty would not have let himself come under Thomas's power, remember, if a White flipped Mab they'd effectively have the Winter Court at their disposal, I see no reason Thomas couldn't entrance a shagnasty either, except they don't have usual reproductive drives, even if they are capable of the act... I find it more likely done to generate fear and pain in the victim, hence Grey exists I think.

DF Spoilers / Re: LTW and the wolf, return of the Alphas
« on: June 10, 2018, 06:19:07 PM »
Rashid was also suspicious of Harry at that point. Not everything he finds weird is definitely a cutout for the Circle - things are getting weird all over because those in the know recognize it's 'five minutes to midnight' and they're trying to get ready for the BAT.
It was the act itself though, nothing to do with the perp, whom he assumed was Dresden anyway. The act of teaching the students to be werewolves was weirdness to be looked at.

DF Spoilers / Re: FB Woj share(update)
« on: June 10, 2018, 03:57:01 PM »
Bumping this to the top so I know everybody caught this latest addition.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: June 10, 2018, 08:39:45 AM »
You know that's the original reasoning I got
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DF Spoilers / Re: LTW and the wolf, return of the Alphas
« on: June 10, 2018, 06:19:50 AM »
In Fool Moon we got to see a wolf that became human (or at least Harry thought so).  I'm wondering if this wolf/person is actually connected to LtW.  This would probably bring the Alpha's back on the scene as well.  Does anyone else think we will see her again or is her story done?  If her return will happen what do you think the significance will be?

I know that book was many moons ago (ha ha), but so was Storm Front, and Jim has confirmed we will see Chauncy again.
She was the Blouncil Cut out in FM if you remember the oddity that GK put in was the college kids learning magic to be wolves, she did that... and yes, she knows LTW ;) prolly not a coincidence.

The book will be awesome.  The focus (in my opinion) will be about the gods, how they get power, some cool fights, and some other non wrestling story arch.  Anything you dislike about pro wrestling probably won't be in the book.
Except Harry in a grudge match, expect that one lol.

Mmm the change from Fight Night to the current Body Slam is likely a indicator towards the deeper meaning(s) behind the book title... In this case i'm wondering about the 'Body' as toward the Egyptian six part identity and how it might pertain to those who are now god/Wrestlers.

My favorite explanation is that Han was feeding them a line of bullshit.
Mine too lol. But in reality someone just really didn't know the science behind the distance vs time wordings I think.

DF Spoilers / FB Woj share(update)
« on: June 07, 2018, 01:31:56 PM »
Comes from a fan on the JBIT, said he met him today(yesterday now?) and asked a few questions
Sean Steinbarth  The questions I asked were:

1. How has the Oblivion War progressed since we last saw it in Backup?

Answer: Not at all. The Oblivion War goes decades without anything happening. The only way to portray it would be to do a series with timeskips.

2. Is Vadderung mortal? (Based on a WoJ from an interview video that has since been nuked from YouTube.)

Answer: Vadderung is mortal. . . Kind of.

3. Are Skinwalkers capable of procreation? (I wasn't specific with this one at first. Bare with me.)

Answer: No. They can't make something as big as they are, but they can make lesser beings.

Me: What about what about with mortals?

Answer: Ooohhh! Yes! They can do that. They can make scions. That's where Goodman Grey came from.

That one was for everyone who said skinwalkers were obviously incapable of procreation, due to being "genderless."
The nuking of old Jim videos is new to me, and troublesome...  an I guess we won't be getting another 100 pages on if Grey is a Scion ;p
So I went to a signing for Brief Cases with Jim Butcher tonight, and one interesting question came up that Jim answered a bit too gleefully for Harry's comfort. I'll have to paraphrase the question since I can't remember it exactly, but I can quote Jim's response:

Question: Can the three faerie queens give Harry conflicting orders?

Jim Butcher: "THEY CAN NOW!!!"

He didn't actually rub his hands together maniacally, but the smile on his face was slightly disturbing. So yeah, I guess there's that to look forward to (or dread).

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 07, 2018, 11:25:12 AM »
If Harry was going to get a new apprentice I sort of doubt that we’d be introduced to them in a short. Generally the shorts have small effects on the main series. Usually just a reference here and there that you can grin about if you’d read the shorts but if you haven’t won’t throw you off your stride for people who just read the books. I can’t imagine Jim is going to start Peace Talks with Harry having a new apprentice in tow that the book-only people have never heard of. Jim tends to build major characters, not just drop them in. Molly was introduced like 5 or 6 books before she became Harry’s apprentice.
Yea, Fitz(?) is in line first, he's in the files and he's a talent implying a deeper ability too.

Groin, I've had the same thought, but if you remember, now so are Harry's wrists covered in scars, from manacles, baseball bats, tiny hooks, ect. Granted Harry an Kemmler have the whole mirror opposite thing going, But the clues so put forth can still lead back to either.

DF Spoilers / Re: Saints
« on: June 07, 2018, 06:17:02 AM »
In GP, he shoots white fire once (early on), channels power into his blasting rod until it glows white (final battle), and has a blue-white light shine several times.

In FM, the lumination spell was blue-white, and the blasting rod glowed iridescent white another time.

 The only significant entry in FM was the spell that took out the Loup.It looks like the pentacle was glowing white, but the chain was blue.  So his raw power was blue, but when it hit the symbol of his faith in magic, it turned white.  So... Maybe?
That whole scene is wrapped up in Thor mythology, 'like a lightning struck oak tree'. I'm predicting Mjolnir was a manifestation of Hope/duty(hence why he couldn't lift it when he wasn't worthy). Charlie Brown has got to try regardless of if Lucy is going to pull the ball out or not...
We know basically you have to believe in your own magic to make it work, But his applies a brand of why it should on the deepest levels that tie directly into his belief in magic itself.

DF Spoilers / Re: Saints
« on: June 06, 2018, 09:27:17 PM »
No...  according to Jim they are wizards.  you are not a wizard if you are a one trick pony.
It was worded quite differently in the quotes above... A sorcerer is pretty much the same category as one trick pony, Look at Aristides too. Saint conveys the method of use, not the quality of ingredients to begin.
We don't know how, or why this happened..  We don't know if it backfired either...  It may not have started off as a curse.  The original Loup Garou may have had full control of it's faculties and have been an incredible warrior.  Who's word do we have about the Loup?  Chauncy, a demon.  Not exactly the most reliable source.
Plus, every 'feeds on bloodline curse we know of, is cast by using the thaumaturgical connection to said family to pull in them as a source of power anyway... So how do we know he didn't contain the beast by binding it to his own blood, curse thereby empowered by said connection too? Perhaps what the Loup was a manifestation of was more dangerous without a stable host? Certainly the Loup was one of the more frighteningly powerful beings we've come across, because it could violate free will without direct repercussion as it was simultaneously Macfinn and the Beast.
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DF Spoilers / Re: Question and theories about Gatekeeper/wizards
« on: June 05, 2018, 01:26:37 PM »
Man... I'll get back to you on this one.... You've combined a few idea's I've had into a mashup here.
though for starters
1 wizards might be capable of a 'choice' they are unaware of towards immortality
2 Something, something magic, Nic doesn't use it either even though he can, Something, something...(hence the need to come back to it lol)

DF Spoilers / Re: Ask Jim Questions - Today!
« on: June 05, 2018, 01:20:01 PM »
Right.   What I was trying to say is that I REEEEAAAAALLLLLY dont think that the Walkers are equivalent to Archangels.  Mab or the Mothers, maybe, but not the sort of Trans-dimensional, outside-of-time being that Uriel is.
Dude... they are literally trans-dimensional, their appearance being based on what reality they are trying to crack open, and they are Outsiders... Outside of time? Time is after all a part of reality, an idea unto itself(hell, a powered avatar unto itself by Mab's pronoun) and even the NN isn't exactly subject to time... also, Before was directly comparedto the weight class of Mab, deeper even, if not 'bigger'(though that's probably just a point for description of comparison of living spirit vs Redead one). Not saying I think they are Archangel level or not, just saying lol.

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