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Messages - frankcesca

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DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:08:34 AM »
Meh, he has the character down well enough, and the Height bit wasnt ever a big part of Butter's character, unlike Murphy and Harry.  I think he could work, though Ill still keep him as a second behind DJ Qualls.

I disagree. The first thing I think of when I word-associate Harry's descriptions of Butters is "the little ME." Then again, just about everyone is little to Harry, including "the little ectomancer" Mort.

As for the actor, no clue. I still go for Moist - Simon Helberg. I don't know if he can do the "scream like a girl" (I haven't seen very much of his work) but he's got the Judaism and the dark hair... and he's five-foot-seven.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:22:27 PM »
Any plans for Jim to hit up Europe? I think I heard London mentioned - how about Berlin? ;D

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:31:37 AM »
Finally! Someone is with me on Ben Barnes.

Also, Jim mentioned Joe Manginello for Michael (I know I've mentioned this before) and Hiddleston for Harry. I'm kinda stuck on those two.

Also, I would like to mention Gina Torres for Terra West.

You're not the first to mention Gina Torrres for Tera West. :)

Also, how about Zachary Quinto for Harry?

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: July 04, 2014, 07:40:12 AM »
OMG, that would be awesome!  To my knowledge (and I'm new here) no - no summaries like that.

However, forum member wardenferry419 did a really cool list of comparisons &/or suggestions (future books) here, under the thread title of "Possible Patterns".  That thread is now locked, however.   :-[

Super cool post; glad you pointed that one out! We could do some fixing now that SG's out. But it's pretty cool how close those summaries were! Wrong character becoming the new KotC, wrong context for Lash and/or Lasciel, but pretty darn close. The subjects were right on the money! How much had Jim already revealed at that point?

Can we either resurrect that thread or I start a new one on similar lines?!

Is there a recent thread on foreshadowing?Confirmed and suspected?,41848.0.html is the most recent one I've seen. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:20:45 PM »
I wanna know if anyone knows or has hypothesized about Jim's two-sentence summaries of every book. I think the hivemind could make awesome and/or hilarious summaries of the books we know, but if there is a record of the official versions, that'd be pretty cool to see, too. Does a thread or record of this already exist?

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:06:17 PM »
She certainly has the build, but can she do intimidating cop?

Not a clue. I sure hope so.

Also, I just watched Backwards (usedta row in college) and.... James Van der Beek could be Harry or Thomas in my book. In fact, when I saw him, I realized it was kind of how I've pictured Harry without even knowing it. I don't know if he can do the rage or darkness, but hey, I like the way he looks!

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DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:40:39 AM »
Also, has anyone ever put forward Stellan Skarsgard for Vadderung/Kringle?

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DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 01, 2014, 03:38:04 PM »
I agree that he doesnt fit the look, and I dont know about the Hellfire Rages, but I will say that in a recentish episode of Castle, when his daughter was kidnapped, he definitely proved he can do frightening dark.  Put a beard on him and I could easily get behind him as a choice for Michael.

My thing about Nathan Fillion is his voice. Michael has to be deep and reassuring. I think Nathan's great, but he just has this nasality no matter who he plays that often grates on my nerves. Anywho, I haven't seen Castle but I could imagine him doing frightening dark. Nasally. :P

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:04:08 PM »
Think J. Morgan would be better as Nick, but definitely witcha on M. Fox...

And while we're on that subject, Samantha Mumba as Tera West.  Yow Wow!

In and IN!

Thanks to the wonders of inflight entertainment, I caught a few more episodes of the Big Bang Theory. I present: Melissa Rauch (Bernadette) for Murphy. Provided she can do a voice other than that high-pitched one.

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DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: July 01, 2014, 11:35:33 AM »
I think he is described as having a British accent but its possible Im assuming that from the overwhelmingly British tone of the Council.  He uses some form of old Germanic for his spells, so that may be were the German came in.

Just reread DB (like, finished it within the last 12 hours), and I thought Morgan's spells were Greek...

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: June 20, 2014, 01:34:31 PM »
Speaking of Harry, I recall a poll a long time ago (from an earlier iteration of this thread) that suggested Nathan Fillion was the best choice for Dresden. I dunno, Harry can be terrifying at times and Fillion has never really scared me (as talented as he is). Has Nathan ever played the villain in something?

Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible, in a manner of speaking? ;)

I agree - Mal takes 15 times as much of a beating as he should be able to, just like Harry, but that's where the resemblance ends for me. His looks aren't angular enough and I don't think he could pull off the super-rages Harry gets into in, say, the Hellfire days.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: June 15, 2014, 12:53:41 PM »
Another thought for Butters - has anyone suggested Simon Helberg yet? (Moist from Dr. Horrible and he plays someone on the Big Bang Theory)

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Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Threads that need to be joined?
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:43:29 AM »
In the spoiler area:
What does Harry do with
(click to show/hide),41861.0.html,41426.0.html

Similar enough, though one's not supposed to be crazy.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:27:06 PM »
Yeah, he's kind of young and pretty to play Butters. He's just now 30.  Also, I hate to harp on the height thing, but he's 5'10".  JB is specific about Butters height - I could give a couple inches leeway, but not 7" (and therefore average height).

I still really like Johnny Galecki for Butters, but if not him then maybe David Krumholtz?

Mr. Universe for Butters?! Yesplz!

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: June 09, 2014, 10:44:46 AM »
Since I binged through Veronica Mars, I've seen Kristen Bell as Karrin in my mind too. I third that nomination.

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Okay, you've won me, too. AND the height's just right!

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