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Messages - Hick Jr

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:48:21 PM »
Ah. Excellent catch. I actually originally had that as a question mark instead of a number.

Thoughts on the Skinwalker? I understand Limitation is supposed to replace Human Form but it actually interacts with it very well in this context. This and stripping them of a Sense would make them playable at Submerged. The intellectus is meant to be represented mechanically as a Supernatural Sense. It's possibly game-breaking, so check with your GM first. I'd prefer not to represent the skins as IoP- an enchanted object is better suited mechanically for what I had in mind, and even then it's kind of a stretch. using the focus item slots provided by Ritual would work, granting the skinwalker four possible forms, which is balanced in my book. They only have six modular ability points, which may or may not be too many. I meant it to be able to provide either 3 Inhumans or 1 Inhuman and a Supernatural building block. It'll be difficult to justify taking some of the weirder stuff from Creature Features, but again, check with your GM. Some sample skinwalker forms that i recall Shagnasty turning into- a spider, a feline, a bird/bat, and  a gorilla-type thing. Those cover quite a few bases.

Hmm. Rereading Creature Features, i'd prefer it to be seven Modular points, so they can take something interesting out it that isn't a building block. Adjusting accordingly.

Edit- Oh, and my "modern" idea for these guys is essentially a monstrous biker gang. What? It just says "skins". It doesn't say they can't be cool gorilla-leather jackets.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:13:38 PM »
Skinwalker is done. I finished it before I saw you posts, so it uses limitation and is playable at Snorkeling. Here it is.

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:35:18 PM »
Ah. So it wouldn't work for a skin walker.

And thanks, I hadn't noticed on the Thunderbird. I'll edit it. How would you recommend balancing Vulcanomancy? I could tone down the crafting, but I'm loath to power down the Conjuration- I imagine them summoning weapons and armor to fight. Perhaps I was a bit generous withe the rebates. I wanted them to be playable at Submerged. Toning that down.

The skinwalker is still weird. I'm trying to imagine how I can limit Modular Abilities to only wearing a skin. A homebrew power would work but empirical evidence suggests I am pretty bad at those.  Limitation might but the rebate would be weird.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:36:41 AM »
Here's my two cents.

Description: The ancient power that lurks beneath the Earth’s crust. Primarily lava, but also governs other tectonics.
Sponsor: Volcano and forge gods, generally. (Pele, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Goibhniu) Can be self-sponsored with a mastery of both earth and fire or carrying a volcanic bloodline.
Agenda: Unexpected and swift destruction. The forging of tools and weapons. If self-sponsored, your own agenda.
Evocation: Vulcanomantic evocations generally involve lava, heat, ash, obsidian, basalt  earth, tectonics, earthquakes, fire, or metals.
Ritual: Vulcanomancy allows for rituals that create things, generally weapons and armor, and the creation of protective items and effects, such as armor and wards. Very, Very, VERY powerful Vulcanomancers may actually be able to cause earthquakes and make volcanos erupt.
Evothaum: Vulcanomancy can be used to create Wards and Conjurations at evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Add +2 to Frequency and Strength for Crafting, as long as you are forging the item.Add +2 to the Complexity of anything created with Conjuration, as long as it is a weapon or armor. Wards created by Vulcanomancy do not require a threshold as long as they have a physical base (a circle, a line of barbed wire, a chain-link fence).

Description: The furious, unending power of the thunderstorm. Extends to most other types of weather. Subtlety is almost impossible with this power-even it’s veils are massive fog banks.
Sponsor:Can be gained in a number of ways- A weather deity’s boon, a thunderbird ancestor. It’s often self-sponsored, gained by aeromancers who learn the way of the storm.
Agenda: Once a user becomes powerful enough, the creation of storms. Destruction, uncontrolled.
Evocation: Storm evocations generally involve what you’d expect. Lightning, tornado-force winds, sonic booms, rain, water, fog, mists, ice, air pressure.
Thaumaturgy: Storm rituals destroy things. Violently. They’re also capable of altering the weather. Can also be used to scry through clouds and rain, and on storms.
Evothaum: Storm Magic can be used to create entropomantic and divination effects at Evocation’s speed.
Extra Benefits: Add +3 to the power/complexity and control of any Storm spell if the caster is outside during a storm.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:10:58 AM »
And yes, I'll do the Jade Court when i'm done indulging myself here.

Hrm. The Skinwalkers are giving me trouble. They're honestly ridiculously easy to stat-i'm not even having to homebrew here- but i'm on the fence between Mimic Points or Modular Abilities. I liked how Kevin Hearne did skinwalkers in the Iron Druid books so i'm modelling it off that, and they seem to have Mimic Abilities with maybe Mimic Form? I'm considering giving them that Superior Biomancy custom sponsored magic because it would cover a lot of their abilities, and definitely Demonic Co-Pilot.

Thoughts? Ideas?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:56:09 AM »
And now for the Thunderbird, which is a lot less cool, basically being a theriomorph with Sponsored Magic, but hey.

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Their Sponsored Magic, which is frankly kind of boring.

Description: The furious, unending power of the thunderstorm. Extends to most other types of weather. Subtlety is almost impossible with this power-even it’s veils are massive fog banks.
Sponsor:Can be gained in a number of ways- A weather deity’s boon, a thunderbird ancestor. It’s often self-sponsored, gained by aeromancers who learn the way of the storm.
Agenda: Once a user becomes powerful enough, the creation of storms. Destruction, uncontrolled.
Evocation: Storm evocations generally involve what you’d expect. Lightning, tornado-force winds, sonic booms, rain, water, fog, mists, ice, air pressure.
Thaumaturgy: Storm rituals destroy things. Violently. They’re also capable of altering the weather. Can also be used to scry through clouds and rain, and on storms.
Evothaum: Storm Magic can be used to create entropomantic and divination effects at Evocation’s speed.
Extra Benefits: Add +3 to the power/complexity and control of any Storm spell if the caster is outside during a storm.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:48:26 AM »
Alrighty then. Because I do math like fish do bicycles, I may have messed up the interaction between Human Form and Limitation. Constructive criticism is welcome. First, the Vesuvian.
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And their Sponsored Magic, which I priced up. It might not be worth it. Again, criticism.

Description: The ancient power that lurks beneath the Earth’s crust. Primarily lava, but also governs other tectonics. It's secondary aspect is that of the Forge, and creation.
Sponsor: Volcano and forge gods, generally. (Pele, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Goibhniu) Can be self-sponsored with a mastery of both earth and fire or carrying a volcanic bloodline.
Agenda: Unexpected and swift destruction. The forging of tools and weapons. If self-sponsored, your own agenda.
Evocation: Vulcanomancy evocations generally involve lava, heat, ash, obsidian, earth, tectonics, earthquakes, or metals.
Ritual: Vulcanomancy allows for rituals that create things, generally weapons and armor, and the creation of protective items and effects, such as armor and wards. Very, Very, VERY powerful Vulcanomancers may actually be able to cause earthquakes and make volcanos erupt.
Evothaum: Vulcanomancy can be used to create Wards and Conjurations at evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Add +2 to Frequency and Strength for Crafting, as long as you are forging the item.Add +2 to the Complexity of anything created with Conjuration, as long as it is a weapon or armor. Wards created by Vulcanomancy do not require a threshold as long as they have a physical base (a circle, a line of barbed wire, a chain-link fence).

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:51:36 PM »
I've got a Thunderbird and Pyrovile/Vulcanoid templates a-brewin'.

Oh, and two Sponsored Magics for them.

Edit- God, i'm editing this within two minutes of posting, but I forgot one. I'm also doing a skinwalker. Not a naagloshii. deadmanwalking did an awesome naagloshii up in the Characters thread. I mean skinwalker as in a human who was taught magic and shapeshifting by a naagloshii.

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic Houserules
« on: January 03, 2013, 11:34:53 PM »
In the immortal words of Sgt. Detritus, dat's der bunny. It was basically a weakened Focus Item that you couldn't get taken off you. Sorry if I didn't make that clear, Haru. And i feel like anyone who looks at Channeling and says, "You know, for only 1 refresh more I could get something ten times better than this but nah" deserves to have a little game-breaking capability.

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic Houserules
« on: January 03, 2013, 06:24:56 AM »
I generally do it so players who pick Channeling or Sponsored Magic and feel it would be inappropriate to branch out into full Evocation get to power up without having to carry around a houseful of foci, but I understand your grievance. I adress the column problem by ignoring it. If the player wants to deliberately handicap themselves, I make allowances.

DFRPG / Sponsored Magic Houserules
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:57:02 AM »
Is this reasonable? Sponsored Magic people not getting the ability to specialize always cheesed me off, so I houserule that they can take that with refinements. I kind of feel like it could be a little game-breaking, and I'd like an impartial opinion.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:43:19 AM »
That was what i had in mind for Magic Eater, yes. It's meant to be one of their scarier abilities and one of the reasons for the Purge. I was also reading the White Wolf tvtropes page and am mildly interested in incorporating some of their kuei-jin mechanics into this. And separating the Limitations would work, but calculating the fractions would start to hurt my brain after a bit. I'm not a math guy. I have to calculate Refresh and Skills with a calculator at least three times before I can be totally comfortable with it.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 31, 2012, 12:19:49 AM »
1. Wow, those are some bizarre weaknesses.

2. I think that Power could use work. Its base effect makes Claws/Natural Weaponry look lame, and I don't see why you couldn't perform a block with it without the Magic Eater upgrade.

3. I'm having some trouble extracting a template from that statblock. Which Powers are Musts? What are the Options and the important skills? What's the blurb like?

Argh. Sorry. I find it easier to write statblocks than templates.Mechanically,  The Magic Eater upgrade acts as an Evocation defensive block. Like Reflettum. Flavor-wise, it's similar to Thorned Namshiel's ability to simply swallow spells. The first level of Chi Eater and all the listed powers are Musts.

And I agree, Chi Eater could use a ton of work. The JCV under Fan Created monsters is similar mechanically, but I incorporated the weaknesses, which are indeed incredibly bizarre, but i was having trouble figuring out how to represent them as a Limitation, because it just did not work as a Catch. Chi-Eater could be reduced to Weapon:0?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:53:53 AM »
Here's my Jade Court vampire. They just walk stiffly instead of hopping, and utterly hate the stereotype. They're based in china and underwent a similar ordeal to the Black Court of old- Someone published all their weaknesses. Rather, several generations of Chinese were sure to pass down the tales of how the Jade Court could be defeated, and now they are similar to the Black Court- Only the clever ones are still alive. This statblock is meant to represent a Jampire of moderate age and includes a custom power. So take it with a grain of salt.

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Templates
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:53:03 AM »
Meh, i made a Jade Court statblock a while back, and they were pretty scary. I translate the hopping into "walks stiffly but can jump forty feet straight up", and they ate life-force and magic at range. They were a "mosquito court" because they got Bram Stoker'd- the Chinese passed down tales of their weaknesses.

Want me to post it? There are probably going to be a lot of versions of the Jade.

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