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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48] 49 50 ... 74
So, I have finished the book. What kind of surprised me (though I thought something like this might happen one day, but was surprised that it happened so soon) was the marriage thing with Lara.
After thinking a while on how and if they are going to do that and what it would mean for future books and for Maggie, I had a revelation.

How sure are we that Mirror Mirror will be about parallel dimensions? Is there a WoJ that states this clearly and without doubt or was that just an interpretation that became "fact" over the years?
I can't find anything. The links keep redirecting me to Butcher's website.

I mean, I was asking myself, why naming the book twice "mirror"? Why not 6-letter-word +" mirror" or the other way around?

I have the feeling that this is becoming some kind of Snowwhite situation. What if "mirror mirror" is referring to the fairy tale and not to travelling through mirrors or mirror dimensions? Or not only?

I was thinking of "Mirror mirror on the wall...".
Lara is the beautiful evil queen. Maggie would be Snow white...
Don't know where this is leading, but it was just some idea in my head.

I would be careful if she offered me an apple. ;)

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 28, 2020, 07:49:55 PM »
Sorry for the double post.

I just watched your videos. The Jedi song made me laugh. Thank you. ;D

And my father has a guitar. A very cheap one he bought somewhere in Spain during his youth. He has it still. He can't read music notes, but he had three pieces he taught himself. One was The House of the Rising Sun. He played that every day during my childhood.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 28, 2020, 07:36:51 PM »
I would like to hug you, too. Last week I accidentally hugged a friend for her birthday. She hugged back. We looked at each other and both said something like at least no one sneezed.

In about 2 ½ hours it is midnight here. Peace Talks as e-book was on my device at that time. So I hope I can start Battle Ground at midnight. I'm doing a countdown.
When the book is there, I'm going to be absent again for a week or so. To have time to rethink it on my own.

Today my stomach ached a bit. I think I ate something bad. There was an egg that smelled weird yesterday.
My older daughter told me, that I should read a book, this helps her, when the belly aches. LOL. She says it distracts you from the hurt. Very intelligent child. I told her that I would have to wait till midnight for my belly ache to disappear.
I already made some fennel tea.

In my daughter's school there was one child tested covid positive. They closed the class and all teachers who had contact stay at home for at least one week. All the other classes continue like before.
In Munich the cases were rising, so they ordered people to wear masks even outside and restricted gatherings to 50 people inside and 100 people outside like in the first time after the lockdown. They said the cases are going down again, so the restrictions can be loosened again in a week or so.

And none of my colleagues was infected for a long time now. There were some patients, but there has been established some routine by now. But let's see what autumn brings. I definetly am going to get my influenza vaccine.

The Bar / Re: Holocaust denial in Turn Coat?
« on: September 28, 2020, 07:10:53 PM »
I'm with Fcrate here.
I read it as it said. In retrospect one can always say "Why didn't they see that?"
But just think of recent times.
Do we know everything? Do we really know, who is doing what and where and why? And anywhere in the world? Is what we think we know true? How do we know what is truth and what we shouldn't believe? Sometimes there are things happening, you hear them, and you wish they were not true. This can't be. You don't want to believe, so you may choose to deny them.
We think in times of the www we should be able to see everything, to know everything, but we really don't.

Maybe many years from now, our great grandchildren will shake their heads and say: "How could they have been so blind? It was in front of their eyes the whole time!"
I'm just talking of information in general, no specific topic. You can put in anything you like.

And back to Luccio's words:
Remember, this is a character in a fictional book talking, not the author himself.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:06:35 PM »
Hello! I'm back.
How are you?
Only 7 days now to Battle Ground. I'm already so excited, I'm getting a weird butterfly feeling in my stomach.  ???
I wonder what will be the new post on the website. I'm hoping for new photos from the set of the BG trailer.

I was very busy still with the kid's room or I should say more with the things that are no longer in her room. I haven't sold or given away everything yet, so there is still a lot standing in the way. Looks kind of chaotic. ;D

Next week I am not at work. I didn't plan this. My boss told me to stay at home. As if she knew. LOL. So I know what I will do come Tuesday.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 10, 2020, 09:12:54 PM »
Here, going to school is mandatory for 9-10 years, starting at the age of 5 or 6 years, depending on the county.
Kindergarten is not mandatory, but most people send their kids there. The pre school year here is mostly happening in the Kindergarten, how they do it depends on the kindergarten. My kids were still in their usual group, but they had a few hours in a seperate room doing pre school stuff. After that the usual kindergarten routine.
In some parts of the country in the pre school year the kids are actually separated from their former groups and become a pre school group. And I have heard of schools that have extra pre school classes, but this is not in Bavaria.

I can't remember as a kid having done any school things in kindergarten. I learned everything directly in school. I don't know when it was called pre school. Or maybe it was, and I didn't notice. I admit, I just wanted to see my friends and play with the cool stuff. I should ask my mother.

Grundschule in Bavaria starts at the age of 6 more or less, and goes 4 years. After that at least until 9th grade Mittelschule, or 10th grade Realschule, or 13th Gymnasium.
By the way, when you go to the Gymnasium and finish the 10th grade, you automatically have a school leaving certificate without ever having an exam. I could have done that, but I thought I wanted to have a real exam, and to finish what I started, because otherwise it would have felt like giving up or cheating. So I continued until grade 13 with exam, though I didn't need it. But I thought, if I didn't like the job, I could still start to study something.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Trailer has dropped
« on: September 09, 2020, 09:15:08 PM »
Who touches Molly at that point and why does their skin change. Is that Harry? And who is the guy Harry hits with some kind of green magic. Does Harry finally nail Rudolph?
I think the guy is Rudolph. And if I remember correctly, the hand on Molly's shoulder is a left hand. And it looks scarred with burns, so I believe it is Harry's.
Maybe in this scene she taps into her mantle's powers to become stronger for the battle, and because of that she becomes more fae. (Mab has the same eyes. ) And the tatoos become white. Maybe because she becomes more wintery.
Or!!! Idea: She creates an illusion to make her look like Mab, maybe as a ruse. A very good illusion including feel, smell, illusion of power and so on.
Could be the Mab with the sword isn't Mab, but Illusion-Molly. Why? No idea, just came to my mind. Maybe to give the real Mab a chance to slip behind the lines unnoticed, because every enemy has only eyes on fake-Mab.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 08, 2020, 04:18:59 AM »
It's always kind of amused me that the different types of post-primary German schools translate as "Middle school" (which is what it's most often called in the US), "real school" and... well, you know. :P
That's why I didn't translate.  8)
There is no equivalent. Not really. Because the system is different. In my youth "Mittelschule" was called "Hauptschule" (main school), but it is the same. I didn't look it up, but someone told me it was supposed to change the image. And when I was going into fifth grade Realschule started with 6th grade. So everyone except those who went to Gymnasium went to the former Hauptschule and after 5th grade you could go on to Realschule or stay. Realschule got a 5th grade when I was in 8th grade I think. I talked about it with a friend last year who was there when they changed it and remembered the sudden "invasion of babies" LOL, meaning the masses of little 5th graders.
There are other types of school but this would be too complicated to explain and I'm no expert in this. ;)

Now I have to be cruel and wake up everyone. Muahaha! See you.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:35:20 PM »
Here autumn is coming. You can feel it in the air. And some leaves have turned yellow and red.
Tomorrow or better today as it is past midnight now school starts with a new year. My little one is a firstgrader and my older one now goes to the next school. Is it called secondary school? There are several kinds of public schools you can go to after elementary school.
The common ones are Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium (not a hall to do sports in, that's the German name for grammar school or so, I'm not sure, if this is correct). To the first you go, if you want to become something like a craftsman for example. Very  practical, not much theory.
The second (the one my daughter goes to) is for everything else you need a higher education than the first, the big middle so to speak. The last one you need too attend if you want to study afterwards or take on an academic career. Your grades need to be better for the last one than for the first two.

They are trying to start as normal as possible. The kids and teachers will have to wear masks like before the holidays.  The classes are not allowed to mix. That means at first there will be no going outside during the first break. Each class has to stay in their room. Some schools do shifts with going outside. The first graders of our village are allowed to use the church for the welcome speech. This is great, because the church is bigger than the school hall, so every child can bring up to two people as company. After the welcome speech the kids will go into their classrooms (the school is just over the street from the church).
When they do it like this, they hope that there would maybe be no need to shut down the whole school again, if one child has the virus. But only one class. In theory. Let's see what the future brings.

I want it to bring a certain book about some weird wizard guy kicking ass and getting his ass kicked in return.  ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Trailer has dropped
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:00:32 PM »
Cool stuff. The trailers were both so well made, it made me a bit sad, that there are no movies.
Not long now to the book. Oh, this trailer made me want it now.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:06:18 AM »
I loved the chapters. I'm very curious how it will go on. I hope there will be one more chapter tomorrow, but somehow the text on the website wasn't clear. There was something about a next chapter in a future drop. We will see tomorrow.

And I am glad that there are no bigger fat spiders in Germany than about 5 cm with feet. There are some very thin spiders with longer legs, but none of them is poisonous to humans. Not that I would appreciate any spider coming so near that it can bite me, I'm afraid too. I know it is irrational and I am able to remove them but not alive. So when someone else is in the house (my husband) I ask him to throw it out alive, but I get out of the way while he is transporting it.  :-\
But if I am alone, I have to do it myself. I can't sleep when I know there is one in my bedroom.  ;)

I bet Jim wished he thought of the pun, just so he could inflict it upon his entire readership. Puns need to be shared.
Now I know where Harry's jokes went. They transfered into you. LOL

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: September 05, 2020, 09:15:45 PM »
I can see a whole new market evolving for magic suppressing items. The fae trading with humans. Their iron free safety for iron free thorn manacles.
The svartalves constructing magic suppressing prison cells or other magic suppressing manacles.

But I do think there will be harsh times for human magic users. At first there will be cheers. The wizards helped safe us from the big bad fomor. After the first euphoria has calmed down, the voices of doubt will become stronger. Hey, those wizards are really powerful and a threat, how do we know which ones are evil? They will kill us all or enslave us. And how do we know, who is a wizard. They look just like us. They are everywhere in our middle. Yes, they saved us, but sure they have their own agenda.
And so on. This will lead to prosecution of magic users. Exactly what the wizards fear, and why they kept their existence a secret.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 05, 2020, 06:18:00 PM »
I've read Romeo and Juliet (was forced to in English class, but I surprisingly liked it, maybe because we analysed it for a few weeks, and my teacher was so enthusiastic she infected me somehow ;)) and Much ado about nothing.
A midsummer night's dream and Hamlet I watched in theatre.

And now I have to confess. I was weak tonight. I read the Battle Ground sample chapters.
I am alone this weekend. Nobody home but me. Now would have been a good opportunity to read without disruption, but the book isn't out yet. A pity.
And I got punished immediately. After reading the first lines in bed, I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. There was a big fat spider sitting on the wall a few centimetres from my head. Scream.

I think the cat is getting old. The last few weeks we had an unusual amount of fat spiders in the house. The same happened when the last cat died. But she still catches mice.

All the cats liked to play with spiders and eat them afterwards. They seem to be tasty. But only a certain kind. And they move in an interesting way, when you hit them with your claws and throw them around.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sample Chapters on TOR
« on: September 05, 2020, 04:46:24 PM »
You know what came to my mind immediately, when Molly turned up?
The one woman rave. LOL. I thought, what if the kraken just needs the right kind of music like this:

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