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Messages - Hick Jr

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:40:52 AM »
Well. The "hard to read" is probably indicative only of me, a nearsighted grammar nazi. Maybe separate the Powers sections for the Yin and Yang vampires?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:33:51 PM »
Hrm. I like this version of the Jade Court, but the writeup is a little hard to read. It's a variation, actually. Most versions of the Jade Court i've seen are based on Jiang-Shi.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 27, 2012, 11:11:03 PM »
The idea was that standing on a grenade would bypass the toughness completely. But i understand your point. Do you agree with The Catch rebate on thunderbolt iron? Should it be +3 instead?

Also, how do you use The Catch, if not as written?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 27, 2012, 08:14:59 PM »
Ah. I hadn't thought of it like that. Thanks, deadman. And the Catch for Discworld Orcs would probably be a direct attack on The Little Brother (the organ that heals them and makes them tough). But there doesn't really seem to be a called shot system in Fate, so that's kind of right out. Meh. Cold Iron just bothers me because it's a ludicrously easy Catch to bypass. It doesn't even need the GM to provide ridiculous reasoning for why the random mook is carrying pope-blessed silver or something, he could just say, "The mobster feeds you one of his car keys. Roll athletics.". It almost invalidates even posessing Toughness or Recovery unless you're in a campaign that's pretty light on mortals.

Edit- Also, allowing the GM to adjudicate exactly what bypasses the Catch really only works if you and your GM can agree on what exactly constitutes "extreme physical harm". Standing next to a grenade, yes. Small caliber gunfire, no. On the other hand, this is an excellent story element- The bad guy figures out he's facing an orc, and starts in with the heavy artillery.

Edit secundus- Rereading Lords and Ladies, would Thunderbolt or Meteoric iron be an acceptable catch? I find it to suitably flavorful, but I'm fairly sure it would only provide a +2.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:21:59 AM »
oh, darn. The +2 is a typo. i'll change it.

And given the source material, i find that to be pretty reasonable. my thought process was something like, "Tolkienian goblins are easily-slain mooks in hordes thousands strong. DV goblins are, in Harry's own words, Terminators from Krypton. In Tolkienian literature, Orcs are cooler versions of goblins. Therefore, DV orcs must be even cooler than Goblins."

The catch is..difficult. The orcs they're based on (discworld) were very, very difficult to kill. They could survive being decapitated, supposedly. A mechanical change to striking a certain organ? That's what's described as powering their healing ability in that specific canon. I'd really prefer it not to be just "Cold Iron, +3". Cold Iron should be a +4 (You can find out it hurts faeries with 30 seconds and Wikipedia) and it's really, really generic.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:13:30 PM »
Thank you for going through with this. And I happen to have two versions of the Orc thing- One as a Our World esque statblock for a generic orc, and an actual character template. I can post both, but is the former or latter preferred?

This is the template.
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DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 24, 2012, 05:43:21 PM »
I like the new Noam! Changing his Conviction was wise, and i like the Discipline drop. As for his rotes, i had planned to add an actual "healing" spell similar to that of the Soulfire-wielding former Gatekeeper that Belial666 wrote up. (Who was awesome). A "blinding Light" type maneuver would  be good (possibly carrying the effects of a Holy Touch?), so i'll hammer those out.

Sanctaphrax, I'm willing to start the thread, but I'd honestly prefer if you did it. Your name under the thread title will probably carry a lot more weight than mine, encouraging people to post. I actually asked because I managed to get this Orc template into something actually playable at Snorkeling after two milestones or Scuba Diving right out of the box. Speaking of which, this custom power level is basically just Scuba Diving+1 refresh, if im not mistaken? And like five extra skill points?

(edit- A brief note on Noam- Any campaign that features him is honestly begging to feature Nicodemus. I'm planning a who sub-plot where Noam is constantly being tempted with a coin and all his old power back and more.)

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 24, 2012, 04:38:48 AM »
Oh, and Sanctraphrax, while i've got you on the proverbial line, Is there a thread for homebrew templates or some such? Or would that come under "Generic NPCs"?

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:32:15 PM »
I put Sponsored Faith in there because i wanted him to get a lot of mileage out of his True Faith stuff. The idea is from the Generic NPC thread's statblock of an angel, which had this power. I felt it was appropriate. If you feel it makes sense as a -0, that's great. You're the expert here.

I'll admit to skimming the thread regarding Crafting, which sort of turns my brain into a mobius strip when i try to figure out how it interacts with Refinement and Sponsored magic. I'm not entirely sure about the deletion of "always on" items, though-It sort of cuts down on things like Harry's duster.

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:27:32 AM »
Here's the fifth guy. His backstory is under the spoiler.

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on second thought, i am probably going to scrap that because it's awful. The concept is solid but in practice it's a little insane. (Is it just me or do skill pyramids get really really weird at high power levels? Like i'm trying to figure out why the weredinosaur is a trained ninja) And i like the mordred rewrite. It's closer to what i had in mind for him. I do still have one question-You've got specific elements down for Wyld Magic, which is, like Summer and Winter, it's own element. Typo?

edit secundus- I added the social penalty because I reread every section of the DV involving a magic sword or blade, and learned that if you keep one long enough, it gains a measure of sentience. If not sentience, a purpose. Medea's Bodkin seeks chaos and wildness, Morgana's athame seeks...well. I found it fitting that Laevateinn should seek the death of the Sidhe. After all, it's The Sword of Wyld's Shadow. Killing the Sidhe is the Wyld equivalent of Hunting The Most Dangerous Game.

Regarding the earlier comment on how closely to the actual Iron Druid books i'd like to remain, insta-death for a First Law violation is kind of weird. Atticus can't explicitly just unbind someone into their component elements. That's an easy First Law violation. But he could suck them to the waist in earth and decapitate them and there wouldn't be a problem. Which is what the Wardens do, now that i think about it. So essentially obey those rules if you use the character, i guess?

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 23, 2012, 01:14:14 AM »
Also, if the idea where he's an ancient Arthurian knight who is actually more chivalrous than Harry Dresden is a little too ridiculous, the Dark Hunter is rather easily rewritten as Jack the Ripper.

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 23, 2012, 01:02:41 AM »



DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:33:32 AM »
Nice! I'm finishing up the fifth guy now.
On a different note from how awful I am at balance, I wrote a template!
(oh god why does that seem so ironic)

Specifically, a template for this custom power level. I got the idea when i realized that there don't seem to be orcs in the DV. Also, i recently read Unseen Academicals, so I'm in a fey (orc?) mood. It's more of a monster statblock than a playable template, but c'est la vie. It's inside the spoiler.
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it's actually a really strange prospect to have someone play one of these, if only because there's so few of them.

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:37:27 PM »
ooh! It's Sanctaphrax! I liked those books too, but I'm not very far in the series (Midnight over Sanctaphrax)

Regarding Mordred, I do have an issue with him having full Evocation, but the rest of it seems reasonable. The thing about the campaign starter (The Emissaries each suffering a metroid-style power down) is that it most definitely hit Mordred the hardest. A bit of backstory for him is behind the spoiler.
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It hit him the hardest because he was far and away the strongest out of the five of them. The original, insane write-up was, pre-mantle theft, an accurate measurement of his abilities.  (I wrote another one that I didn't post because I'm still doing backstory and power adjustments. He should be up tonight for review). He has "Give Me My Bloody Spells Back" as an aspect because he hates weakness and being weak, which is probably typical for someone raised among goblins. I meant for him to lose Evocation, all his Supernatural-level abilities, and a few Refinements. Your writeup is extremely accurate but for Evocation. Your wording on the this one implies you have another- May we see it?

And again, thank you for all this.
"from the bottom, of my hea-rt...."

DFRPG / Re: Help me balance these guys!
« on: December 22, 2012, 06:02:41 AM »
Thank you for your thoughts. Any advice for a reword on The Answerer? Again, Atticus is basically lifted wholesale from the Iron Druid books, where he's actually depicted
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. That is a fairly accurate writeup of Fragarach's powers- In fact, it may be a little underpowered, considering in the latest book Fragarach proves quite capable of
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. the powers of the Red Sword that are specifically related to wrath and killing intent were intended to be represented as compels, so good eye there.

I suppose the Answerer could just up the hell out of a Deceit check difficulty, but that's almost the same thing but just reworded to seem a little more fair.
(man I italicize a lot of things)

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