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Messages - Belial666

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DFRPG / Re: An idea to allow more spell casting
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:00:45 AM »
A wizard with a single Refinement can get +1 Tolerance, +2 control for his element plus a +4 offensive control focus from his basic item slots. So he can go around firing Weapon 1 attacks, at +11 attack roll. He will never miss, and he'll be doing 6-stress hits against the best submerged defenses. And against Great rather than Fantastic defenses, you can expect 9-10 stress hits. And he'll have that at-will with effectively the expenditure of half a point of Refresh.

Far, far too cheap.

DFRPG / Re: An idea to allow more spell casting
« on: June 17, 2014, 06:49:52 AM »
You can redirect evocations, but redirecting thaumaturgy to get stress-free evocations doesn't sound right.
Maybe - but they don't have to be thaumaturgy either. Sticky aspects through evocation already last for the scene for 4 shifts. Just put a few more shifts into duration so they last multiple scenes and you got an evocation effect that could be later redirected, allowing you to essentially store up spells from multiple scenes for later use.

Of course, the best way is if you got Thaumaturgy at Evocation's speed/methods. You could make redirectable spells that last for several days.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Spare Character Concepts
« on: June 17, 2014, 06:38:39 AM »
This is an old build - one of my first beyond submerged level. Originally posted it back in 2010, I think;


High Concept: Greatest Necromancer Ever Trouble: Terminal God Complex
Other Aspects: Awesomeness Can Be Taught, Dark Lord Of The Dead, Death Is Only The Beginning, Political Wizard, The Laws Exist Only In Your Feeble Minds
Refresh: higher than you  (-51, 450 pts as Warhammer figurine)


+8 Discipline, Conviction
+7 Lore, Presence, Endurance
+6 Intimidate, Contacts, Scholarship
+5 Deceit, Rapport, Resources
+4 Weapons, Empathy, Alertness
+3 Craftmanship, Performance, Might
+2 Riding, Fists, Athletics
+1 Survival, Stealth, Burglary


[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] Wizard - The Sight/Soulgaze/Wizard's Constitution
[-2] Kemmlerian Necromancy
[-27] Refinement x27
[-6] Lawbreaker: 1st/4th/5th, x2
[-3] Physical Immunity: Unkillable  -  Kemmler is immune to any attack that would kill him. He may either keep going or appear to die only to come back later. The catch is that he is only immune to death; he still takes stress and consequences normally and a nonlethal attack would take him out just fine - but see below.
[-1] Mind Over Body  -  Kemmler's own will fuels his existence. As long as his will is intact, his body endures, fueled by his belief in his own immortality. He uses Conviction as a defence vs physical and mental attacks and maneuers.
[+0] Human Guise
[-6] Mythic Recovery  -  Kemmler does not need to sleep or eat and his Necromancy-fueled body can recover from most wounds.
[+2] Catch: Holy Powers and True Faith
[-1] Senses: Lord of the Dead  -  Kemmler can see and hear out of the eyes and ears of any undead being he has personally created. This is a supernatural sense.


Evocation: +6 spirit power, +5 spirit control, +4 earth power, +3 earth control, +2 air power, +1 air control (may use necromancy control if spell incorporates death and/or necromanctic/psychomantic spells as evocation)
Thaumaturgy: +6 necromancy control, +5 necromancy complexity, +4 diabolism complexity, +3 divination complexity, +2 transportation/worldwalking control, +1 focus specialization.
Dark One's Rainment: a suit of armor covered in dark magic runes concealed by a black cloak and strengthened by its own enchantments (armor 3) that acts as a powerful focus for necromancy (+7 necromancy control)
The Helm of Terror: a rune-adorned thick cowl with a faceplate carved out of bone that, when drawn down, conceals Kemmler's face behind the image of a human skull. Acts as a powerful focus for destructive spirit magic (+7 offensive spirit power)
Bracelet of Warding: the weakest of Kemmler's foci but still a powerful item, this skull-adorned silver bracelet acts as a +4 defensive spirit power focus.


Vengeful Gaze of Kemmler Using the power the magic he created, Kemmler throws an immense amount of life-erasing energy at the victim. Weapon 26 at Control 26; you die with no save.
Plague Wind Spreading necromantic energies over a large area, Kemmler could sicken and kill people in a large stadium, major building or small army. Weapon 6 over 10 zones at Control 26.
Mass Momento Mori This spell infuses all living beings in an area with deadly necromantic power, killing them then animating them and binding them at Kemmler's will. Sadly, it only creates relatively weak zombie types. Weapon 6 at Control 26 plus 5 shifts of raising and 5 shifts of binding at all creatures in 5 zones.
Mass Energy Drain This spell fuels necromantic energies to its victims, paralyzing and finally killing them over time as its energy leeches their life-force. 11 shift block (adjudicated as grapple) for 10 exchanges over 3 zones.
Raise Graveyard This spell is a quick "army-raising" spell; at the cost of quality, it raises all the dead in a fairly large area -such as a graveyard or mass grave- as relatively weak zombies. 5 shifts of raising and 5 shifts of binding at all corpses and remains in 8 zones.
Shield of Death This is a rare defensive necromancy spell; using Kemmlerian necromancy, you forge a link between the caster and a bound, mindless or willing victim. For as long as this thaumaturgy lasts, the caster is protected by a 23-shift block (unlike true Wards, it does not strike back or allow special features). Instead of blocking the attacks though, the "block" merely transfers them to the victim. The spell ends at dawn (unless extended with extra shifts) or when the victim dies/is destroyed. Kemmler used his zombies as surrogates cause he had lots of them but a living victim can take a lot more consequences than a weak zombie and has the added benefit that you find a use for potential prisoners and, if you choose correctly, your surrogate may have recovery powers.
Circle of Opening The Door of Night The wielder opens the Door of Night and calls up large amounts of necromantic power, infusing himself and a circle around him with that power that can be then tapped to fuel horribly life-violating magic. Apply 6 aspects on a scene or willing target that can be tagged for offensive necromantic purposes. You still need to flavorfully describe said aspects or your GM might wack your head with a 10-lb abridged copy of the Necronomicon.

(sorry for the french but I didn't have time to find the english equivalent)

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Spare Character Concepts
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:15:15 AM »
Hey Sancta, should I post my Kemmler build here or somewhere else?

Also, your PM folder is full. Hence the post here.

DFRPG / Re: Water spirits vs moving waters effect on magic.
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:22:14 PM »
Some versions of Entropomancy - like the ones the Fomoire sorcerors use - are unaffected by water, even water put there by mortal acts with the specific intent to disrupt magic. Simply put, they lack that weakness entirely.

On the other hand, that kind of magic has much higher involuntary hexing. So high that it makes Harry Dresden's magic seem technologically-friendly in comparison.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Swords and non-Wizards
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:24:44 PM »
multiple slots can't bring you over the cap.
That's for enchanted items. No such limit exists for potions.

you can only have one future Compel at a time
Once when you make the potion. Then pay it off in the interim. Then boost the potion again on the fly when you use it. Also applies to any FP gathered in the interim, or if you have given it to somebody else to use; you boost it with your FP and compel on creation, the user boosts it with their compel and FP on the fly.

If he's not doing anything else over that week, then that week is just one scene.
The player decides the scene goal. If the GM is being difficult about scene length the player says "I'm gonna do a 5-minute ritual divination to get some new Lore on my ritual" or "I'm gonna do a 5-minute summoning to ask some Loa about my ritual" and so on and so forth. Essentially the player picks something that is short-duration realtime as his goal for the scene and forces a scene change by doing something new every so often. He could even say "I'm gonna take a nap/walk to clear my mind - see ya in half an hour". Or if he's feeling snarky "I'm gonna solve this Sudoku/crossword/whatever as a scholarship conflict for the next half hour" and so on and so forth.

Basically, mild consequences that only stay for a scene give the same +2 bonus as a skill declaration. If you could make a skill declaration in half an hour or so, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be able to use up a mild consequence. It's the same thing as saying;

"I'm gonna make a big, complex, Archive-strong magic circle for my ritual. It's gonna be 7 layers of magic runes, with a progression of 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 23 runes for the layers, and I'm gonna draw/align those runes perfectly"
And then go and make the drawing of each rune a Lore declaration, for a total of 95 declarations. In ancient Sumerian cuneiform of course, so there are enough different runes and the GM can't say you're just repeating the same rune more than once.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Swords and non-Wizards
« on: June 16, 2014, 02:40:16 AM »
In addition, any spells you
wish to include as part of the ward construct
add their complexity values directly onto the
ward. It must all be cast as one spell.

IF you wish to include them in the same Ward construct, yes. But why would you? You don't want your Ward to fire off the Landmine(s) if someone hits it because hey, some poor mortal might do it by accident and wouldn't that be a stupid way to get Lawbreaker? No, you create a second, single-shift Ward construct for an alarm, in case the big one is breached (not just hit). And you attach the landmine to the second one, not the first. As I said before, no limit to the amount of separate Wards you can add to a place. (it's just that a single big ward has the advantage of being harder to dispel or damage and you only pay for duration once)

The Paranetters' multi-ward would be done in a similar way. It is just a bazillion small (3-4 shifts) individual Wards. A sufficiently high roll from a powerful enemy will go through all of them as they got the same block strength but trying to destroy the Wards themselves? You got to hit them individually and that would take a lot of effort. And if you destroyed only some of them, repairs to those would be pretty easy. Good way of keeping out mulltiple low-power enemies instead of one big enemy. The wards in Edinburg would follow a similar philosophy, except they'd be multiple big wards instead of small ones.

BTW, given enough time a Wizard could make wards of ridiculously high strength if they knew how. Harry for example could put a mild consequence into a ritual in every single scene. Assume a scene is half an hour or so. 8 hours of work for a week makes for 200+ shifts of power, easily. Add another 100 shifts of power for the timeskip at a rate of +1 complexity per scene, plus another 50 or so for total declarations and you could potentially have a Ward with enough power sunk into it to drill a hole through the Earth's crust.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Swords and non-Wizards
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:45:09 AM »
Fate Points, future compels or plain multiple potion slots. The point is that it's ultimately doable within the system, even if unlikely. Which shows just how flexible the system is - and also explains why Harry doesn't have a portable Ward of that strength in every case that would be useful.

Flavor-wise, if it took him a month to make that would translate to many, many days worth of compels mechanically. As FP can be saved from all the (relatively) minor cases he has between the main ones, it's not impossible.

DFRPG / Re: MageKnight help
« on: June 15, 2014, 07:22:21 PM »
+5: Lore, Weapons
+4: Athletics, Discipline
+3: Endurance, Conviction

[+0] Wizard's Constitution
[-3] Thaumaturgy (+1 craft power, +2 craft frequency, +2/+2 craft focus, 8 enchanted item slots)
[-4] Refinement
[-1] The Vorpal Sword
  *Discount: +2
  *It is what it is: weapon 3 sword
  *True Aim
  *Supernatural Sharpness: +2 weapon rating
  *Vorpal Strike: reduces target toughness power by 1 rank
[-1] Footwork

Tactical Suit: armor 3 vs piercing, 2 vs anything else, 5 uses of 8-shift block.
Ring of the Far Hand: 8-shift might effect for throwing or moving targets, 5 uses.
Ring of Massacre: wielded weapon becomes weapon 6 and zone-wide for 1 attack, 5 uses.
Amulet of Warding: 8-shift instant ward, 5 uses
4 potions of power 8 and 5 uses each
Frag Grenades: weapon 4, each enchanted with "Deep Impact" and "Homing Projectile" aspects via ritual.
High Explosives: weapon 10, mechanical timer. Veiled to be invisible with ritual.
Lucky Charms: chain of charms, each enchanted with "Lucky Charm" and "Good Fortune" aspects via ritual.

This guy works well enough. He goes around with Weapon 5 attack +6 melee ability that eats through enemy toughness and also confers Fantastic (+6) defense via footwork. Then he has several enchanted items and potions of considerable power. He also has various mundane items improved via his Thaumaturgy. Last but not least, said Thaumaturgy is decent enough for some slow, low-key magic.

With his abilities he could go toe to toe with the Loup-Garou or one of the Denarians in their current writeups.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Swords and non-Wizards
« on: June 15, 2014, 06:46:48 PM »
Why not? There's no limitation on the number of wards one can put on a building. Even the Paranetters who are minor talents have learned how to build up a defense of multiple small Wards - and more powerful wizards have multiple Ward types with multiple different trigger conditions even. Harry is a good example of that. Essentially, the Landmine puts a single shift of power into an alarm Ward and the remaining shifts into the Landmine itself.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Swords and non-Wizards
« on: June 15, 2014, 07:34:58 AM »
Actually, it is possible as a potion. Potions can be boosted with invokes, extra slots and specializations, and unlike enchanted items, they don't have a maximum power limit equal to twice your Lore. So two "potions" with Power 20, one a Ward and the other a Landmine should be enough to reflect Harry's portable "shield".

DFRPG / Re: Wards and Evothaum
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:18:56 PM »
It had an attached Landmine - a big one. Chances are, it was a Ward.

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:17:30 PM »
The whole issue with this though is that immortal people are basically mantles. Even with the power to kill them, you don't really kill them; the mantle immediately goes to someone else and a couple years down the line it's "Meet the new Maeve. Same as the old Maeve." In fact, if you thoroughly kill an immortal non-permanently it might take them longer to return than if you really murder the mantle's "host". And if you imprison them, you take them out much longer than in either case - potentially permanently.

That's the whole point of the existence of Demonreach; trapping immortals.

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 14, 2014, 10:26:51 AM »
Then it ends up being god vs god in direct power. Meaning the proxy is no longer an asset.

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:27:53 AM »
Unlikely. Just because you can kill a god if you take them out doesn't mean you can actually defeat them. Said god could be standing right behind you with a gun (or the godly equivalent) pointed at the back of your head and you wouldn't notice them at all because the veil they were using would be too strong for you to see through. Said god could send an arctic ice storm your way and freeze you to death without even getting close to you. Said god could simply wait for you to use a Way to reach their domain - and then redirect it to the nearest volcano or other natural hazard they have ready.

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