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Messages - Regenbogen

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The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 17, 2023, 01:54:35 PM »
Sounds nice. We are having some cold days now after an unusually warm October.
Now it is freezing in the mornings (below 0) and about 10-15°C in the afternoons.
But it looks beautiful. Leaves falling, trees and bushes in green, red and yellow. Fog at ground level near the river. Looks mysterious. 🙂

I'm excited because this week I will see my old friend again, who lives 5 hours away. Her kids have their autumn holidays and they always come for a week to visit the family. And friends. 😊

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 16, 2023, 07:49:41 AM »
Also, today was Mother's Day here, so congratulations Regen! And congratulations to any mother reading this, and to the mothers of every forumite  :)

Thank you.  :-* Here, Mother's Day is on the second sunday in May.

I wish you luck and may the painless toe soon be with you.

My PT will last till the end of the month. But I think I know now how to go on. They showed me a lot of exercises. I just have to remember doing them.
And also a lot of cycling is good for the arthrosis.
Maybe I'm going to decide to have surgery on the left knee as well. But not until next year. Perhaps it won't be necessary, if I continue my exercises and stretching.

I am still reading the secret book. Mini has not noticed yet, but she told me that she found a new book online (this book), but there is no translation yet. Aaaaww, what a pity, lol. I know the translation will be out soon, because I have already preordered it. Muahaha!

The book is nice, but a little bit too focused on the romantic side for my taste. But I know for a fact that Mini is very fond of said romantic side. So definitely the right book for her.
For me, I like the ones with focus on the adventure, a little character development and if the protagonist finds love in between, I'm ok with it, but it is not a necessity.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 15, 2023, 02:18:14 PM »

Sorry to hear about your hurting toe. Maybe it is some hurt in the joint. They take months to heal. I once had one in the thumb and middle finger of my right hand from a bad accident while skating. Actually I am sure it was a pretty impressive stunt from the viewers' point over view, lol. I remember it was early spring, I was still young and slender and living alone in the city. There were still a lot of pebbles on the streets from winter. They are thrown there to reduce the slipperyness when there is ice on the streets.
I crossed a big street at the traffic lights, one of those where all the heavy trucks were driving. So there were some depressions in the street from their tyres, and in there lots of pebbles. One can't skate through pebbles, so I decided to jump over them, not for show, but because I was too fast to stop in time. So I took two nice jumps and while in the air during the last jump, I noticed I would land exactly on the edge of the sidewalk.
As I didn't want to break my leg I did something that resulted in a somersault. Somehow I came to my feet during the movement and just drove on until I was out of sight. Then I looked down and my whole right arm was scratched open, as was my right leg. There was blood too. I think I rolled over my right side and came to my feet as if on purpose, lol.

What I wanted to say. The thumb was ok after a few weeks while the middle finger took half a year to stop hurting.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 07, 2023, 07:58:59 AM »
LOL! Harvard made me so happy yesterday.
They welcome a former president of us (Argentina) and the girl who was making his introduction and reciting his résumé said he had been president of Venezuela from 4 years. It was so fun! Especially because he hates Venezuela so much...He based some of his campaign in "do not let Argentina became Venezuela"  :) :)
:) did they show his face when she said that?

You want me to read a story written by Jim Butcher? Twist my arm, why don't you?  ::)

I'm reading that new spin-off story from the Percy Jackson world. The one with Nico di Angelo and Will Solace, if you know who they are.
I do it in secret, because I intend to buy it as a surprise gift for Mini (probably for Christmas, but we'll see, I'm not opposed to give it to her for an exceptional good grade, if there should occur some in the next weeks, lol) and I have to restrain myself to not say anything about it. Which can be difficult, because we usually talk about what we are reading.

We were hoping to visit our future kittens this weekend, but both my husband and I are ill.

I'm looking forward to next weekend. A long time friend of mine will come to visit us with her kids. They live about 5 hours away and she visits her parents 2 or 3 times a year. This time she'll stay about one week, so there is time to see each other.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 29, 2023, 02:15:34 PM »
(((((DC))))) (((((Dina)))))

I finished Warriorborn today. So I can finally read through the spoiler section. I liked it a lot. I'm also quite fond of Benedict. :)

I've read the Aeronaut's Windlass, but it's been a few years since the last time. I haven't read Warriorborn but I don't know if I will before the new book comes out.
I have to agree with Dina. It's worth reading.
I hope you find a new and better job soon. I just changed departments about one year ago. I am much happier now. People ask me, if I now have no more night or late shifts or weekends, and when I say no, the same, they are surprised. I didn't leave because of the work, I left because of the management. I can deal with the work. I even like working at night, which most people not working night shifts don't understand.

@Dina: someone should tell them to turn on the lights in those movies.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 25, 2023, 07:52:07 AM »
I am surprised Jim hasn’t had Harry suffer from the norovirus aka Winter Vomiting Bug, clearly one of Mab’s nastier inventions, during a case.
Probably because that would be a rather boring story set between Harry's bed and his toilet. Except if it involved conjuritis resulting in Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo messing with Toot Toot and contaminating all the pizza.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 24, 2023, 09:47:57 PM »
Explosions are always fun ;)
That's sad about your tradition.

The kittens are getting bigger. They already eat some meat and run around chasing each other and fighting. Absolutely adorable!
We have decided: the male will be Leonardo now, not Loki.

Btw we are watching Ragnarøk on Netflix. It's  a fun Norwegian series. The theory is: Ragnarøk has already happened. The gods lost, but the Jötnar are still there. Disguised as a family.
And it seems like Ragnarøk is supposed to repeat itself, because there are some people who can be awakened to be the gods. One boy is supposed to be Thor, he has a brother who (surprise!) has a different father: the Jotun family father.
In the episode today he had a tapeworm. A very big one, which has survived its extraction. LOL the Midgard Serpent is a tapeworm!!!!

Then there is an old one eyed man in a wheelchair. Surprise! Odin.
And LOL he is called Wotan Wagner. Wagner!!!!!  ;D
Yes, I am having fun with this.
Now there is a valkyrie. They didn't say she was, but today she chose a boxer to fight for their cause.

I also have purchased Warriorborn and have already started reading it. So far it is interesting.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 24, 2023, 04:46:16 PM »
Hey there. I'm Autumn. ;D

I've had my knee surgery last week. As of today, I am allowed to go without crutches, but I have to be careful not to exaggerate what I'm doing. So no jumping up and down with one leg, jumping from the roof and landing on one leg or such stuff, lol.

I have finally finished Alera. I have the feeling, he might return there for the next story after Cinder Spires, and he also said he wanted to write epic fantasy.
Well, wasn't Alera just that? OK, he wrote it because of a bet, but it is Fantasy, it is another world, there are fantastic creatures, and they are doing the fighting with swords and so on.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 12, 2023, 11:19:26 AM »
I am having a fun problem with my Paramount+ subscription. When you choose the language as English and the subtitles in English too, it shows the subtitles BOTH in English and in Spanish. For example, the character says "why?" and the subtitle writes "why? Por qué?". it is super annoying. For a while it appears to be solved, and then it begins again.
I had to watch the last Strange New Worlds episodes with Spanish subtitles, and I guess I am going to do the same with the current season of Lower Decks.
So you usually watch with English subtitles? And now there is double text. That's annoying, indeed.

Today was the first day of school here. Micro is already home, Mini will come in 20 minutes, except if she talks with her classmates longer.

I am just a little bit annoyed, because I have trouble writing in English with my new phone.
I still have to find out how to change autocorrection to english. Because I have to tip back at every single word to correct it back to what I have written.

Would I just let it be like autocorrection corrected, it would look like this:

World Internet justieren let IT be live  autocorrection corrected, IT World Look live this.
So, sorry if there are any weird words in my text.

But at least the program is learning, not like the one I had before.
And the rest is also a great improvement. I can continue with Codex Alera, because my Audible app is working again. There seemed to have been an update a few months back which was not compatible with my old android version. I could open the app, see my books, but not listen to them.

Today I finally got to defreeze my deep freezer. During the last weeks we ate a lot of the food that was stored there.
Micro once left the door open, and so there was a thick coating of ice, which had to be removed. And of course the freezer was quite full.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 08, 2023, 12:26:19 AM »
Thank God it is a baby tooth, it won´t hurt. Still, crossing my fingers for her. By the way, we call those teeth "dientes de leche", meaning "milk teeth".
I´ve heard good things about Killing Eve, but I´ve never watched it.

We also call them Milchzähne, milk teeth.
I think you can say milk tooth in English as well.

Killing Eve is great. I think we are in season 3 or so, and Eve is still alive, LOL. The killer is great, they chose a fitting actress.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 06, 2023, 02:51:01 PM »
We finished Disenchantment 2 days ago. I am almost a bit sad, that it's over now.

The fruit flies sound interesting.

Micro's tooth is purulent. She already had parodonthosis there and the tooth was repaired, but now it has to be removed. She is lucky that it is still a baby tooth and the adult one is already near. So she has to take antibiotics and then the doctor will remove the tooth in 2 weeks. Until this time the tooth is open.

We are watching Killing Eve. Very funny and crazy.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 04, 2023, 09:40:13 AM »

A paper I've sent has been accepted for publication. I am super happy  :)

Next week I will have several meetings and administrative things, quite boring.
That's great. About the paper. What's it about?

Administrative things suck.

We agreed and decided on Mona for the striped kitten. Alternatives for the others are  Loki and Cleo or Luna. But I have the feeling it will be Leonardo and Lisa. These are the names we all agreed on immediately.

I have to take Micro to the dentist today  :(.
There is some swelling around one of her teeth and it hurts. Please wish us luck that it is nothing complicated.

And I am in the middle of selling the rest of our old cat's special kidney food. The rest  will go to the shelter, if they can use it.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 02, 2023, 04:31:17 PM »
So, I drove my bike along the river on both sides today, to see how it looked like after all the storms and the almost flood. It's OK now, though there was a tree across my way, but I managed to climb over it with the bike.
There is still a lot of water in the river, but no more danger that it will spill over. We were lucky, the rain stopped in time.
The last two weeks the temperature dropped from 36 to 16°C. Now it is 27°C. That's perfect for me. And everything is green again.

We visited the kittens yesterday. So cute! We will get all three of them. They are already bigger than my hand, toddle around a bit, but their eyes are still blue.
It's one male and two females. The male is very dark, but not completely black. I call it dark grey with light black stripes, lol. One can see the stripes only in sunlight.
The females are both dark grey with black stripes. One has tiger stripes and one has more rounded lines. I don't know the English name for that kind of colour scheme. In German it is called "gerädert". Our old cat was coloured like that, too. But she was brown, black and red-brown.

The kids are very excited. Now we can think about names.
Do you have any ideas?

I would like to call the male Loki, but then I would need fitting names for the girls.
Or maybe all names starting with the same letter.
Nero would be a cool name, but then I would have to worry if he will burn down the village.  ;D

For the girls I have maybe Mara, Dora, Mia, Cleo, Nora...
Short names. I am open to everything, except names like Fluffy Puffcake, Sugar Candy Cotton or something cringy like that, lol.

Edit: lol
We had a discussion about names and I threw in Leonardo. Micro and my husband immediately said Mona and Lisa.
Leonardo, Mona and Lisa. The more I think about it the better it sounds.

DF Spoilers / Re: Goodman Grey, nemfected?
« on: August 27, 2023, 03:37:22 PM »
@Conspiracy Theorist:
I do hope you are right. Though the Leanandsidhe managed to get nemfected, and she is supposed to be powerful. What was her weakness?

I don't think Nemesis infects only the weak people, though it may be easier to gain access. I think the walker tries to infect people in a position near to those defending the gates, or better to say those who seem to play a role in preventing the Outsiders to become Insiders.
Does Grey play a role in this? No idea. He is not that close to anybody and  no one trusts him that much, so probably not a preferable host.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: August 27, 2023, 03:25:27 PM »
Hey weird people! I am back home.
The trip to Austria was good. We did not do a lot of sightseeing, it was mostly relaxing, but we managed to go to a museum of art, which was mostly boring for Micro, but interesting for Mini and amusing for us grown-ups. One room made us laugh a lot, though it was somehow disgusting: it looked like a room full of waste, but the artist sometimes did something with it. There were sections with old bottles standing around, an almost full body plastic with two heads which looked like something a mentally ill serial killer would leave for people to find and be shocked. But what amused me the most, were patches of wiry dark hair nailed to the wall. I hope the hair was from the artist's beard, lol.

There were several themes, so there was art for every taste, not just the weird stuff.

We managed to go swimming in a lake twice and we rented a small boat in my husband's town of birth. And we tested two ice cream vendors, one before the boat trip and one after, lol. Just to be able to compare, of course.

Sad news:
Did I tell you that our cat died in the last week of July? We were with her all the time. This was the first cat who had a good death in my opinion. We noticed on Sunday that she would go now, because she even refused to drink and she had trouble standing up. She died during the night from Sunday to Monday.

But there is good news, too:
One of my husband's colleagues told him that his cat is pregnant. We said we would take 2-3 babies. The kittens are very cute and we will have them at the end of October. They are mostly dark, one I think is almost completely black, as far as can be seen in the pictures.

So there are kittens to look forward to.

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