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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 430 431 [432] 433 434 ... 460
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:39:17 AM »

   It is a difference that makes no difference in my opinion, call it ground or territory the bar is a neutral area.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: November 06, 2017, 09:05:34 PM »
He did chew the heck out of that Blampire's ear.

That's what puppies do.... ::) 

DF Spoilers / Re: Gatekeeper's Cryptic Question in Summer Knight
« on: November 03, 2017, 08:28:15 PM »
That was my initial line of reasoning. My hang-up is that it was not referenced again. It would make sense that the Gatekeeper needs to be good with time if the time at the Outer Gates move differently, but Harry visited the Gates in CD with no discernible loss or gain of time. It is either a subtle reference to midsummer solstice like wardenferry said or planted seed that has not yet sprouted.

The Outer Gates are not the Stone Table..  Time is important at the Table because it is tied to the change of seasons, which happens during the solstice... 

DF Spoilers / Re: A pattern in last 4 books
« on: November 02, 2017, 04:47:18 PM »
While Deirdre did allow herself to be sacrificed, it wasn't really all that brave a thing. 

Remember she was also attempting to avoid her fate in the hands of TWG by fleeing to another pantheon's afterlife.  Further she KNEW there was an afterlife.  Granted she didn't think it thought.  Hades will give her her just rewards, but it's no lake of fire.

Yeah,  as pointed out, Nic lied to her about her fate in Hades verses if she died and had to face Judgement...  Harry even bought into it until Hades assured him that she will get everything coming that she deserved...

DF Spoilers / Re: A pattern in last 4 books
« on: November 01, 2017, 11:13:51 AM »

   I don't think we can judge Harry or any parent saying that he or she would be willing to let the world burn to save his or her child.  That isn't selfish, it is called being a parent...  It was said at the height of frustration and emotion, only in Harry's case he possibly had the power to do it... The important thing is, he didn't do it and he found another way to save his child.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 31, 2017, 06:43:33 PM »

I am sick of both time travel and Mirrormirror speculation... :P   At this rate the book is at least six years off...

DF Spoilers / Re: Mouse vs. Anduriel
« on: October 29, 2017, 05:06:47 PM »

   My guess is Mouse sees through the likes of Anduriel, so there is no B.Sing a would be recruit when he is around.  Not surprised that Mouse is stronger in Skin Game than he was in Small Favor, it takes longer for large breed dogs to fully mature both physically and mentally, and I bet that goes for power level as well, not unlike wizards...

DF Spoilers / Re: Questions And Answers
« on: October 26, 2017, 05:01:32 PM »
Do you know where I can find the following woj on Murphy, her job, and powerups?  The actual woj goes something like this:
"Murphy already has a job, and she won't get any more powerups." [my words recalling woj]
Hey Serack, I saw you on Reddit. Do you know where I can find it, and source video, etc.

 Not sure where it is, but as far as I know it has made the rounds for the last five years or so give or take...  Being a Knight of the Cross could be considered a power up I guess, but she rejected that and hasn't had one since.  She doesn't have and hasn't had a formal job in quite some time unless you count working for Marcone...  Justice League is more or less self employment/volunteer and doesn't pay the bills...

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:44:50 AM »
Alfred is the prison; among other things, so I imagine he already has a list of all the inmates and what they can do.  He might even know that some of them shouldn't be called by their Name or even say it out loud.  Harry should start by asking Alfred if he has this knowledge, and if so, if there is way for Harry to access it.

He most likely has.

DF Spoilers / Re: Deadline end of year
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:23:54 PM »
I agree with many in the main exit thread:  Forums aren't dinosaurs OR dying in the niches they occupy.  If anything, they're growing.  No other social media design captures near-time conversation, topic organization, search-ability, anonymity, and global 'one stop shop' for everything that forum is about.  Every other option mentioned (Facebook, G+, Reddit, Discord, etc.) fails one or more of those major features. 

Getting rid of the official forum concept is a big mistake, and will almost certainly spawn another forum(s) that are 'unofficial' for fans to get those community features.  Iago may be done with the forums, but he's likely to find out after they're changed to read-only that the fan base isn't done with the Forum concept.  It'll fracture for a while into all these other SM spaces, then imperfectly coalesce back onto another BBS style forum somewhere else.  After Iago breaks the tablets, and the JBO fanbase spends a few months wandering in the FaceBook, Reddit (lol), and G+ desert, perhaps the 17th Shard will take them in.  They certainly don't seem to be 'dying'.

I agree for the most part and have checked out Reddit and Facebook and prefer what we have here.  What is the reason exactly for having to disband and move?   

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:19:08 PM »
It might not be a good idea to even know details on what some of those things are. At least some of them probably operate on the same basis of mortal knowledge being beneficial to them as the Old Ones and the Venators' targets in the Oblivion war.

   I disagree with this, he may not need to know details but he needs to have an idea of who and what.  I don't think the usual "mortal knowledge" thing works in the case of the Warden of the Island,  Harry remains mortal but that particular mantle puts him in a separate box in my opinion.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:07:15 AM »
To get back to the OP, we might think of some relatively new questions, but such issues will probably not have much meat on the bone.  In other words, they will probably be issues or ideas which have very little written in the books to go on.

For example, I've thought about Harry at the beginning of Skin Game, where he states that he has been thinking about his life, but what I mostly got out of that soliloquy was that Harry wondered who he could trust.  I imagine that was partly due to Nemesis; Harry can't risk openly discussing it with any of his friends, and partly due to neither Mab nor Molly answering his calls, but we later learn that Harry also felt he wasn't being visited very often by his friends. 

However, I would really like to know if Harry thought about anything else besides that.  I mean he had an entire year on the island.  He couldn't have spent the entire time learning how the island functioned and doing Parkour.  To get more specific, at the end of Cold Days Mab told Harry that the athame Lea received from Bianca was tainted and the infection spread from Lea to Meave.  In Ghost Story Lea told Harry's shade the reason she went gonzo on the Red Court was she owed them payback for the treacherous gift (meaning the athame) Bianca gave her.  Has Harry thought about this at all?  He knows or should remember that there were two powerful wizards (necromancers specifically) who were pretending to be Bianca's flunkies, dutifully retrieving and presenting Bianca's gifts.  Cowl and Kumori didn't contest this observation when Harry told them he recognized them from Bianca's party.  Cowl even played some one-upmanship on Harry by telling him that many things of consequence happened at that party that Harry wasn't aware of.

So we know Harry couldn't do any investigating while he was stuck on Demonreach, so there wasn't anything he could do concretely, but I hope in a future book this comes up, and hopefully it doesn't hit Harry out of the blue.  He's smart enough to have put the pieces together.  He should even be wondering how much his knowledge is worth.  I mean Lea would certainly be interested that other people besides Bianca were involved in giving her the tainted athame, and Harry knows that at least one of them (Cowl) is still alive.  Perhaps Mab would like some payback as well against a wizard or wizards who were instrumental in Maeves nemfection.  Without their specific identities Harry might not have enough information to make a deal, but he's an investigator, it's kind-of what he does.  So Harry should have thought about this topic and perhaps others while he was stuck on Demonreach Island. 

So we can talk about this and other things Harry might have mulled over, but I'm not sure there will be much textural evidence to backup any ideas we might come up with.

I don't doubt that he has thought about it, but he really doesn't have anyone to bounce these thoughts off of at this time now that Butters has Bob.  Bonny might know stuff but has zero experience in the world.  Murphy can help with her deductive cop reasoning but a lot of this is above her pay grade.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:02:37 AM »
Estimate 11/2018.

Wasn't that the estimate for this year? ???

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 21, 2017, 04:40:13 AM »
When is PT coming out?  Is there a release date set yet?

Not yet as far as I know..

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 19, 2017, 11:27:21 AM »
I would say that everybody is feeling a level of frustration with the situation. The whole spectrum with us (the demand) at one end to Mr. Butcher (the supply) at the other and all those inbetween like Iago and Priscellie are carrying some degree of irritation. Grumbling is always expected but never very productive.

But sometimes it is satisfying ::)   We all know it is out of our hands in any case, it will be done when it is done..   

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