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Messages - finnmckool

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DFRPG / Re: At The Table: Gamers And Their Dice
« on: June 18, 2011, 04:18:54 AM »
I put my dice face up on their highest values.'s ALL OF THEM. And I will bench bad dice and bring in fresh recruits. We have insisted GMs use dice that are notoriously crappy, and there have been GM's with dice that we feared.

Though I may have a dice burning just for fun.

it's an aspect compel. but it can also be a discipline check.

hmmm...yes...i like all of these...

what are some things you would pray would never happen if it were your character?

if it were your character, what would be your awsome sauce?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:26:19 PM »
hmmm...maybe a custom power...or something like the swords where status effects, for lack of a better term are erased...

DFRPG / Re: How much do non-wizard relatives of wizards know?
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:22:07 PM »
They know what they tell them. Martha Liberty's family is well aware of her relation to them, while Luccio's is not. The Council generally frowns on public knowledge, and having a known family is like having a basket of leverage to manipulate you with. So it really depends on the wizard.

DFRPG / Re: Character Breaks
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:08:07 PM »
wards need thresholds. so not really.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:07:10 PM »
The Crow (Eric Draven)

HC: Spirit returned to the land of the living to set wrong things right

Trouble: "Living" on borrowed time

Other aspects: My Crow, My Link to the World and My Power; It Can't Rain All The Time; Quote the Raven, Nevermore; Nothing is Trivial; My Memories of Life Drive Me

Superb: Fists, Endurance, Guns
Great: Intimidation, Stealth, Weaponry
Good: Performance, Conviction, Athletics, Alertness
Fair: Empathy, Rapport, Discipline, Presence
Average: Drive, Lore, Burglary, Scholarship

Killer Blow
Fleet of Foot
Was That Supposed to Hurt?
Two Weapon Training
Impossible leaps
No Pain, No Gain
Scary as F%^&!


Inhuman Speed-2
Inhuman Strength-2
Inhuman Toughness-2
Mythic Recovery-6
The Catch + 3 ( his raven is harmed )
Incite, Very Potent, Lasting, Despair - 4
Cloak of Shadows-1
Supernatural Senses -2 Can track those he came back to kill; can see  through his ravens eyes

+? most powers are contingent on bird being healthy, incite emotion only usable against those who The Crow returned to kill

Not sure what power level to set him at

Ddddddddope! One problem...where's the super hard as hell semi-magic? By which I mean, "Mother is name for God on the lips and hearts of children. Heroin is bad for you." There's some sort of medium consequence (the cut scenes implied he expended a lot of power doing that) for that sort of mojo.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:58:24 PM »
Storm Elemental (Feet In The Water)

High Concept: Living Thunderstorm
Other Aspects: Force Of Nature, Nothing Personal
Great: Fists
Good: Endurance, Athletics
Fair: Might, Alertness, Lore
Average: Presence, Intimidation, Conviction, Survival
Wings [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Vast Extra-Dangerous Aura [-5]
Amorphous Form [-1]
No Internal Anatomy [-1]
Long-Range Potent Natural Weaponry (Lightning Bolts) [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Salt) [+3]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Super bad! One thing...what's vast extra dangerous aura? don't know that one.

DFRPG / Re: Character Breaks
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:26:38 PM »
Don't think you can carry mobile circles, for one. And how do you put them back up again in time to not get shot. Plus the bullet would break the circle.

1) Adamsk was hanging out in the NeverNever on the other side of the bottom of a lake, and some event where Nick was on said bottom of lake and nearly died forced the two together. Perhaps something was attacking Adamsk. Good one.

2) Yes. Yes they can. Nice.

3) Hmmmm I'd say not so much. But I like where your head's at.

Addendum to summary, Nick remembers what happens when Adamsk drives (though in retrospect I wish I would have made that not so. I'd ret con it but it's his character concept and that seems rude).

DFRPG / Re: Burgerking and the Nevernever.
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:10:28 PM »
Just remember that places are linked by concepts. What is the concept of any fast food restaurant?

A place where a large number of carnivorous go every day for an easy, prepackaged meal....

I was thinking something like this as well. Some sort of feeding place. I was thinking something a little more Langoliers than velociraptor.

DFRPG / Sponsored Magic? Or Schizophrenia? Help with a Character
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:06:54 PM »
So I have a kinetomancer. I know, I know, they do wonders with lasers to remove those these days but my insurance won't cover it. The deal is he's a pretty average joe that had a traumatic experience that bonded him with a water spirit (sorta like Bob is an air spirit). This spirit is all instinct (as opposed to Bob being all intellect) and is just sorta crammed into my player, Nick is the character. The upshot is Nick gets channelling: kinetomancy. Also, he gets a sort of spider sense about the supernatural, like if something is creepy or not. The spirit, Adamsk it's called, doesn't "talk" per se, but instead communicates more in flashes of "like" "don't like" "what is that" "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!!" and "KILL IT! KILL IT NOW FOREVER! AHHHHH SMASH!" So far I've been pretty lenient as the group has found it's legs with the game and the system etc, just making him make the occasional discipline check to keep Adamsk from psychokinetically smashing whatever is making him all sad panda. I'm about to up the scovell scale on this character and I've got some vague notions on what I ought to be doing in terms of sponsored magic maybe, or not, and certainly ways to ruin Nick's day with this (although I've gotta play it a bit soft on this sissies since they're for some reason scared pantless of EVERY THING and insist they suck at this game even though they've won pretty all right every time, too used to being high level d20 monsters I suppose).

But I wanted to put it to you fine bunch of smart alecks and cut throats. How should I handle this ability rules wise? What should I do to make it hard on him?

So, a summary:
Nick has a major aspect of "Head Roommate"
Adamsk is a water spirit of pure instinct
Adamsk provides Nick with kinetomancy and "creepy sense"
Adamsk occassionally responds to super naturals Nick meets with a fight or flight response which Nick must control
Adamsk is in no way hostile towards Nick or usually terribly concerned with what Nick's doing if it doesn't involve Adamsk
Adamsk's response to most things is "Fight, Flight, or Meh."
Neither party, at the moment, has any reason to try and find a way to disolve this partnership.

And go...

DFRPG / Re: Compelling Consequences
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:43:13 PM »
So what if you only want your zone to have the aspect of "On FIRE!" to herd your target to a different zone in the scene? "No no. Don't go through that door, that room is On FIRE! Don't you see all your fellow minions in there shrieking?"

DFRPG / Re: Debt, Gifts, and Offspring
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:31:41 PM »
I would simplify things for yourself and the character. Give the dad a goal. He wants x from his daughter. Make it something the character doesn't want, but maybe even not a necesarily bad thing. Like he wants her to accept her place at his side blah blah blah. Doing so would, of course make her a non-player character. So she doesn't want that. So he gets in Fae tizzy and starts using all the gifts he's given her as a handle on her, the way Mab used Harry's debt to keep him in her clutches until she got what she wanted.

This way you've set up some things. Lots of story possibilities and a fun prod for your characters. A deus ex machina to bail her out if needs be (but SHE owes HIM so she won't want him to but that also means...). A resource NO ONE wants to use, but may if things are bad enough. AND because he's got a specific goal in mind and the debt is just a means to achieve that goal there is the possibility of her doing something that will allow him to release the balance owed.

And an occasional story hook since she owes him, he can literally MAKE her do some things as he wants (like Mab freezing Harry's eye juice or making him stab his own hand, though those might be a bit cruel and overt for a dad).

Don't know if that answers your question but I hope it helps solve your problem.

DFRPG / Re: Non-Human Denarians?
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:00:49 PM »
Mab said Thomas was "human enough" because he felt love, which is perhaps an expression of free will, you have to be able to defy a lot of everything including yourself to be in love. So I would say it's only for beings that have free will and can choose freely to take up the coin. Without free will there can be no sacrifice and I think that's what's at the heart of every real bargain, knowing what you're giving up, and being able to not just take what you want, but pay the full price.

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