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Messages - vincentric

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DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 19, 2020, 02:42:22 PM »
She doesn't have to make a request of it though.

She could simply say, "My Knight, your next task shall be a simple one. Retrieve the Blackstaff and give it to me now that it is no longer in the possession of one of your loved ones."

DF Spoilers / Re: Wait, How Did Warden Ramirez Know About...? - From PT
« on: December 16, 2020, 04:50:12 PM »
She had overwhelming power, but her strategy was was kindergarten tantrum 101. Marcone critiques her methods not her power.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wait, How Did Warden Ramirez Know About...? - From PT
« on: December 16, 2020, 12:00:45 PM »
If Uriel just stood there in it, yeah, I mean he wouldn't, it could kill him I mean it's- again it's one of those- I mean Uriel is... he's so powerful that he's not even on the scale with everybody else. I mean yeah maybe the Eye of Balor could disintegrate Uriel if Uriel couldn't just immediately teleport anywhere or make the energy go somewhere else or basically do anything at all to defend himself. If he just stood there like a dummy, sure somebody could kill him with the Eye of Balor. He's not going to, freaking archangel.Really? Jim invents a weapon so powerful it can kill and Archangel and then places it in the hands of the village idiot.  A nine foot tall village idiot who leads her chief henchman around with a leash.

A Village idiot who put a beatdown an all star cast of immortals, wizards, heroes and monsters all by herself. And the only one she used the Eye on was Mab.

Even if they had known she had it prior to PT, who do you think is badass enough to have gone to the Formor kingdom and taken it from her?

DF Spoilers / Re: Wait, How Did Warden Ramirez Know About...? - From PT
« on: December 16, 2020, 04:41:05 AM »
It's a Spear to anything by Harry's description.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 14, 2020, 05:00:45 PM »
Mab said that he would be free of any faerie influence.

That was before he became the Winter Knight by an entirely new deal.

Being the Winter Knight isn't paying off the old debt, he swore himself to lifetime service in exchange for power.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 14, 2020, 06:06:57 AM »
The deal that started with a debt to Lea may well be finished that way but his oath as Winter Knight isn't part of that deal.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 14, 2020, 01:40:16 AM »
The previous deal is has been superseded. Harry owed a debt that he had to pay by doing three tasks. Mab didn't owe him and him paying his debt wouldn't earn a favor, just free him.

Mab no longer needs to make requests of Harry. He is the Winter Knight now and bound to follow her orders. The deal he made in Changes was for power, time to rescue Maggie and to never be asked to hurt his loved ones. Mab doesn't ask things of Harry that she knows will cause an actual rebellion but she doesn't owe him anything more.

It might be possible for him to collect some of Mab's debts to others but I shudder to think what he'd have to do to get one large enough to escape being Winter Knight.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 13, 2020, 04:32:03 PM »
If TM ends before the wedding with the MM twist then the end of MM will have to resolve it or drag it out in another book. If it ends after the wedding then Harry will still be married after his return from MM.  Changes was a cliffhanger ending. But GS resolved it at the end because we only needed to see what happened to Harry. For MM to affect the wedding we'd have to follow what occurs in both universes through both Harry's and mirror Harry's POV's. So that would make it two books in one. Not saying Jim won't do it but it would be a big departure from the format we've grown used to.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 13, 2020, 10:24:16 AM »
By the end of Twelve Months, Harry could very well be pulled into the MM dimension just before the wedding. We also have Molly doing the party planning, meaning she will probably do what she can do get Harry out of it. So while it is possible that the marriage will happen, it also may not. And even if it does happen, it doesn't mean that they will stay married.

As for a power up for Harry, there is still plenty of time for it. Harry seems to stumble into a variety of things he doesn't mean to get into. The wrestling book would be a very good  possible point for that to happen. He could very well lose the mantle in MMand pick up something new in the power plays of the wrestling book.

Oh, jeez. Just thought of this. Jim said that Harry will be MM Mab's WK just as much as he is Mab's. But I wonder, if Harry does MM Mab a favor, will it count towards the remaining favor owed to Mab?

I think the story will continue in a way that makes Harry's life as complicated as possible. And that's marriage to Lara. I think they'll work out something where they cohabit at each other's places one or two weekends a month for social appearances at most. That way we get Raith family drama, Ebenezar drama, Molly drama and all the little things they'd have to work out to keep up a state marriage.

I also don't think Twelve Months will end on a cliffhanger like Changes. Jim's only done that once before and it was part of the plan. Sucking Harry away from the wedding would make TM and MM into one heavily intertwined story spread across two novels. It would be PT/BG all over again .

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 13, 2020, 01:27:24 AM »
Nah, as I said, the marriage won't last because nothing last for Harry. But to cover the alliance, Thomas becomes the WK. That puts a Raith in service to Mab, tying the WiC and WhC together through Thomas. The marriage is one of Mab's ways to pay off the debt, but not the only way.

This is if they even make it down the aisle to get married, which even that may not happen.

And I can't see it not happening.

I don't think Jim is going to give us the cure for Thomas and Harry's ascension to a new mantle in the course of the next book, especially one that wasn't part of the original plan.

Plus for anyone to become the Winter Knight, they'd either have to kill Harry or come up with some new way of passing mantles that's not Halloween because we know that Harry still has the mantle at Christmas. I can't see Harry getting another powerup before the BAT begins and maybe not until the second book of that even.

And Mab wants Harry as Winter Knight because he's her chosen weapon and he understands the duty his power and her entails since his experience with the mantle. Harry may rail against it but  this wedding isn't a big enough issue to break with Mab over or he'd have done it at the end of BG.

But Mab did give Harry a year to make things different, so all he has to do is come up with something that gives a stronger tie between the courts publicly and privately than a joining of bloodlines entails and that Mab and Lara will go along with.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 12, 2020, 03:32:51 AM »
I don't think I'd put too much stock in the marriage not lasting.

Mab caused this marriage as a way of paying off a debt. I expect she will make them keep the legal status even if Harry and Lara live entirely separate lives. As long as Harry and Lara avoid giving mortal insult to each other's courts and keep their side romances out of the tabloids, she'll be down with it.

Lara wanted the alliance even before the Peace Talks. She won't torpedo the marriage without said provocation.

Poor Harry is oathbound to go through with it but doesn't have to obey Lara's desires any more than she has to obey his. Those should be some very interesting and well lawyered wedding vows on both sides though I expect Harry to get the worst of it because it'll add future drama.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why is Marcone such a heavy magical hitter?
« on: December 06, 2020, 02:39:16 AM »
I don't see Marcone as a magical powerhouse. The things he did take knowledge and practice but not necessarily a lot of power.

He really only did three things.

He made shields that fell apart from one blow from Ethniu. Harry even comments that they're not strong but they are multi-layered and he can do them fast.

He did the teleport. It took him a few moments to set it up and it was fixed to teo points fairly near to one another Again Harry knows that this magic exists, but he doesn't have the knowledge to pull it off.  It must be within his power or the WC wouldn't have blocked the books from him until it trusted his decision making .

Finally, he made the teacup. Again what he did takes knowledge, not power. It's not much different from Ramirez's dissolve attack which Harry says takes little energy.

Frankly I think Marcone is on the same magic level as Butters. Namshiel however is a better teacher than Bob. He has more knowledge and is able to put that knowledge directly into Marcone's thoughts instead of verbally. Butters had Bob for just under two years and couldn't use him 24/7. Namshiel has been with Marcone for 6 years and can teach him in his sleep.

Lash was able to take perfect memories, interpret languages and show Harry how to break spells and gave Harry all this in dribbles as they contested with each other. Marcone willingly took up the coin. He is getting everything Namshiel is willing to give him as fast as he can handle it and Namshiel is supposedly the best magician of the Denarians.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why is Marcone such a heavy magical hitter?
« on: December 05, 2020, 05:40:09 PM »
But they do matter, they number in the thousands and in the early hours of the battle they were critical, not just in info gathering but in battling those flying squid things.  Marcone doesn't have anything like that.

Rock, paper, scissors. Different forces are better at certain things.

Marcone's army of gangsters was able to fend off the Huntsmen because they were an enemy that they could see and keep up with. The Little Folk couldn't have done that as well but they were perfect for scouting and stopping the squid drones.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wait, How Did Warden Ramirez Know About...? - From PT
« on: November 29, 2020, 05:21:45 PM »
The White Council doesn't really have trials. What they have are formal meetings that allow them a salve to the collective conscience of the non-Senior members and for the Senior Council to make political points and on rare occasions find new talent.

 Execute a warlock? Expel an outlaw? That's on the seniors, nothing to do with me, sad about those lost kids though.

 The Seniors get to show that they have the power and authority to run things. They also get to say, " Hey, we've found a rare kid with talent, who's not a total loss. Anybody want to try to save them and add to the WC's power It's ok if you don't cuz we have this insane rule where if they go bad before you finish teaching them you die. See how compassionate and merciful we can be.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: What would the Vord eat, if they won?
« on: November 25, 2020, 04:00:11 PM »
The Vord eat the croach. Remember the Vord Queen served it in those bizarre dinners she had with her captives.

 If they won the battle and eliminated all their enemies, they could drastically reduce their population at the command of the Queen(s).

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