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Messages - admiralducksauce

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DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 17, 2010, 12:22:31 PM »
I'm not done all the books yet, so I've been real leery about getting too deep into Our World.  Blaze Away definitely covers my idea, although I like your upgraded Empty Mag Empty Room.

Here's two modified Spin Doctor stunts:
Spin Doctor: You may take 1 additional mild social consequence
Spin Doctor: You may take 2 additional mild social consequences in situations like public debates, political campaigns, or the like

My rationale behind using Stealth for attack in my above ideas is honestly the "stealth kill" scene from any number of movies and video games.  The focus isn't on the actual kill so much as it is about Stealth making the kill easy, regardless of what weapon or training the attacker has. 

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 15, 2010, 01:23:40 PM »
far as I know, Stunts can only offer one additional consequence per stunt, so Spin Doctor would be limited to 1 consequence.  otherwise, they seem OK to me

Hmm, maybe so.  In the book though it says a stunt can provide one or two 2-shift expendable effects, which to me says "mild consequences".  I'm okay with letting a stunt give 2 mild social consquences but maybe not physical consequences though.  The specifics aren't actually so important, though - have it give 1 mild if you like.

Sanctaphrax, I like Ball Toss a lot, as well as Sermonize.  For Outdoorsman, though, I'd probably let a player normally use Survival to modify Stealth or Investigation outdoors if they brought it up.  Perhaps let the stunt treat Survival as 2 higher when modifying Stealth and Investigation?

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 15, 2010, 03:45:01 AM »
Had some more ideas!

They're In the Trees: Roll Survival instead of Stealth for setting ambushes and traps outdoors
Without A Trace: Use Survival instead of Stealth when Hiding in the wilderness
(maybe these could be combined into one)

Money Talks: Use Resources instead of Contacts for Gathering Information

Everybody's Buddy: Use Rapport instead of Contacts for the Knowing People or Gather Information trappings
Poker Face: When Closing Down, your intentions aren't obvious until your opponent beats your Rapport

Spin Doctor: You may take 2 additional mild social consequences

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 14, 2010, 01:02:42 PM »
Here's another two, for Stealth:

Silent but Deadly: You may use Stealth +1 instead of your normal attack skill when striking from ambush.

(Striking from ambush seems to be such a limited occasion, and usable really only once a scene, that I figured a +1 was fine in addition to swapping the trappings)

Deadly Shadows: When tagging or invoking an Aspect that would conceivably help your Stealth, you may use Stealth instead of the normal attack skill to attack and defend for that exchange.

Personally, I like Deadly Shadows better and feel it can cover Silent but Deadly's territory just fine, although SBD is a little less complicated but maybe more narrowly powerful.  I see Deadly Shadows as a way to drive players into maneuvering for Stealth-related tags during fights, and that kind of ongoing incentive to engage with the FATE system appeals to me more than a simple situational bonus from SBD.

Traceless: The difficulty to track your movements is 2 shifts higher.

DFRPG / Re: Homebrew Stunts
« on: October 13, 2010, 01:21:05 AM »
I don't have a list like Sanctaphrax, but I've got an idea here and there, starting with Guns:

Empty Mag Empty Room: Your speed and marksmanship are so great that you can make Spray attacks with semiautomatic weapons.  Just as if you were using an automatic weapon, you must split your attacks into minimum shifts of +1 or better.  Using Empty Mag Empty Room will empty your weapon's magazine, and you must have at least one round per target affected for this stunt to have any rational chance of happening.

This is for the Martin Riggs and John McLanes and Chow Yun-Fats out there, the guys who can get the same wall of lead with a little Beretta that it'd take a normal guy with an MP-5.

DFRPG / Re: Is compelling an Aspect a -2 or an auto-fail?
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:24:07 PM »
Thanks for the clarification, guys.  "Compels bypass the dice altogether" is the key point I was missing.

DFRPG / Is compelling an Aspect a -2 or an auto-fail?
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:16:48 PM »
Hi all,

I apologize if this has been answered before but I didn't see anything in the rules that specifically address this, or I didn't know where to look.  When an character's Aspect is compelled as a means to complicate their action, does it impose a -2 penalty (opposite from an invocation) or simply causes the stated action to fail?  I'm especially confused when it comes to players compelling Aspects placed or discovered on opponents.  Here's an example of what I mean:

Dean's PC, Sam, has just slammed a fire axe into an evil-but-fuzzy Friendigo and inflicted a consequence, "Barely Holding Its Guts In".  When the Friendigo counterattacks, Dean says the Friendigo's vicious swings are poorly aimed due to its injuries, taking the free tag on its consequence and getting a +2 to Sam's Athletics roll to dodge.  I get that, that's all well and good.  Now, what if on the next exchange, the Friendigo tries to attack Sam's friend Bobby, who's in a wheelchair and can't really dodge?  Dean throws down a FATE point and.... what?

1.  Compels the Friendigo's injury, saying it can't make it to Bobby and kill him because it's too busy holding its guts in?  Does the Friendigo just fail, accept the FATE point, and we move on?

2.  Or does the Friendigo accept the FATE point and suffer a -2 to its attack on Bobby - but still gets to attack despite the penalty?

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